Post-Summit Workshop

For Graduate Students and Postdocs

Sustaining Our Students Doesn’t Mean Emptying Ourselves

Wednesday, May 4 | 3:00 to 4:30 PM
Hotel A Conference Room

As teachers, we often find ourselves struggling with how to balance the needs of the class and students with our own capacity to do the (often unacknowledged and uncompensated) labor necessary to meet those needs. Of course, the last two-plus years of "pandemic pedagogy" have made this balance even more difficult to achieve. This session will both examine the sources of that difficulty and consider strategies to help instructors maintain their own capacity in the face of increasing demands and precarity.

Facilitated by Kevin Gannon, 2022 Summit Keynote Speaker; Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Director & Professor of History, Grand View University

Please note that registration for this workshop is separate. Register using the button below.