Speaker/Poster instructions

Poster instructions

  • Posters should use portrait A0 format: 118.9 cm in height and 84.1 cm in width.

  • Poster boards will be available on spot.

  • Authors are responsible for poster setup and removal.

Speaker guidelines

Thanks for coming to speak at the event on Friday. The final program is now on the website. Please note the time given to each speaker and also the topic of the speakers before you. To avoid time lost due to change overs and laptops not working, please have your presentation on a memory stick or send the presentation link to shih@ini.uzh.ch as backup. We can also put your presentations on one laptop. We will be strict with the time limits so please keep your presentation to the allocated time.

On the morning of the event, you can check from 9.30am till 9.50am (or lunch time for the afternoon speakers) if your laptop works with the setup in the lecture hall so we can avoid delays.

We will be taking pictures of the event so we can put them in the report and we will post some on the website. Let me know if this is a problem. If anyone would also like to have a poster presentation, let us know. Also if you have any other questions or need more directions to the lecture hall.