2021 October Math Symposium at UNC Charlotte

Hosted by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics

and sponsored by the School of Data Science

This 2-day symposium is an annual meeting focusing on Math research and education. The goal of this event is to strengthen communication & collaboration of mathematical researchers, and to provide a networking opportunity for students and faculty with our alumni. We hope you join us!

ABSTRACTS of talks can be found at here.

DAY 1: Friday October 15, 4 pm - 7 pm in Fretwell 113 (in-person)

  • Dr Robert J Thomas: Principal Research Physicist and the Technical Advisor for the Bioeffects Division within the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL): AFRL opportunities for students and faculty at 4 pm

  • Alumni Panel Discussion on Math Degrees and Careers Opportunities at 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm

Breana Williams: Reinsurance Analyst with CRL and Senior Underwriter at County Reinsurance

Grayson Dill: Senior Vice President at Bank of America

Safi Nasereldeen: Finance & Insurance at Sonic Automotive

Diego Caceres: Actuarial Assistant at Resolution Life

  • Networking and Dinner at 5:30 pm

DAY 2: Saturday October 16, 9 am - 5 pm via zoom (East time zone)

Opening speaker (9:10- 9:40 am)

Keynote speakers (9:45-10:30 am and 1:15-2:00 pm)

Poster competition (12:00- 1:00 pm) (https://uncc.zoom.us/j/92854044878)

  • Each participant has 5 minute to introduce themselves and their posters.

  • The names of participants and titles of posters for the poster session can be here .

STEM alumni and career outreach (3:40-4:50 pm) (organized by Dr Wafaa Shaban, Dr Helen Li)

(zoom: https://uncc.zoom.us/j/92854044878)

Speakers can be found at alumni speakers page.

Morning Parallel Sessions (10:40-11:55 am)

  • Data Science in Finance (organized by Dr Aziz Issaka and Dr Adriana Ocejo Monge)

(zoom: https://uncc.zoom.us/j/94710126731 )

  • Recent advances in dimension reduction and graphical models (organized by Dr Eliana Christou)

(zoom: https://uncc.zoom.us/j/94503010349 )

  • Student Research (organized by Dr Qinging Zhou, Dr Helen Li)

(zoom: https://uncc.zoom.us/j/92854044878)

Afternoon Parallel Sessions (2:15 -3:30 pm)

  • Applied Dynamic System (organized by Dr Aziz Issaka and Dr Helen Li)

(zoom: https://uncc.zoom.us/j/92854044878)

  • Statistics and its applications (organized by Dr Yinghao Pan, Dr Qingning Zhou)

(zoom: https://uncc.zoom.us/j/97176124774)

Poster Winner and Ending remarks of this one day workshop (4:45 pm-5:00 pm)

(zoom: https://uncc.zoom.us/j/92854044878)

Organizers: Department of mathematics and statistics, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Taufiquar Khan taufiquar.khan@uncc.edu (Department chair)

Wafaa Shaban washaban@uncc.edu, Sarah Hornbeck srhornbe@uncc.edu

William Brian wbrian@uncc.edu, Duan Chen Duan.Chen@uncc.edu,

Eliana Christou echris15@uncc.edu, Michael Grabchak, mgrabcha@uncc.edu,

Aziz Issaka aissaka@uncc.edu, Shaoyu Li Shaoyu.Li@uncc.edu,

Xingjie Helen Li xli47@uncc.edu, Kevin McGoff kmcgoff1@uncc.edu,

Adriana Ocejo Monge adriana.ocejo@uncc.edu, Loc Nguyen, loc.nguyen@uncc.edu,

Yinghao Pan ypan8@uncc.edu, Arindam Roy Arindam.Roy@uncc.edu,

Qingning Zhou qzhou8@uncc.edu,