STT 481 Capstone in Statistics

M / W / F, 1:50-2:40 pm, Olds Hall 109


Chih-Li Sung


office: C418 Wells Hall

office hours: 10:00-11:00 am M/W and by appointment.


(Announcements and lecture notes are post on D2L)


Statistical capstone experiences are essential for statisticians to perform an in-depth analysis of real-world data. Capstone experiences can develop statistical thinking by engaging in a consulting-like experience that requires skills outside the scope of traditional courses: defining a complex problem, analyzing data, building a strong team, and communicating effectively. In this course, selected readings and projects will be given to illustrate special problems encountered by professional statisticians in their roles as consultants, educators, and analysts.

This course covers the following topics:

  1. problem formulation

  2. advanced statistical modeling, preliminary data analysis, and machine learning

  3. Statistical software (R)

  4. thorough and elaborate statistical analyses of data

  5. final presentation and data visualization




(STT 442 or approval of department) and completion of Tier I writing requirement

Software: R and Rstudio