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Beadwork by Jeanine Lomaintewa 

(UCSB Undergraduate AIISA Student)


 "Through the actions of colonialism, indigenous communities faced hardships and pain. Our ancestors were forced away from their homelands in order to satiate their greed and need for domination. The boarding schools had almost been successful in removing the identity of multiple indigenous communities, yet we are still here. Slowly, indigenous communities are building back and revitalizing their culture and slowly accepting their identities. This pair of beaded shoes are a representation of modern times. That the Indian did not die during the boarding school era but rather thrived and adapted towards society. The shoes are a symbol of adaptation and resilience.

Although identity remains to be an issue for many who have been impacted by the colonization and boarding school era, acceptance and healing is a process that we all must navigate. I included the 4 medicine circle colors: white, black, red, and yellow. It represents the mind, body, emotions, and spirituality. Without any of the four, the circle is incomplete. These shoes are a symbol of healing and acceptance.

As we walk this earth, we must walk with pride. We owe it to ourselves and our ancestors who persevered through these trials to accept our identities and recognize that we are 'STILL HERE.'"