This is digital literacy.
A playlist.

Curation is cool. A quiz.

Inquiry Question / Focused Guiding Questions

How might teaching students how to curate online resources contribute to their sense of wonder and engagement as well as develop their critical thinking skills? How can we as teachers help students to curate resources on digital literacy? Does helping students become digital curators make them better learners and more critical thinkers?

2022 SIDL Final Inquiry Template - Link to Planning Guide

Paul's planning guide for "This is digital literacy."

Kelsey's "Finding the Cool in Curation"

Who We Are

My name is Paul Cook, and I'm an English professor at Indiana University Kokomo and co-host of the Digital Gardening podcast. I am a rhetoric and composition scholar and writing teacher by training, but since 2018 I have been fascinated obsessed with digital literacy and how to teach students to become more effective and more mindful consumers of information online (and elsewhere). This my first year at the Summer Institute in Digital Literacy as a Tier 1 participant. Follow me on Twitter at @paulgeecook and check out my website at

My name is Kelsey Hammer, and I'm the Digital Literacy and Multimedia Production Librarian at the University Libraries at Virginia Tech. Previously, I was a Digital Literacy Fellow at the Undergraduate Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My interests include ideation, design, mental health awareness, GIF studies, and more. This my first year at the Summer Institute in Digital Literacy as a Tier 1 participant. You can find me on Twitter at @kel_hammer and follow the amazing work happening at Virginia Tech at

This is digital literacy. The playlist. The quiz.

The TIDL protocol for digital curation + Flexible Use Approaches

Project Reflection Videos


Daily Flipgrid Reflections