February 2021

Black History Month

at Northeastern University–San Francisco, Silicon Valley

Join us during the month of February to learn more about Black history and culture through music, food, art and reading.

Black History Month is about showing respect and recognition for the hard work of and sacrifices made by African Americans and the pan-Afro community, while celebrating their accomplishments and contributions. As the former President Obama puts it:

"It’s about the lived, shared experience of all African Americans, high and low, famous and obscure, and how those experiences have shaped and challenged and ultimately strengthened America. It’s about taking an unvarnished look at the past so we can create a better future. It’s a reminder of where we as a country have been so that we know where we need to go."

Here at the Northeastern San Francisco and Silicon Valley regional campuses, we'll be highlighting Black culture, food and landmarks as well as host a karaoke event to bring us together as a community and to continue educating ourselves about Black History.

Diversity, equity and inclusion are foundational values at Northeastern University. While we bring awareness to and celebrate Black history and excellence, we must continue to educate ourselves on the Black experience.

We invite you to start or continue the conversation on the SFBA All Students Teams channel.

Black Karaoke

Sing, Listen and Discuss Black music!

Black History Monuments

Explore Historic and Cultural Monuments Around the Bay Area

Support Black Businesses

Explore Soul Food from the Bay Area and Support Black Businesses

Black Books

Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels
Educate Yourself about Black History

All events will be held remotely until further notice.