High schools


1)[ENG][JPN] 立命館宇治中学校・高等学校Rit’s eco time!

私たちRit's eco time!は、立命館宇治高等学校IMコースの3年生徒4人で構成されたグループです。私たちの目的は、日本人の環境問題に対する意識の低さを改善することで、そのためにラジオでさまざまな環境問題について情報を発信しています。ラジオはFM宇治さんの協力を得て、毎週金曜日5時ころから、宇治市、城陽市、久御山市に放送されています。放送は、全20回を予定しており、地球温暖化、プラスチックゴミ問題、フードロス、エネルギー問題の4つに絞って宇治市を中心に京都府内の情報をインタビューやリサーチを通して集めています。私たちが現在抱える問題は、情報を発信したあとにリスナーの反響を入手、計測できないことです。計測可能な反響を得られることを期待してインスタグラムへの投稿を行っていますが、効果を感じられていないのが現状です。FOCUSでは、計測可能な反響の得かたや活動の拡散の仕方につい議論を深めたいと思っています。

Rit’s eco time is a group that is made out of four third year students in Ritsumeikan Uji High School IM course. Our purpose of our action is to improve people’s awareness towards environmental issues in Japan, and we are presenting information related to various kinds of environmental issues though a radio program. With the cooperation of FM Uji in Uji city, our radio is broadcasted in Uji city, Joyo city, and Kumiyama city every Fridays from around 5 p.m. We have planned 20 episodes for our radio program, and we are going to focus on global warming, plastic waste issue, fool waste issue, and the issue of sustainable energy. We are collecting information from research and interviewing people in Kyoto, especially in Uji. The problem we have right now is that we do not have a way to collect the reaction of the listeners and analyze them after releasing the radio episode. We expected to have a measurable reaction by posting our radio clip on Instagram, however, it was a failure. We are expecting to come up with a good idea of a way to collect a measurable reaction from the listeners, and a way to promote our action to get more listeners in FOCUS.

2)[ENG][JPN] 立命館宇治中学校・高等学校ジェンダーフリーな社会へTo make our society gender free


Our goal to make better society is to make it gender free. There are many gender biases in this community for long time. For example, women do housework, and men work at outside. Especially in Japan, biases remain strong. About 70 percent of houses, women do more housework than men. Cooking is the hardest thing in the housework. Because of these biases, there are a lot of people in need. We hope we can help them. Our plan to help them is to make well-nourished supper and deliver to their house for their children, so they do not have to worry when they are busy at work and they cannot cook for their children. Some people do not want to come to their house when their children are alone. That is why we have a restaurant and nursery so the children can eat well-nourished supper with keeping them safely. From this, we think that we can lighten the burden of childcare and household chores as much as possible. Although, we could not think one more idea for help women who work hard and do childcare, so please help us to think another idea.

3)[ENG][JPN] 立命館宇治中学校・高等学校Plaearth 目指せ!宇治市のプラスチックゴミ削減


We are the Plaearth, a group of 5 IM third-year students from Ritsumeikan Uji High School. Having Uji City as the base of our activities, we are working to raise awareness of the plastic waste problem among Japanese people. In Japan today, individual plastic emissions are ranked second in the world, and low awareness of the plastic waste problem is a huge problem. Such plastic waste can hurt sea turtles and many fish by flowing them into the ocean. In order to solve this situation, we would like to plan a collaboration with stores in Ujibashi shopping street and an online lecture as an action we are currently thinking about. We also want to do crowdfunding and make eco-bags and furoshiki that promote Uji. In order to ensure the success of such activities, I would like to find ways to create a larger movement through this 3rd All Japan High School Student SR Summit, FOCUS, from various perspectives with colleagues all over the country. Thank you!

4)[ENG][JPN] 立命館宇治中学校・高等学校:WAKKA project 2020

立命館宇治高等学校IMコースでは探求科目としてGLS(Global Leadership Studies)の授業を3年間にわたり実施しています。高校3年ではGLS 3rdステージとして、自分が解決したいと思う社会問題に様々な視点から焦点をあて、問題解決に向け、アクションを起こし、これからの社会へと貢献する精神と物事を生み出す力を養う授業展開をしてきました。



The IM course has a class called Global Leadership Studies. Students deal with social issues and try to contribute to solve the social issue that they are interested in. We would like to use this opportunity to turn our eyes on people around the world and work for achieving the world with no underprivileged people. We are team WAKKA. The members of this team are seven students in the IM course. This project has been inherited from 2016. The concept of our group is to connect with teenagers around the world to change the world through education. This year, we decided to focus on supporting educational issues in Laos. There are many children in Laos who cannot go to junior high and high school. To support such children, we decided to financially support Sakagumo Dormitory. Sakagumo dormitory has many

students who have a strong desire to study, but cannot go to school because of the financial situation of their families. We believe that we should have a fund-raising campaign in the public to send money to the dormitory. Our money enables the dormitory to accept more children in Laos.

5)[JPN] 宮崎県立飯野高等学校えびの市を理想郷に!~地域起業プロジェクト~




city of the yawn to the utopia!~A local entrepreneur project

We are thinking of entrepreneur while high school students. Among them, I'm thinking of creating new jobs that can brighten up the future of the local city! Since the summer vacation, I've been active, I've been active and I've been thinking about 100 companies, individuals, and the shapes of the future of the city in the group! The theme has been decided while we're talking! It became a theme that I've been to once in Japan's paradise-a life. At first, I was trying to be an ideal city, but the city of yawn is rich and the rice is very famous! So I thought it would be natural, because if you get urbanisation, the image of nature is going to weaken. We all thought about this kind of entrepreneur that would be a little closer to the subject!I'd like to expert specialize in the city 's famous rice, hot spring, rice, rice shop, rice shop, rice, hot water, hot water, and soaks to experience beauty grocery that we can experience with rice and rice!

6)[JPN] 福知山成美高等学校“理解ある社会に”ジェンダーギャップを越えて~幸せを還元させよう!!





“Better Understanding Society”

Beyond the Gender Gap ~ To Create and Share Happiness

We, Class 2-10 students at Fukuchiyama Seibi High School have been learning about various discriminations such as gender discrimination. Focusing on our slogan, “Better Understanding Society”.

We created two questionnaires for our entire school, roughly 1000 participants including both teachers and students Asking whether or not they knew about SDGs and the associated gender problems. We found that about 75% of participants didn’t.

Therefore, we believe that we need to spread the information about SDGs and gender problems. So, we made leaflets and passed them out to better inform everyone. We will continue to make these leaflets and questionnaires on a regular basis.

In addition, our own understandings about these issues were deepened after listening to Mr. Atsushi Morita from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A leading voice of SDGs and gender problems in Japan.

We were able to compare the current situation in Japan and foreign countries as well.

From today on, we plan to continue spreading the importance of SDGs with the help of our city, and we will strive to enlighten everyone’s mind. We will live up to our slogan of, “Better Understanding Society.”

7)[JPN] MIHO美学院中等教育学校Change your values ~タグの力で子どもたちに幸せを~

Change your values ~タグの力で子どもたちに幸せを~



Change your values
~Power of tag makes the children happy~

Our team members would like to solve social problems in the world. So, we think that changing our values is the most important. If we do not change our values, we cannot solve different problems in society. We all have something in common to give poor people a better life. We also think that by selling clothes from fashion companies, the revenue gained from this can be donated to children who are in need.

So, we decided to make tags which have messages. We want some companies to put these tags that we make on their clothes. In addition, the companies give the children who can’t get fair wages their income. By doing that, the children don’t have to work so hard and more children will be able to go to school. This project is able to be provide children who work in other companies that don’t have clothes with tags money. So, this could be circulation. The companies that don’t make children work will increase more. We will keep trying to complete this project.

8)[JPN] かえつ有明中学校・高等学校グローバル価値観貿易


Through our school trip to Cambridge, and the study abroad opportunities that some of us had the chance to experience, we have felt an unconscious resistance toward communicating with foreign people. But we believe that in the near future, the ability to communicate across national borders would become a basic skill for a better society. Although we learn English at school; yet in the Japanese education; we feel the insufficiency of opportunities to put our english skills to practice. That is the main reason why we decided to start up this project. The main idea of this project is to hold an international online meeting, on topics where our mindsets and basic values will be evaluated, like philosophical topics and topics on social problems. Through this international conference, we hope we can together find meaning and joy in communicating across language barriers.

9)[ENG][JPN] 福井県立福井商業高等学校発見!偏見!ジェンダーギャップ in school

発見!偏見!ジェンダーギャップ in school



We’ve Found Prejudice and Gender Gap in School!

Today, the gender gap is becoming a social problem and it can be found even in schools.

For example, it is difficult for girls to become the leader of student councils, committee, and cheer squad. In fact, the results of a recent survey showed that many of the respondents have the opinion that boys were more suited to be leaders than girls. This opinion is one of inequality caused by prejudice and stereotypes.

In addition, the fact that girls are scolded for manners just because they are being girls and boys tend to be scolded more severely than girls are also an indication of stereotypical perceptions of each gender.

However, there is no difference between males and females in terms of unity and humanity, and each person have an excellent individuality regardless of gender. Also, it is not good to change how we scold based on gender because standards of bad manners are the same for both boys and girls.

Therefore, we conclude that gender equality should be achieved regardless of physical characteristics.

10)[JPN] 石川県立金沢泉丘高等学校Fairy TaleでFair Trade

Fairy TaleでFair Trade


Consumers of fair Trade items have been steadily growing, but Japan’s share in the world Fair Trade market is still small compared to the western market. Japan’s consumption rate is only 1.7 percent globally. In Japan, students are learning about Fair Trade and their awareness is rising. Even though awareness is rising, Fair Trade purchases are still low. This might suggest that Fair Trade awareness does not necessarily result in actual purchases.

The purpose of this study is to encourage consumers to purchase Fair Trade products in Japan. To motivate consumers to buy more Fair Trade products, we are planning to give cooking lessons online. The target audience are children and their parents. We will introduce some sweets using Fair Trade products and show where we can get those products in Ishikawa so that the participants can buy Fair Trade products and make the dishes by themselves later on. To raise the children’s awareness about Fair Trade, we will also read the picture book about Fair Trade in the program. We made the picture book ourselves. Through these activities, we hope that we can increase people’s awareness of Fair Trade and inspire action in their daily lives.

11)[JPN] 松商学園高等学校貧困問題を身近なところから



Poverty issue from immediate place

Today in Japan one in seven children is in relative poverty. Therefore we are promoting activities with the goal of opening cafeteria for children which focus on eliminating the poverty listed in SDGs. We are considering about opening the children’s cafeteria by getting cooperation of local people in our home town as a first try. Getting along with this activity, we are going to work on food less reduction. More specifically, we will offer meals by using vegetables that local formers dispose of. Through this activity, we will send the situation where Japan is placed today by using mass media such as news paper company. As a reselt, we would like local people to have interest in about children suffering from poverty and to have a opportunity to act. “children’s cafeteria” also has a role in offering the opportunity to communicate for local people. For the reasons mentioned above, we believe that our activities will not only alleviate the poverty problem but also revitalize the region.

12)[JPN] 東京都立白鷗高等学校・附属中学校東京浅草の三社祭を災害に強い祭りへ!




Make Sanja Matsuri resilient to disasters

While Tokyo Metropolitan Hakuo High School is promoting globalization, you can feel the old-fashioned downtown atmosphere of Asakusa and Ueno. At our school, we divided into groups to explore various historical festivals in the Asakusa and Ueno districts, and devised suggestions for the issues found.

Our group explored Sanja Matsuri, which takes place every May. Sanjya Matsuri is a big festival that represents Asakusa. Sanjya Matsuri has been going on since 1312 so it has a very long history. The god of Asakusa Shrine is called Sanjyasama. Locals carry portable shrines to show Sanjyasama the state of Asakusa at this festival. The feature of Sanjya Matsuri is that there is a long history built from a really old time. 1.8 million people are expected to join this festival every single year and it’s been really spirited. Therefore, we themed the disaster countermeasures based on the crowds. It is said that there aren't sufficient disaster countermeasures of the Sanja Matsuri yet, so we'd like to consider the evacuation and countermeasures in the crowded situation. We will be verifying the information provision though Internet resources and cooperation with the local community.

13)[JPN] 東京都立白鷗高等学校・附属中学校東京浅草サンバカーニバルを盛り上げろ!




Liven up the Tokyo Asakusa Samba Carnival!!

We will recommend and suggest ways to better develop the ASAKUSA SAMBA PARADOCONTEST. It is a summer tradition in Asakusa. The goal of our project is inform people from all over the country about the Asakusa Samba Carnival and bring it to life to it. The event has taken place since 1998 and it has 500 thousand visitors! The number of the participating teams is increasing including the Brazilian teams. Also, the dances are judged by the native Brazilians.

There are unfortunately problems with the carnival. We identified the following five issues; heat, noise, the large scale of event, the crowded venue, and songs. To solve these issues, we propose four ideas. Firstly, making it possible to hold the event for two days only in the morning. Secondly, to hold it in September instead of August. Thirdly, dispersing the venues nationwide. Finally, to introduce the songs with the school chimes as a signal. We will discuss the feasible measures based on the perspective of both the audience and the organizer.

14)[JPN] 市川中学校・高等学校福島の復興考える








Reconstruction of Fukushima

Ten years have passed since Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident occurred, and now we are thinking what we could do for it. Then, we decided to research what is happening at Nuclear Power Station now and tackle against the problem. We went to Fukushima Education Camp in 2018 for our club activity, and we learned about the accident and the present situation in Fukushima.

This is what we felt

・There are many problems left about the earthquake and the nuclear power stations, but many people don’t know about it

・The problem is serious than we think

・We maintain the status quo, but it is irresponsible and it doesn’t help

We thought that we could do something for this problem, so we decided to participate in this program.

Also, we could not find out any specific counter plans, so we want to find plans by talking with other high school students.

15)[ENG][JPN] 市川中学校・高等学校高校生の手指消毒の意識改革






Improving high schoolers’ motivation towards hand sanitizing

As schools have started again, we highly regarded the importance of hand sanitizing, and decided to put our motivation into numbers. Because fewer and fewer people are getting infected these days, our awareness of COVID-19 is getting less and less.therefore, we strongly believe that as a high schooler, the main target concerned, we might be able to make the situation better,

What we actually did is listed below.

・measuring the amount of disinfection liquid used per different variable (Ex) placing stuffed animals, and seeing how many more people showed interest

・conducting an attitude survey of 450 students

From these experiments and examinations, we hope to raise awareness together, and interact with other schools.

16)[JPN] 福岡雙葉高等学校:Food Net~無駄を減らそう~

Food Net~無駄を減らそう~




Food Net~Reduce Waste~

We work on SGH activity to become a global person. Recently, there have been many big damages. Because of natural disasters such as a typhoon. For Example, many farms throw away food. Only because they get scratched. Then, we actually interviewed Uemura Farm in Ukiha city. The farm takes measures to reduce food loss problems. For example, they harvest grapes after accepting an order. However because of the lack of people, they have not dealt with food loss. Therefore we would like to make a site which connects a farmer and a local restaurant.The farmer can put information about products that can't sell for certain reasons. On the other hand, local restaurant owners can put the information about ingredients needed. In this way, we want to reduce the amount of food loss.

17)[JPN] 福岡雙葉高等学校Turn uninterested into interested

Turn uninterested into interested



Since 2016, voting rights have been granted to people over the age of 18. Since then, young people’s lowering of awareness about elections and politics has been advocated. Though, how many Japanese citizens understand the importance of it? Unfortunately, even those who are called working people are not interested in political participation. We feel a sense of crisis. So this time, the goal is to raise awareness of the election and we want to solve the problem.

We are going to solve these problems by searching for reasons why the attention for politics are decreasing, comparing with European's or investigating the origin of the matter. We want to solve these problems fundamentally. This is “PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS” of SDGs in an aim to lead to the achievement, and think that contribute to realization to sustainable society because we have consciousness for politics.

18)[ENG][JPN] 長崎県立長崎東中学校・高等学校SDGsを基にした国際的な課題探究



Research of SDGs related world issues

Our school has put an emphasis on learning about world problems related to SDGs and discussing possible solutions to these very important issues through our WWL: World Wide Learning Program. Students in the 11th grade are divided into about 70 teams and each group researches a topic they are interested in. Examples of some research topics that we have been studying are: 1) Marine plastics pollution: to be more specific, we are thinking about how we can stop the pollution of plastics. 2) Providing education to promote healthy personal hygiene practice in a country: hand washing is not a common practice in some developing countries for various reasons, we plan to make a video which explains the importance of maintaining a healthy personal hygiene, and we hope to share this video with several countries. 3) Improving school bus schedule by using AI: We got some (ridership) data from the bus company (contracted by our school). By analyzing this data, we have to make a more efficient bus schedule. 4) Thinking about peace from an economic perspective or thinking about the relationship between peace and economics. We plan to compare the economic growth rate in a certain country before and after it acquired nuclear weapons.

19)[JPN] 愛媛県立三崎高等学校せんたんuna~チーム・ろぼっとカフェ~


SENTAN una~Team robot Cafe~

Misaki High School is the only high school in Ikata-cho. Ikata-cho has serious problems that a lot of students a lot of students transfer to urban areas after graduating from the high school taking the opportunities of entrance into a school of higher grade and the employment, which causes the decrease in the number of the enrollment in our school. Therefore, we have been doing "Rising Misaki" a regional activity since 6 years ago in order to increase the number of the emigration, the permanent residents of Ikatacho and the increase of the enrollment to our school. As a result, the number of students who entered this school doubled from the last year in this year, and 18 students entered Misaki high school from the outside the prefecture. We “una ”are the new generation of NEW Misaki high school. In this project, we will carry out “Misakou Cafe" as the new Misaki High School project for securing of the stable enrollment and the number of the emigration, the permanent residents in future. As for this cafe, we get the support of a Japanese foundation "Change For the Blue" and sell the original product which a high school student will create once a month. Moreover, we will utilize remote robot "OriHime" of the Ori research institute and a high school student of urban areas can make the use of internship opportunity.

20)[JPN] 東明館中学校・高等学校ひまわりプロジェクト~いじめと虐待を減らそう~




The sunflower project

Recently, we have seen some news about domestic violence and bullying. We think national organization doesn't do enough about it and it causes the people's smile decreased. Therefore, we who have experience of been bullying and on the receiving end of violence tried to build ideas with psychology for the most part and the objective and subjective views. In fact, we asked psychologists and counselors, also looking at victims of violence point of view. And we decided to ask perpetrators and included their ideas in the process of building ideas for preventing bullying and violence happening. The reason why we included perpetrators ideas is I wanted to match states of both of victims and perpetrators. It's said that it's impossible for us to eliminate bullying and violence in the world, but I feel decreasing cases is possible. Although we are limited in what we can do until we are students, we announce a project named <Himawari project> with effort and hope that the world is full of smile. I think if our idea makes someone change their mind, this project will become meaningful project taking advantage of FOCUS

21)[JPN] 東明館中学校・高等学校COVID-19 ~未来を守るために~

COVID-19 ~未来を守るために~



COVID-19~To protect the future~

Many of the major pandemic events that have occurred so far have changed social systems, politics, ways of life and working, and a new society has emerged.After this coronavirus is over, it is thought that it will change to a new society.And right now, the information society is rapidly becoming IT and the information society is progressing.Therefore, it is necessary to think about how society will change in the future, adapt to the times, and make it a better society.    It is important to solve and improve the problems caused by the coronavirus, rather than leave them as problems.Currently, we are working to solve the problems and challenges of coronavirus not only in Japan but also around the world.We are going to announce that we have considered solutions and improvement measures.

22)[JPN] 愛媛大学附属高等学校グローカルな人材を目指すため、今できること



What you can do now to become a glocal human resource

As an SGH school, our school has many activities that develop us, the students, into glocal human resources. We have an international exchange program with high school students in other countries that has been going on for many years, but we cannot do it now because of COVID 19. Alternatively, the international exchange between Ehime University high school students and foreign students are being conducted online. Because of this, opportunities for exchange have increased remarkably. For example, we, the second graders, had an online cross-cultural interaction with foreign students in agriculture class. We introduce a part of the class. Meanwhile, the first graders worked on a research based on SDGs. They introduce a “sightseeing strategy” which aims to address SDGs and local problems.

Work and lifestyle changed during the COVID 19 pandemic. How do we cope with this? We would like to think about the challenges of cross-cultural communication and local research and discuss possible solutions with you.

23)[ENG][JPN] 立命館中学校・高等学校:食べ残し その一杯で世界が変わる

食べ残し その一杯で世界が変わる

日本の食品廃棄物等は年間2,550 万t で、そのうち食べられるのに捨てられている食品「食品ロス」の量は年間612 万t になっています。これは日本人1人あたりが毎日お茶碗1 杯分のご飯を捨てているのと同じ量になるのです。これは、世界中で飢餓に苦しむ人々に向けた世間の食料援助量の1.6 倍に相当します。

私たちはポスターでの呼びかけ、食べ残し人数のカウント、グラフ作成、そして “Meal for Refugees” の4 つの取り組みを学校で行います。実際にこれらの取り組みを通して本校の生徒たちに食品ロスと貧困・飢餓の現状を知ってもらいたいと思っています。

私たちが目指す理想の社会は、食品ロス0、そして飢餓0の社会です。私たちが残すその1 杯が世界のどこかで苦しんでいる誰かの命を救えるかもしれない。このことを多くの人に知ってもらい、行動に移してもらうことが私たちの目標です。

The leftovers – the cup can save the world –

The amount of food waste in Japan is 22.5 million tons per year, and the amount of “food loss” that is thrown away even though the food is edible is 6.12 million tons per year. This is the same amount as one bowl of rice per Japanese person thrown away every day. That’s 1.6 times the amount of food aid the world gives to the starving people around the world.

We have four initiatives in our school: a poster campaign, counting the number of the students who left over food, the comparison between before and after the counting, and “Meal for Refugees”. Though these initiatives, we hope to make our students learn more about food loss and the current state of poverty and hunger.

Our ideal society is the one where there is zero food loss and zero hunger. The cup of food we leave behind could save the life of someone somewhere in the world who is suffering. Our goal is to make as many people as possible know this and take actions.

24)[JPN] 筑波大学附属坂戸高等学校トカイナカに着目した地域創生






Regional revitalization focusing on “Tokainaka”

We are working to create a community in Yoshikawa City, Saitama Prefecture, which is neither a city nor a countryside. In rural areas, we are working on the urgent need for community development, but we believe that it will become even more necessary for the “Tokainaka” region to work on community development.

Many local governments think it can't be helped that the population will decrease in the future. Therefore, we focused on U-turns and J-turns as countermeasures against population outflow. Furthermore, some say that young people's love of their hometowns and knowledge of local companies by high school students will lead to U-turns in the future.

We decided to work in Yoshikawa City because we thought that there would be many U-turners in the future in Yoshikawa City, where many community resources are scattered and the population of children is large.

We are currently working on a joint action plan with Yoshikawa. City Hall. First of all, we are planning to create a new catch-phrase for Yoshikawa. City and rediscover the attractions of Yoshikawa City by junior high and high school students using SNS. From now on, we are thinking of engaging elementary, junior high and high school students involved in Yoshikawa. City in order to foster local love.

25)[ENG][JPN] 大妻中野中学校・高等学校制服リサイクル


私たちは大妻中野高校ING部です。INGとはInfinity Next Generationの略で、持続可能な社会の実現のために私達ができることを実践していきたいという願いが込められています。



Otsuma Nakano “ING” Uniform Recycling and Donation Project

We are the representative students from the ING” club from Otsuma Nakano. ING is the abbreviation for “Infinity Next Generation”, and it presents our wish to put into practice what we can do to realize sustainable society.

 We are eagerly committed to conduct a project called "Uniform Recycling Mission,” which aims to do what we can do to realize a sustainable society. At this school, junior high school and high school students wear different uniforms, and they have many shirts and skirts to wear as our uniforms every day. Therefore, after graduating from junior high school or high school, more than 400 uniforms will be discarded every year. So, we ask students to donate relatively clean uniforms that can still be used. We sell them to current enrolled students, and donate the profits to organizations overseas to support them. Last year, we donated 18,000 yen to the “Dodek Foundation”, which supports the independence of Thai street children.

Through our participation in FOCUS 2020, we would like to acquire many innovative perspectives of high school students from all over the country and realistic ideas of business companies. We believe the experience to share ideas and emotions with FOCUS will make our ING project a sustainable and influential activity that contributes to the achievement of the SDGs

26)[ENG][JPN] 大妻中野中学校・高等学校誰もが自分らしくいられる世界への第一歩



Our Step Builds the World Where Everyone Can Be Themselves

Over the last few years, we’ve come to hear the word “genderless” more often. While there are gender gaps and discriminations against people of different genders, we felt that we could be a part of building a better future. Since all of us has had an experience in living abroad, we strongly felt the difference in the consciousness about “individuality”.

As a step into building a genderless world, we decided to focus into school uniforms. In our school, we are only allowed to wear skirts in both middle school and high school. Considering how only having the choice to wear a skirt is applying pressure on students to fit into this one certain gender and no individuality, we want to broaden the choices of our school uniforms. Our main goal is for our school to allow slacks pants and or gaucho pants as an alternative to skirts. Bringing in the genderless uniforms will not only bring globalization in terms of language, but also in terms of genders. We hope to be able to seek freedom of sexual choices through this project.

27)[JPN] 岡山学芸館高等学校多文化共生社会を目指して


現在、日本の在留外国人の数は約294万人、日本の総人口の2%にあたる方々が日本で生活しており“世界第4位の移民大国”といわれている。技能実習生制度の改正や日本における少子化傾向を鑑みると、今後更に在留外国人の数が増えるのは想像に容易である。一方で日本は多文化共生の受け入れ側のプラットフォームが出来ていないと感じる。文化や習慣に対して理解がない、災害発生時の在留外国人へ配慮が行われてない、地域住民とのかかわりが薄く社会のコミュニティに入りにくいなどが例に挙げられる。現在、これらの問題の解決にあたって試案しているのは “使いやすさ・分かり易さ”に特化したハラールマップ、防災リーフレットなどを作成することで安心して日本で生活をできる環境を整えるお手伝いをさせてもらうこと、日本語学校を地域の方との交流の場にすることで社会とのつながりを感じてもらえるような仕組みを作ることである。様々な調査を行いながら持続可能な最善の方法を模索していこうと考えている。

Aiming for a multicultural society

Currently, the number of foreign residents in Japan is about 2.94 million, and 2% of Japan's total population lives in Japan, and it is said to be the "fourth largest immigrant country in the world." Considering the revision of the technical intern training system and the declining birthrate in Japan, it is easy to imagine that the number of foreign residents will increase further in the future. On the other hand, we feel that Japan has not created a platform for accepting multicultural coexistence. Examples include a lack of understanding of culture and customs, a lack of consideration for foreign residents in the event of disaster, and weak involvement with local residents, making it difficult for them to enter the social community. Currently, we are planning to solve these problems by creating halal maps, disaster prevention leaflets, etc. that specialize in "ease of use and comprehension" to help create an environment where people can live in Japan with peace of mind. By doing these things, and making the Japanese language schools a place for interaction with local people, we will create a system that allows people to feel a connection with society. We are searching for the best sustainable method while conducting various surveys.

28)[JPN] 岡山学芸館高等学校「子ども食堂」で地域全ての人を繋げる~高校生の私達にできること~




Connecting All the people in the Community with the “Kodomo Shokudo” – What We Can Do as High School Students –

Japan is a wealthy country in Japan. Many people will answer so. However, this is what they see from the perspective of absolute deprivation. From perspective of relative poverty, Japan results in 7th high rate in OECD Member country. It goes without saying global challenges, but we will also take a look at local challenges, and try to find what we high school students can do. It is “Kodomo Shokudo”, the dining room for children that we focus on as a solution of child poverty. The dining room was first opened in 2012, and found 3,718 places in 2019. We think of using a club in high schools as means of connecting the local with the public administration in order to solve the problem of the dining room and support needy families in the area. By implementing the dining room in a school club, it is possible not only to solve the shortage of labor and continuity, but also to connect the community with the public administration. We would like to seek a feasibility of our idea and other means.

29)[ENG][JPN] 福井県立高志高等学校『幸せの公式』を作る



Making Happiness Formula

I’m trying to create a formula which can measure the level of happiness. If we know the level of happiness, you can try to improve it and It will raise the standard of living of people. In my research, I’m aiming at quantification of happiness. I created a questionnaire based on OECD ”Better Life Index(BLI)”It is the index that countries can measure wealth and happiness with and compare it with that of other countries. I modified BLI to measure individual happiness and took a survey. I think happiness depends on health, human relations, self-esteem, and lifestyle. In the questionnaire, I asked people if they felt happy or satisfied with their life, in terms of sleeping hours, exercise hours and about human relations and so on. I am aiming at creating the index which we can measure individual happiness based on the questionnaire. I believe creating a happiness formula will make our lives better.

30)[ENG][JPN] 茗溪学園中学校高等学校Project Greentones

Project Greentones

茗溪学園でのスマートなゴミ捨てを推進する活動を行います。私はアメリカの中学校で「Green Guide」というボランティア組織を友人と共に創設し、校内のゴミの減量とリサイクルを推進しました。市の環境局や先生方の協力も得て1年間活動した結果、埋め立てゴミを1日あたり約240リットル(約65%)減らしました。また、紙皿、スプーン、コップや残飯を堆肥としてリサイクルする活動により、堆肥化ゴミを3倍に増やすことに成功しました。同様の活動を茗溪学園でも行いたいと考え計画しています。茗溪学園での活動目標は、次の3点が考えられます。①ゴミの環境インパクトに関する情報を共有し、スマートなゴミ捨てに関心を持ってもらうこと②スマートなゴミ捨てを実践しやすいよう、分別ゴミ箱の設置場所を分析し、改善すること③スマートなゴミ捨ての実践を広めるため、生徒会やボランティア同好会と連携すること。

The aim of this project is to propel the smartest disposal in Meikei High School. I had established a volunteer organization called “Green Guide” in my previous Middle School in the United States with other students. “Green Guide”promotes accurate separation and reduction of waste in the cafeteria. Our main activities were standing in front of trash cans, sharing proper knowledge on minimizing waste, and sharing knowledge on the environmental impact of waste. We've cooperated with school teachers and experts from NYC Department of Sanitation. Through 1 year of activity, we were successful in reducing around 240L of landfill waste per 1 day. This means about 65% reduction of waste. Also, the mass of compostable waste increased 3 times in the end. Following this example, the Project Greentone aims to fit the needs of Meikei High School. I am expecting 3 approaches to propel the smartest disposal: ① Share the environmental impact of waste so that we attract interest ② Analyse and optimize the location of trash cans to improve conditions for the smartest disposal practice ③ corporate with Student Council and Volunteering Association in Meikei High School.

31)[ENG][JPN] 京都光華高等学校ジェンダー格差のない「真に美しい」女性になるための「女子校ならではの女子教育」について考えよう


- SDGsを通してジェンダー格差をなくそう-

「真に美しい」女性とは何か?女子校に通う高校生の立場から、SDGs Goal5にあるジェンダー平等の実現について焦点を当て、ジェンダー格差のない「真に美しい」女性になるための「女子校ならではの女子教育」について考える。




How do you achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls?

-You find out how women are beautiful inside and out-

All-girls high school students learn to achieve gender equality and empower all women are targeted in Sustainable Development Goal 5. It is one of the goals we need to work closely toward. We took this opportunity to reconsider the meaning of our school motto, “To Raise a Beautiful Woman inside and out” through education.

Japan ranks 121st in gender equality out of 153 countries in the Global Gender Gap Index 2020. Conversely, New Zealand and Australia, our destinations to study abroad, rank 6th and 44th respectively.

Moving towards the goal, we believe that more people have to think more in-depth on the true meaning of “Raising a Beautiful Woman inside and out” through a girls-only education.

We hope to develop this project by learning different viewpoints of other participants with different backgrounds.

32)[ENG][JPN] 京都教育大学附属高等学校子ども議会



Children’s Congress

These days, many women in Europe are now serving as cabinet ministers, one notable example of which is the prime minister of Finland. We also often hear that the level of northern European nations’ education is very high. Is this really the case and why is that? We are interested in the relationship between education and participation in politics. We consider how we can all join politics equally. So, we propose a mechanism for children to participate in the government of their town, called "Children's Congress". Children’s Congress should be composed of local children, regardless of age, gender or social status of their family, and they should discuss doubts and ideas about their town’s government, and submit the results to the town council. The idea behind this project is to encourage children to get more interested in politics and to create a society where the opinions of young people are respected. This project will lead to the targets of "achieving gender equality" and "creating a city where we can continue to live" of SDGs goals.

33)[JPN] 東京都立南多摩中等教育学校校内でできるプラスチック削減



How to reduce plastic at school

We have been interested in solving marine plastic problems, specifically, we want to reduce the number of plastic bottles and bags used at school. For the plastic bottle, the problem is that in our school, the number of plastic bottles consumed is normally around 60 bottles. However, sometimes it would reach over 150 bottles. Because of that, we think that we can reduce the consumption by focusing on improving the vending machine. Currently, the school vending machines dispense plastic bottles. To sell drinks without using plastic bottles, we propose using a vending machine which allows people to use their own water bottles. The way to use this machine is that people would bring their own water bottle and put it in a designated space for the bottle. After pressing the button for the drinks, the machine will dispense the drink into the bottle. This method will reduce the usage of plastic bottles.

Finally, the problem with plastic bags is that currently, when we buy something at the school shop, we will receive plastic bags. To change this, we propose using bags made with cloth instead of plastic; use reusable bags. Since every student in our school made a cloth bag in the home-economics class, students can use those instead.

Overall, we hope that the two methods proposed above will help reduce the usage of plastic bottles and bags in our school. We also hope that our project will reach other schools and bring awareness of plastic problem to other people.



We are “Eco-friendly”!

Our targets are to encourage people to know about SDGs and to help them make sustainable choices whenever they buy things.

We are planning to sell products at our school store. What kind of products? These products can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. For example, we will sell bread which is made from wheat produced in Japan. If we consume Japanese-grown wheat, we can help raise Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate. Food self-sufficiency rate shows us how much of the food we eat is made in Japan. Now, Japan depends on foreign country a lot of food, so the food self-suffering rate is low.

Students know the word “SDGs,” but they may not keep it in mind. Therefore, we want students to take SDGs into consideration when purchasing products. Sustainable goods are often more expensive than ordinary goods and too expensive for students to buy. That’s why students aren’t likely to buy sustainable goods even though they know they are good for the environment. However, we think that people should choose sustainable goods regardless of price, which is why we are trying to encourage students to do so through our activity. We hope to cooperate with other schools and companies to improve our activity and spread our ideas in order to contribute to making the world a place where future generations can live comfortably.

35)[ENG][JPN] 公文国際学園平等に救われるべき命を守るためには




How to protect lives which must be saved equally?

These days,every country is facing a big change such as COVID-19,disasters caused by climate change.

Then I focus on correspondence to people from different countries.Documents to fill out at the shelter are translated into many languages and it is used in many areas.However,the purpose of evacuation to shelter is not to enter but spend a few days in there.For that reason,it is necessary to understand about religious customs so that we will keep quality of life in shelter during disaster.For example,worship several times a day or rules of food.especially,prohibition of alcohol is serious problem in this day and age because of COVID-19.

Therefore,I suggest promoting non-religious Japanese better understanding of these customs.It is that we make a guide book about religious customs which we can use instantly to coexist with people who have religions.I think this guide book is used not only to correspond to religious problems in shelter but also can be used everyday.

36)[ENG][JPN] 市原中央高等学校真心マーブルクレヨン



Marvel Crayon

In Ichihara Chuo high school, we're focusing on making marvel crayons. Our team came across this idea 10 years ago, when a catastrophic hurricane had devastated the Philippines. Including this disaster, so many problems have exceeded to a level where we cannot unsee it anymore. Even after 10 years, we're still seeing millions of children that are poorly destined to give up their hope of going to schools because of their biological footings, mostly based on intolerable theories. Similarly, children are living under a total cataclysm, where sanitations are hitting the bottom and killings occur effortlessly with neighbors. Most of the time striving to reach out and get the ticket that forgives you to survive until the next morning. Ergo, we decided to help the needs by delivering goods but through a unusual approach, which is to make the property out of used ones. This process helps to connect the individuals in the team and to familiarize ourselves in global issues. First, we'd mince the crayons, and put it inside the mold and melt it until it liquidizes, and wait for it to hardens. As a final step, we would rap the successful ones and sent them to the locals.

37)[ENG][JPN] 青森県立青森高等学校冬の外国人労働者の職業






Ideal jobs for foreign workers in winter

In Tohoku town, Aomori Prefecture, labor shortages are becoming more serious due to the aging of farmers now. To make up for the shortages, many foreign workers fill in the gap. However, in winter, when the farming season is over, they have not so many things to do. The problem is that the income for rice farmers will be unstable especially from November to February and for apple farmers, from December to January. Here, we propose a job at a ski resort that requires a lot of workforce in winter because foreign tourists visit ski resorts and there is a high demand for foreign workers. Our target is Mt. Hakkoda skiing area, which is within 10 minutes-drive from Tohoku Town in Aomori. One problem is that it is difficult for foreign workers to obtain a driver's license in Japan due to a strict condition for temporal foreign workers. They may not be able to move by their own car. To help them, we are considering effective transportation system as well as financial aid to help them commute. This will lead to the solution of the labor shortage at skiing resorts and the decline in winter income of foreign workers who are engaged in agriculture at the same time.

38)[ENG][JPN] 富山国際大学付属高等学校高齢者サポート・環境分野




Support for Senior Citizens and Environment

 Our team would like to introduce volunteer works for the environment and senior people. Today, the decreasing birthrate and aging population are big issues in Japan, which we can’t avoid. As the number of elderly people is increasing, we must do something for them. Care workers keenly feel the dementia going in their daily life. However, they care only for the minimum necessary because they are busy. To solve this problem, we plan recreation for the prevention of dementia, and we have ordinary communications with elderly people.

 Environmental enlightenment activity has a goal to change the stereotype that we can always see wastes when we go to the station, street, and beach. Nature doesn’t produce wastes, so it doesn’t even reduce wastes. Therefore, we have a responsibility to dispose of them which we have produced in the proper way. We are trying to make a community of the environment, and achieve deep understanding through activities with many high school students.

39)[ENG][JPN] 富山国際大学付属高等学校幸せ配達人



Happy Delivery

 Our team is donating clothes, food or stationery to homeless people and developing countries. We thought they hade a hard time because of the coronavirus or natural disasters, so we decided to donate them. We collect clothes regularly in each season, preserve canned foods at school and give them to local homeless people. As for donations overseas, we can indirectly donate clothes, stationery or baby goods to developing countries through the organization called “Itoko ship”, even in the coronavirus situation. Currently, as many as 70% of the countries in the world are facing the problem of poverty, and the amount of waste from households is increasing because of the coronavirus. By delivering reusable materials to people in developing countries, we can reduce waste and make effective use of resources. Our goal is to have many people realize the situation as well as their happiness, and feel like helping the homeless and developing countries as much as possible.

40)[ENG][JPN] 富山国際大学付属高等学校差別と教育




Discrimination and Education

We are students of Toyama University of International Studies High School and UNESCO club.

Our main activities are beach cleaning and reducing plastic trash. They are along with SDGs. We want to communicate with other high school students to exchange our ideas.

Our themes are discrimination and education. Regarding discrimination, we are thinking of BLM the most. We learned about BLM in our school and have got many ideas relevant to that. Why doesn’t discrimination disappear? Why is there discrimination? What should we do to ponder that and create a world free of discrimination? We want to decrease the number of sad people suffering from discrimination. As for education, we are thinking of 2 types. First, there are children who can’t receive education because of discrimination. They are also refugees of racial discrimination. Second, there are children who have to work and can’t get education in developing countries. They have to work to get money but many of them want to go to school. There are 61 million children under these types of situations all over the world. We tackle these problems from the viewpoint of discrimination and education.

We are high school students so we can’t do too difficult things. However we want to do something for these people.

41)[ENG][JPN] 神戸市立葺合高等学校スマートフォンから教育改革へ


現在、世界中で教育のIT化が進められている。しかし、日本では依然として学校での整備が滞っている状況にある。 生徒が主体的に利用できるITの導入に関して課題の一つに、文部科学省と教育委員会、実際の教育現場においてのIT導入の意識、取り組みのズレが生じていることが挙げられる。この問題の解決策として、比較的普及しているスマートフォンを教育においてIT導入に利用する環境を整えることと、スマートフォンに着目したカリキュラムを研究する機関を設けることある。9割以上の高校生がスマートフォンを持っていることから、ITの導入方法としては自身のデバイスを持ち込むだけなので教育現場での


Innovative education through smartphone

Currently, the education reform with introducing IT has been progressing on a global scale. However, Japan is still being delayed in maintaining IT supplies for public schools. As one of the problems to introduce active use of IT in education for students is the

misinterpretation of the awareness and initiatives among the Ministry of education and the local education council and teachers.

Therefore, the solutions to this problem are, maintaining the environment, encouraging students to use smartphones for educational purposes as the first step of introduction IT and establish the organization of investigating the efficient curriculum for smartphone.

From the fact that more than 90% of High School students in Japan have smartphones, it is considerably easy to apply smartphone as introducing IT in the field of education. Furthermore, the plan to make public independent institution which conduct the election to

choose private company from the benefits of raising awareness of firms by the ability of expansion of smartphone and cooperate to develop better contents for smartphone with partnership will be suggested in this project.

42)[ENG][JPN] 広島県立広島国泰寺高等学校まちを元気に。ひとを元気に。



Energize the town. Energize people.

The topic of my project is “Creation of area.” In this project, I focus on Etajima city, in the southern part of Hiroshima Prefecture. The purpose is analyzing the problem of the city and proposing a concrete, practical plan. There are some problems that the city has. For example, Etajima city meets the condition of the depopulated area in terms of both population and finances. Also, the sending of appeal isn’t enough although there are countermeasures of revitalization. I have felt the charm of the city through the learning in elementary school and junior high school. In elementary school, I learned it by the experience type - watching and listening -, in junior high school, by the thinking type - knowing and interacting, so in high school, I would like to make an action and contribution to the city, that gets over the width of “learning” by aiming at study on practical type - re-examination and proposal. In this summit, I would like to learn the fresh and unique ideas that high school students have, the way of practical planning that corporations specialize in, and deepen my opinion and study.

43)[JPN] 岡山県立岡山操山高等学校難病を抱えた子供たちに教育を!~小児ホスピス×教育~




Education for Sick Children~Child Hospice×Education~

We are students in Okayama Sozan High School.

We research about “medical×education. In 2017, the number of children who need medical care in daily life is about 20000 people and the number is increasing. Because they spend a lot of time in hospital long time, these children cannot grow up as the way other children do. That means their activities are very limited. This restrain happens in their studying, too. These children are not able to go to school as they have to receive daily care and their studying is left behind from their same generation. To solve this problem, we suggest the provision of studying environment with ICT education curriculum to these children. In Sozan, the students who entered this year started using “chrome book” in class. We believe this new device help us give a better chance to deepen our interest.

44)[JPN] 大阪教育大学附属高等学校平野校舎かるた遊びで世界とつながろう


 『Ethnologue, 21st edition』によると現在、世界で使われていることが確認されている言語は7097言語です。世界で20憶を超える人が中国語、スペイン語、英語のいずれかを使っている一方で、話者が少なくなって失われつつある言語もあります。言語が消滅するということは文化を失うことに等しく、人類にとって大きな損失となります。世界が1つの言語に統一されてしまうとコミュニケーションの不平等と差別が問題となります。そこで、たくさんの言語に触れるため、多言語かるたの作成を考えました。多言語かるたとは、挨拶などの簡単な単語をたくさんの言語で表現したものです。家族や友達と楽しみながら、たくさんの言語に触れてもらうことを目的としています。また、紙芝居を使い、かるたで触れた言語の国にまつわる歴史や特産物などをまとめたものも作成し、多文化理解につなげます。このアイデアはSDGsの中の10番目の「人や国の不平等をなくそう」につながると思います。SDGsの実現だけでなく、オリンピックや大阪万博に向けてより多くの言語に触れる機会を作りたいと思います。

Let's connect with the world by playing karuta

According to “Ethnologue, 21st edition”, 7,097 languages are currently confirmed to be used in the world. More than 2 billion people worldwide use Chinese, Spanish, or English, but some languages have become extinct due to the lack of speakers. The disappearance of culture is a great loss to humankind. If a single language became the universal language, communication inequality and discrimination would become a major issue. Therefore, we thought about creating “multilingual karuta”. “karuta”, Japanese traditional card game, “Multilingual karuta” uses simple words, for instance, greetings in many languages. It’s purpose is to let you come into contact with many languages while having fun with your family and friends. In addition, using the “kamishibai”, the story card, we can introduce a country’s brief history, which will lead to multilingual understandings. We think this idea is related to the 10th SDGs “REDUCED INQUALITIES”. In addition, to the achievement of SDGs, we would like to create opportunities to learn more languages for the Olympics and Osaka Expo.

45)[JPN] 大阪教育大学附属高等学校平野校舎貧富の差をなくすにはどうすればいいか





What we can do to bridge Disparity in wealth.

We would like to research based on the theme “What we can do to bridge Disparity in wealth.” It is related to one of the 17 SDGs, “NO POVERTY.” Now, it is said that there are a lot of poor people in the world including Japan. In order to achieve a better society where everyone can live comfortably, we want to focus on the poverty problem in Japan. Then, we will suggest an action plan to abolish prejudice toward homeless people, so that they can get a job and rebuild their lives. As the first step, we will visit some NPOs supporting homeless people in Osaka, mainly in Airin district, and do some volunteer work. Then, we will consider what we, as high school students, can do. We would like to suggest an action plan to make a society that supports people in need.

46)[JPN] 大阪教育大学附属高等学校平野校舎壁のない教育を実現するには


私達は、「壁のない教育を実現するには?」をテーマに研究活動を進めて行きたいと考えています。これは、SDGs の 17 の開発目標のうちの「4.質の高い教育をみんなに」に当てはまります。近年、世界のグローバル化が進み、今までよりも簡単に世界と繋がるようになったと言われています。しかし、人と人との関わりはむしろ少なくなっているのではないかと私たちは感じます。学校ではペアワークやグループワークの時間がありますが、それを違う形でもっと広い範囲でできないだろうか、年齢や国にとらわれず一緒に学習できる場がほしいという思いからこのテーマを選びました。人と人との関わりによって成り立つ教育を実現すべきだというのが私たちの主張です。国内外には様々な教育の違いが存在します。その違いを生む多くの原因の中でも、私たちは特に学習環境の違いに重点を置いて研究を進めようと考えています。例えば、少子化地域や人口爆発地域での教育の違いとそこでの対応などを調べます。このような研究を通して、世界の人とのつながりを大切にする新たな教育システムを高校生の立場から考え、提案することが私たちの目標です。

How to realize the education without walls

We will conduct research on the theme, “How to realize the education without walls .”This theme applies to one of the 17 goals in SDGs,”quality education.”We want to introduce a new education system which puts an emphasis on communication. It is said that connecting with foreign people is getting easier because of globalization. However,we think the amount of communication with others is decreasing. In case of our school,we have a lot of time for pair work or group work during class. We would like to introduce this kind of class in different ways and on a larger scale. We want to give students more chances to study with others regardless of their ages and nationalities. We should achieve an education system which has a lot of interactions with various people. There are distinct differences in education systems among nations. We will especially research the differences in learning environments. For example, we will research the difference between education systems in societies with fewer children and those in densely populated areas. We aim to establish a new education system based on communication with each other.

47)[JPN] 大阪教育大学附属高等学校平野校舎
着る自由を全ての生徒に 〜本当のジェンダーフリーを実現するために〜



Freedom to wear for all students!

After I joined the event called Rainbow Festa in Osaka in 2019, which is a festival to think about sexual diversity, gender has become a very familiar theme to me. After attending this event, I realized how little I knew about gender diversity. Before I took part in this festival, I thought it is not normal for people to go beyond the boundaries of male and female, but LGBTQs people are the same as everyone else, and actually they are much nicer than me. I am now studying school uniforms that all students can wear comfortably regardless of their gender. In SDGs, there is the theme “Achieve gender equality.” I would like to consider how to achieve not only gender equality, but also a gender-free society in the true sense of the word. Through the participation in FOCUS, I would be happy if we could discuss gender equality widely, and not just the issue of school uniforms.

49)[JPN] 栃木県立佐野高等学校Zoomを活用した海外児童への継続的な課外活動支援活動~宇都宮大学UU-TEAプロジェクトと連携して。対象:スリランカ連邦・Nuwara Eliya県内にある紅茶プランテーションに住む小学1,2年生~

私達は、南アジアに位置するスリランカのNuwara Eliya県という内陸山間地域に位置する紅茶プランテーション農園に住む子ども達に、定期的な放課後教育支援の活動を行っている。これは、宇都宮大学学生と農園の子どもたちとの交流(JICA草の根技術協力支援事業)であるUU-TEAプロジェクトに連携頂いて取り組んでいる活動である。子どもたちの大部分は農園労働者になるのが現実で、最大の課題は「子ども達の将来の選択肢」が限られていることである。放課後支援も十分保障されていない。通学時間が片道2時間かかる子も当たり前で、兄姉の授業が終わるまで小学1,2年生は学校でじっと待っている。そこで私たちは、コロナ禍で注目されたZoomを活用して、上記活動を行い始めた。課題は、小学低学年という発達段階にある子ども達に保障すべき教育とは何か、私たちに何ができるのか、を明らかにすることだ。日本と新興国では教育観が違うことも予想される。教育観について現地の先生方ともやりとりしたり、国際郵便を使った子ども達支援を考えたりといった活動も展望しながら取り組んでいる。

Continuous extra-curricular activities for overseas children using Zoom in cooperation with the UU-TEA Project at Utsunomiya University. Target: 1st and 2nd graders living in a tea plantation in Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka

We regularly support after-school education for children living on tea farm plantations in the inland mountain area of Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka, located in South Asia. This is an activity that we are working on in cooperation with the UU-TEA project, which is an exchange project between Utsunomiya University students and children on the farm. The reality is that most of the children become farm workers, and the biggest challenge is that their future choices are limited. After-school support is not guaranteed enough. It is natural for children who take two hours to go to school one way, and first and second graders are waiting patiently at school until their brother and sister's classes are over. Therefore, we have started to do activities by using Zoom which attracted public attention in the corona pandemic. The aim is to clarify what education should be guaranteed for children in the developmental stage of the lower grades of elementary school and what we can do. It is expected that Japan and emerging countries will have different views of education. We are also working on activities such as exchanging information about education with local teachers and thinking about supporting children using international mail such as postcards.

50)[JPN] 栃木県立佐野高等学校災害被害を最小限に抑えるまちづくり ~減災を主体とした都市環境~


Town development that minimizes damage caused by disaster~urban environment with a focus on disaster mitigation~

We visited Fukushima,where the Great East Japan Earthquake happened last year. In the field work, we were able to hear the lecture from Shirou Sawai, who was the principal of a junior high school when the earthquake happened. We mainly researched “pre-disaster prevention”. However, we are searching for the way to reduce disaster damaged based on the idea “pre-disaster prevention” because we found out the importance of disaster reduction. When the earthquakes occurred, enormous physical and human damage was caused by tsunami in Fukushima. On the other hand, various types of damages of inland and coastal areas will be different. So, we need to consider the formation of the urban environment in inland and coastal areas. Therefore, we think about what we should do at the time of disaster with full use of "HUG", which is one of the card games. (HUG stands for "evacuation center operation game" in English and Hinanjyo Unei Game in Japanese.)

51)[JPN] 栃木県立佐野高等学校マレーシアの高校生と協働で取り組む持続可能な社会に向けたゴミ分別の促進

私たちは、マレーシアの高校生(Grade 11, 日本では高校2年生に相当する)とオンラインチャットのアプリであるTelegramや画面対面型アプリであるZoomを用いて連携をとり、リサイクル率を向上させ、生活ゴミの削減を目指し、その目標を達成するために第一歩としてリサイクルのしやすい環境を作るためにゴミの分別について研究している。研究背景としては、日本とマレーシアの両国で人々のゴミの分別への意識が低く、またマレーシアでは都市部と農村部との設備の格差があり、ゴミの分別がうまくいっていないことが、マレーシアの高校生との協議の中で、明らかになったことが挙げられる。また日本のゴミ全体のリサイクル率は19%と低く、焼却処分率が世界で1位であることも挙げられる。そこでゴミのリサイクル率が高いドイツやスウェーデンなどで行われている環境教育や分別しやすい環境作りなどのプロジェクトを参考に、高校生にもできるゴミの分別方法を模索している。

Waste Segregation For Sustainable Environment With High School In Malaysia

We are researching waste segregation with high school students in Malaysia (Grade 11, Grade 2 as Japanese high school grade) by using Telegram (online chat app) and Zoom (a web-based video conferencing tool). Waste segregation is the first step of improving recycling rate to reduce home waste. Waste segregation is to separate waste when people throw them away. As the background of this study, low level of awareness of segregating waste (in both Japan and Malaysia ) and the gap between city side and country side ( in Malaysia) were suggested in the conference with Malaysian students. And whole Japanese recycling rate is 19%, and Japanese incineration ratio (burning waste rate) is the 1st place in the world. Then, we refer to Sweden and Germany cases where recycling rate is high, and we are looking for ways of separating waste that high school students can do.

52)[JPN] 栃木県立佐野高等学校高校生のための「自主的で持続可能な教育」とは~真の学習について考える~ 

私たちはマレーシアのセントテレサ校(現地のsecondly school、日本の高等学校2年生)と「自主的で持続的な教育」を研究テーマとして協働研究を行っている。研究背景には、OECDのPISA調査によると日本の教育水準ともに学力水準は世界でも一定の順位を保っている一方、高校卒業後に学力が急降下していることを問題点として挙げられる。また日本の学生の勉強に対する興味・関心がOECD平均を大きく下回っていることから、学力と意識に矛盾が生じているといえる。特に高校生の多くが無意識のうちに大学入試のためだけに勉強しているのではないかと考えた。またオンライン上での話し合いを通して、マレーシアでも「大学入試のためだけに勉強している」と感じている学生が多数存在しているということが判明した。これらのことから日本とマレーシアの高校生が今後、勉強に対して意欲を継続し続けていけるような教育とは何か、またこの教育を実現させるために高校生の私たち自身ができることは何かを具体的に提示できるように研究していく。

What is "independent and Sustainable Education" for High School Students?~ Thinking about the true learning ~

We are conducting joint research with St. Teresa School in Malaysia (local secondary school, second-year high school in Japan) under the research theme which is "independent and sustainable education." According to the OECD PISA survey, the academic ability level of Japan keeps a constant ranking in the world, but the problem is that academic ability has plummeted after graduating from high school. In addition, Japanese students' interest in studying is far below the OECD average, so it can be said that there is a contradiction between academic ability and consciousness. In particular, we thought that many high school students were unknowingly studying just for college entrance exams. Through online discussions, it was also found that there are many students in Malaysia who feel that they are studying only for university entrance exams. From these factors, we will find what kind of education should Japanese and Malaysian high school students continue to be motivated to study in the future, and what should we ourselves do to realize this education. We will continue to research so that we can present what high school students can do concretely.

53)[ENG] ST. MARY'S International School差別に対する教育改革




Education to Promote Gender and Racial Equality

There have been insensitive remarks on Social Media regarding a multitude of global issues such as the #MeToo movement and the George Floyd incident. As an international school, we believe education is important in better understanding issues with discrimination in the world. Thus, our aim with this project is to raise awareness on issues of sexual education, gender, and racial equality at the school. We strive to create a difference in our school community to solve this problem. The following lists the step-by-step procedure we will take in the coming weeks.

First, we will propose our ethics and personal life management classes with a planned curriculum by discussing with multiple teachers, staff, and students. This change will be broadcasted to the entire school and will be effective from the second quarter of the school year. Next, we will create a poster with anecdotal and statistical information that depicts the global issues that the new curriculum will touch upon. This will not only assist in the development of the new curriculum but can extend these ideas to those not in the above classes. From there we plan to collaborate with the SAGE club which is a student-found organization attempting to raise awareness in these issues outside of school. This club can assist us to create posters, learn new information, and discuss tactics to employ this idea more effectively.

Through the above, we wish to make a difference in our school community and hope to educate students on these global issues that are becoming more apparent, both, in and out of the classroom.

54)[ENG] ST. MARY'S International SchoolE-Waste削減のための教育改革

 2020年10月13日。この日で、Appleは世界で最速の5G技術を搭載したiPhone12の販売を始めた。5Gの技術は4Gと比べて速度は10倍、精密度は5倍、10年前では人々が想像もしなかった技術だ。先進国のIT企業は日々最速で最新の技術を求めて、デバイスの製造の効率や精度を高めていて、社会の経済成長に大きく貢献している。しかしその発展の最前線に立つIT企業に、Appleの様に幾つもの持続可能で環境に優しいリサイクル政策を用いる会社 ー 1年に渡り48,000Tの電子機器廃棄物の完全リサイクル ー は数がかなり少なく、Apple一社が責任を持ってリサイクルする48,000Tは世界の年間電子機器廃棄物の50,000,000Tに比べてもかなり数が少ない。

 チームとして、我々はその問題の根源は政治家や起業家の経済成長に対する根本的な思想「生産の効率を上げて、利益を上げる」である。産業革命の痛い結末を見ても、結果も考えずに生産性を上げるのはどの時代でも環境に負の影響しかもたらしていない。我々SMIS、世界で有数な先進的な教育機関では、数多くの政治家や起業家を世界に輩出している。FOCUSの機会を利用し、SMIS Group 2はより多くの学生に電子機器廃棄物の害や『持続可能な生産』の重要性を新たなカリキュラムを通して教育していきたい。

Education to decrease the generation of E-waste

With the development of 5G devices—10 times faster than those of the previous generation—our society is getting ready to upgrade and provide the newest and fastest devices. Although one of the globally leading companies, such as Apple, has implemented various sustainable and eco friendly environmental recycling policies, successfully diverting approximately 48,000 metric tonnes from landfills in 2018, this is significantly small compared to the 50 million tonnes of e-waste generated globally.

As a team, we believe that the inherent problem with this environmental issue is the mindset that global tech entrepreneurs and politicians have—to increase productive efficiency, increase profit, and increase economic growth by neglecting environmental consequences of the tech companies’ waste. At St. Mary’s International School, a significantly global educational institution, there are a vast number of aspiring entrepreneurs and politicians from all over the globe. Thus, through this project, we will strive to educate these students by proposing an e-waste curriculum, directed towards raising awareness on the various severe environmental consequences of e-waste as well as the various governmental and corporate policies that can be implemented in order to reduce this global issue.

55)[JPN] 名城大学附属高等学校D−Fes ONLINE の立ち上げ 〜For younger To willing choice By ourselves〜

互いに多様性を認め、将来に渡って意志のある選択をして生きていくために、多様性に関するワークショップをリモートで行うD-Fes ONLINEを立ち上げる。このプロジェクトは-For youth, To willing choice, By ourselves-をモットーに全国の高校生を対象とし、私たち高校生が主体的に社会と関わり、課題を自分事として考える場をつくる。



D−Fes ONLINE ~For younger To willing choice By ourselves~

We launch D-Fes ONLINE, an event to conduct workshops on diversity remotely to recognize diversity and live by making willing choices for the future. The motto of this project is -For youth, To willing choice, By ourselves-, and this project targets high school students nationwide, and creates opportunities which we, high school students engage independently with society and think about issues as if it was their own.

So far, we have been working on menstruation education in Kenya, women's employment using microfinance, and multicultural coexistence in the community. However, in term of D-Fes, we focus on two main issues. First one is gender bias and career formation, and second one is menstruation in school education and education itself in developing countries.

For our first event, we would like to make it an opportunity for everyone to be aware of their internalized gender roles. From the second event, we would like to find a specific method which beyond gender bias for career selection. Regarding menstruation and education, we would like to make a chance to know individual differences of menstruation and talk about it easily to make a breakthrough in the current situation which menstruation is treated as a taboo. After that, we will seek to work on the problem of girls which is shortening the education period due to menstruation in developing countries.

56)[ENG][JPN] 渋谷教育学園渋谷高等学校最先端だけではなくサスティナブルな渋谷へ







Shaping Shibuya ~Not only modern but also environmental~

Shibuya. A center city of Tokyo. As we are members of who goes to Shibuya every day, we came across with the question of how much of electricity were wasted by electric advertisement boards in the city. The main purpose of this electric board was for updating recent news, so that anyone can keep on truck of the news wherever they are. Although, what we see every day in Shibuya are bunch of advertisements in many boards, covering off the main board that shows news.

It’s been said that almost 840 million people around the world are unable to reach electricity, and because of this sustainable energy source has been in the spotlight. However, before making alternatives to our energy used at home, we thought that it would be much better to make changes to the electric boards, shining and sparkling in the night of Shibuya.

Some suggestions and ideas we came up was to set a solar panel on top of the buildings, so that it can be used as the energy for electric boards. Another is to minimize the amount of electric boards. Standing at the Shibuya crossing road, we could at least see 4 or 5 boards that shows different advertisements. Are these boards really needed, even though there are people who don’t even have a chance to reach electricity? Why don’t we start changing Shibuya, not only as a modern city but also as an environmental city?

57)[ENG][JPN] 中村学園女子高等学校カリッとフラッとよってみんね?~福津市地域おこしプロジェクト~



Fukutsu City Revitalization Project

Our group is working on a project related to the revitalization of Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture. We want people to discover the charm of Fukutsu City from the perspective of high school students. Our goal is to disseminate information and make Fukutsu City known throughout the country and make it a popular destination for inbound tourism. Also at the same time as regional revitalization, we would like to solve the problem of surplus crop production. Cauliflower, a specialty of Fukutsu City, is a major vegetable overseas, but it is not very familiar in Japan. This crop from Fukutsu City is of high quality and is traded at high prices in the Kanto region. However, because it is not very familiar to ordinary households, people don’t usually buy it and hence there is a surplus. We decided to focus on frozen products, considering that the demand for online grocery shopping is increasing due to the corona virus. Through collaboration with a local company, we are proceeding with a project to use frozen cauliflower to revitalize Fukutsu City.

58)[JPN] 育英西中学校・高等学校男性はメイクできないの?〜化粧品とジェンダーの観点から〜





Shouldn’t men wear make-up? ~From the viewpoints about cosmetics and gender problems~

We researched about makeup for men. Now we see a lot of critical opinions about makeup for men on message boards on the Internet. We wondered why people have prejudice against male makeup. Mainly, we thought about four points.

First, the history of cosmetics and the gap between women and men. Second, the job opportunities for men and women in cosmetic companies. Third, the differences between the ingredients in cosmetics for women and men. Fourth, ways to make it easier for men to buy cosmetics. About the third and fourth points, we asked famous cosmetic companies by e-mail. Based on the answers, we gave the problem some consideration.

On the contrary, from on survey, we found some people have fixed ideas that only women should make up. So, we made a plan to solve the problem.

59)[ENG][JPN] 埼玉県立和光国際高校無意識のジェンダーギャップを乗り越えるモノ・環境・表現の提案



To create environment, products and expressions to overcome unconscious gender gap.

This year our school has decided to introduce trousers for girls. This action which allows students to choose their school uniform regardless of their gender may lead to more freedom in gender expression. However, there was no discussion about introducing skirts for boys. We cannot ignore boys’ points of view in terms of elimination gender imbalances in society.

To start with, what is the source of gender inequality? As we discuss this issue, we have come to think that the environment surrounding children may have a great impact on their feelings about discrimination. For example, girls tend to be given pink-colored toys and blue-colored toys are given to boys. In fact, we are exposed to various kinds of stimuli which cause a sense of gender-based discrimination embedded in our environment. This sense of unconscious discrimination comes down from parents to children and gradually becomes the wider culture. This is why people sometimes discriminate unconsciously. Through FOCUS, we would like to talk with people from companies and other high schools and propose genderless products, environments and expressions throughout society.

60)[ENG][JPN] 加藤学園暁秀高等学校NWC (National World Committee)

私たちNational World Committee (NWC)は、児童労働や環境問題をはじめとした社会問題への関心を深めるワークショップ、フェアトレード商品の販売や募金(Free the Children様に寄付)などを行っています。しかし、私たちの活動に学生がなかなか興味を持ってくれません。ワークショップへの参加人数が少ないことだけではなく、校内で生徒に向けて呼びかける運動をしても、「あ、SDGsか…」と立ち去ってしまう生徒が多いです。社会問題についてアクションを起こすべきなのは我々「学生」であるはずなのに、現実、多くの生徒がSDGsなどの堅苦しい話題から目を背けています。そこで、FOCUSでは学生に社会問題を「自分事」として感じてもらうための効果的な働きかけのノウハウ、そして実践的なSDGsのプロモーションを学び、活動の


National World Committee (NWC) holds workshops to deepen people’s interest in social issues such as child labor and environmental issues. We also sell fair trade products, raise funds, and donate it to non-profit organizations, such as Free the Children. However, students are not very interested in our activities thus, there are only a few students, who participate in the workshops even when we heavily promote our events. We, students, should take action on social issues; however, in reality, many students turn away from tense topics such as the SDGs. Therefore, at FOCUS, we would like to broaden the range of our action by learning know-how to make students take social problems personally and also want to learn the practical promotion of SDGs. In the future, through collaboration with other schools, we are envisioning to have online lectures and discussions on the topic of SDGs and take action as a group in a wide range of areas.

61)[JPN] 東洋大学附属牛久高等学校発展途上国の飢餓を引き起こす要因の分析


1.GNP 2.乳児死亡率 3.GDP 4.降水量  5.平均気温 6.人口密度



Analysis of factors causing starvation in developing countries.

The purpose of this project is that it is liable to find a perspective to resolve the issue of starvation in developing countries. Therefore, in this study, we extracted the factors that are thought to affect the malnutrition rate in developing countries, and calculated the correlation between each factor and the malnutrition rate. The factors mentioned in this project are as follows.

1.GNP 2. Infant mortality rate 3.GDP 4. Precipitation 5. Average temperature 6. Population density

As a result, there was a weak correlation with infant mortality and no correlation about other factors.

Therefore, we confirmed the scatter plot and considered that the countries that deviated significantly from the data trends were countries with peculiar tendencies, and analyzed again excluding those countries.

As a result, there was a negative correlation between GNP and GDP. We are currently investigating why the malnutrition rate is rising as GDP, which indicates domestic economic power, rises.

62)[JPN] 東洋大学附属牛久高等学校ICTは教育の質の向上に関与するのか?




Does ICT make education quality improve ?

There are many differences on education between some developed countries and Japan these days. One of them seems to appear clearly because of COVID 19.For instance, we didn’t have effective online lessons as well as normal lessons

However, it seemed that students in other counties can take online lessons as well as normal lessons more successfully.As the background, it is related to the spread of ICT education of the countries.

Our study mainly focuses on what change is effective for the enhancement of ICT education in Japan. We set some measurements. We also use the PISA score measurement as a basis. We compare the results with some countries such as USA, Estonia, Sweden, Singapore.

As a conclusion, the success of educational development is closely related to quality of ICT education. Finally the result of the research will contribute for education reform of Japan and other developing countries.

63)[ENG][JPN] 宮崎県立五ヶ瀬中等教育学校GIAHS子どもサミット~子どもたちと考えるGIAHSの未来~



GIAHS Children Summit~the Future of GIAHS, Thinking with Children~

Lack of exponents of traditional culture is a serious problem in Gokase town. One of the perceived causes is the increase in the number of people who leave the town when they enter high school or university. Thus, to solve the problem, we focus on GIAHS (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems).

In 2015, Takachiho district in Shiibayama area, where we live, was recognized as GIAHS. However, we felt this GIAHS area is not known in Miyazaki prefecture. So we thought that the number of children who stay in the area will increase if we propose an opportunity to learn about agriculture and traditional culture in this area. Furthermore, this will lead up to an increase in the number of exponents of traditional culture.

We would like to propose “GIAHS Children Summit”, which targets children who live in this GIAHS area. Discussion will be carried in this workshop to achieve the following purpose: to know their own area or other GIAHS areas, to be interested in this area by sharing its charms and issues, etc. We think being interested in Gokase town or GIAHS area through this workshop will trigger the number of exponents of traditional culture to increase.

64)[ENG][JPN] 宮崎県立五ヶ瀬中等教育学校五ヶ瀬シャドウイング~町の魅力再確認でUターンを狙う~




Gokase Shadowing ~By reaffirming the charm of the town, we aim to mitigate the population decline.~

Currently, the population of Gokase Town, where I live, is declining due to depopulation.

With the population outflow from the city, it is not easy to target new immigrants, and it is important for the people who currently live in the area to keep the area alive for a long time. Therefore, keeping children in the town is important. There are no high schools or universities in Gokase Town, and it is expected that many children will move out of the town to go on to school or find employment. I think that the most effective measure against population decline would be to promote interest in Gokase Town. Therefore, we propose “Gokase Shadowing”. These are activities and experiences closely related to work and culture unique to Gokase Town.

With these activities children will learn to recognize the positive aspects of Gokase Town and foster a deeper appreciation of the town and its people.

I think that such activities and experiences will lead to future population retainment and growth in Gokase Town.

65)[JPN] 京都府立南丹高等学校The residents of the sustainable city KAMEOKA

The residents of the sustainable city KAMEOKA


In July 2020, Kameoka City, where our school is located, was selected for the SDGS Future City and Municipal SDGs Model Project. The Kameoka Kiri Art Festival has become an innovation hub, and, as an environmentally advanced city, we are taking on the challenge of sustainable town development through various activities such as selling upcycled products and reducing plastic waste. However, I wondered if we, the residents of Kameoka, were even aware of the significance of this effort. Let's take a look at the target figures set by the city: "Increase the number of participants in environmental awareness events to 12,000 by 2030" and "Increase the recycling rate of garbage from 16.59% to 20.5% by 2027." I thought about what we could do. There is a big gap between what the city is working on and the lives we actually live. Awareness of our city's target goals hasn't even reached our minds.

I believe that our high school students can fill this gap. We will launch a project to help high school students become strong advocates for sustainability , tell many people about the charm of their city, Kameoka, and increase the number of people who can lead and live for the future!

66)[ENG][JPN] 暁星国際高等学校文明と天災~当たり前の奇跡を問う~





Human and Heavens -Precious Days-

Soon after the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, the project “Humans and Heavens” was started. Experiencing the suspension of the basis of our daily life, we are researching the relationship between civilization(Humans) and natural disasters(Heavens). We are now conducting this project based on three main elements; life in the dormitory, studying, and activities in and out of the school.

We have been joining various volunteer activities, showing our ideas on occasions such as International Tsunami Disaster Prevention Society, and finding out how disaster prevention is discussed in international and national organizations. Through these experiences, we are learning the reality of how SDGs are embodied, and discussing the feasibility and coming challenges of it.

In this summit, we would like to discuss the volunteer activity, especially. Through interacting with the localsーwhich we are regarding highly during our volunteer activities, we want to enable communication even though there are gaps between each other’s ages, cultures and languages, and create a heart-touching experience. In addition, it is important to find a new form of volunteering which can be done keeping physical distances because of COVID-19. We are looking forward to brushing up on it through this summit.

67)[JPN] 青翔開智中学校・高等学校環境に配慮した情緒ある釣りの方法を体系だてるプロジェクト




A project to organize "environmentally friendly and aesthetic fishing"

Fishing, an activity that is a part of the everyday lives in many parts of the world, is an essential culture for human beings. Most of the fishing, however, contributes to environmental destruction and pollution. These are the problem that directly relates to SDGs goal 6, "clean water and sanitation," goal 14, "life below water," and goal 15 "life on land." There are also those who feel guilty about taking the lives of living beings since the purpose of fishing has evolved from making a living to a hobby and sport.

We propose a new means of fishing and fishing gear that consider environmental impact. In order to do this, looking to the past and utilizing an ancient way of fishing could be beneficial. The tool used twenty thousand years ago still exists. As for the psychological dilemma the current fishers may possess, we have to explore psychology, philosophy, ethics, and religion so as to form an idea that can reach the individual heart.

We intend to organize our idea and consider a completely new "environmentally friendly and aesthetic fishing" together. We look forward to hearing great ideas!

68)[ENG] Guoguang Laboratory School, National Sun Yat-sen University(Taiwan) :Don’t Let the Pandemic Set Back Diversity and Inclusiveness.

In the recent months, the coronavirus pandemic has been making a great impact on our daily lives. Besides bringing an epidemic of infections, it has also been widening the distance among people and has been raising the feeling of distrust in the human interactions, especially when people are faced with the patients, their families, and health workers.

Once a person tests positive for the virus that causes COVID-19, he must not only fight for his own life but also fight against some prejudice in the society. It seems that the coronavirus pandemic has brought an onslaught of bullying and discrimination against the sick, their families and health workers. Many COVID-19 survivors are under great pressure or are even regarded as virus carriers. Some people start to suffer from mental illnesses such as depression. Medical workers risking their lives to care for patients are also a main target of harassment. Some family members of the health workers receive the malicious words from the public.

This phenomenon happened not only in Taiwan but also in other countries. However, is it reasonable? Of course not. We believe the patients, their families, and health workers should not be treated like that. There must be some solutions. According to Goal 10 which is “Reduce inequality within and among countries” in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), people should eliminate the discrimination on those who fight against Covid-19. This is the issue that we would like to explore in the theme “diversity and inclusion.” In stopping the virus infecting our bodies, we also must stop the virus infecting our minds and behavior, harming us, and dividing our society!

69)[ENG] PSHS Eastern Visayas Campus :LAKIP: An Educational Children’s Storybook on Gender Inclusivity

In promoting diversity, it is necessary to not only eliminate the culture of discrimination present in societies, but also to teach future generations to build a world free of prejudice, one that welcomes people belonging to all kinds of groups, each with their own unique individuality, with open arms. This project entitled “LAKIP,” a Visayan word that means “inclusion,” is geared towards encouraging young kids to learn more about gender inclusivity and the diversity of gender identities by sharing entertaining yet educational children’s stories for them to read. This storybook fosters a culture of acceptance and inclusion amongst the youth by making use of thought-provoking words and images, which teach the message that no one is to be victim of discrimination, regardless of gender expression. By showing children the significance of diversity, Project “LAKIP” aims to fulfill its mission of raising a generation that recognizes the importance of treating people from all walks of life fairly and equally.

70)[ENG] PSHS Ilocos Region Campus PSHS-IRC KalikaSamahan:Protecting the Philippine Ornamental Plants amidst the Pandemic

While on quarantine, Filipinos made themselves more productive by caring for ornamental or house plants and finding new plants for their collection. They called themselves “plantitos” and “plantitas”. For others who lost their jobs, they sell these plants. The increasing public demand for ornamental plants like roses and areca palms has given rise to an illegal trade of ornamental plants turning the Philippines and Southeast Asia into biodiversity hotspots. This has prompted the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to warn the public against plant poaching.

Among the wild flora considered as critically endangered are the Giant Staghorn (Platycerium grande), Waling-waling (Vanda sanderiana), and Rafflesia. In addressing this issue three lines of actions are available namely: awareness, policies and civic activism. With this, the project aims to profile and conserve ornamental plants in the Ilocos Region, Philippines and raise awareness on their status while harnessing the help of the community in doing so. First, an environmental awareness campaign will be conducted on the impacts of plant poaching. The students and the community will be encouraged to donate plants which will be housed in a botanical garden for cultivation and profiling (e.g., conservation status, mapping). The results will be stored in a database. This project is a partnership between and among different stakeholders—the local government unit, community, and academe.

71)[ENG] PSHS Bicol Region Campus :It’s Hard Out Here! A Mental Health Podcast

Mental health has become an increasingly relevant topic through the years. It always has been and always will be. Now, the world is in the middle of a pandemic, and tons of teens are stuck at home in quarantine. This can really take a toll on everyone’s mental health. We want to help our fellow teens get through these trying times through a podcast! "It's Hard Out Here!" is a mental health podcast where we’ll discuss topics ranging from stress management to self-care. With "It's Hard Out Here!", we hope to be able to help teens, or anyone else really, deal with the reality of our current situation. And even when the pandemic is over, we hope to continue helping those who need some advice for teens, by teens. Mental health is a very significant topic today and it’s important that we normalize discussing it and helping each other through it.

72)[ENG] PSHS Main Campus :Effective Mental Health Policies for Quality Education

COVID-19 has impacted more than physical health in the Philippines as schools were hastily forced to transition to distance learning. To address concerns within PSHS-MC, data were collected regarding the "Bridging Program," our stepping stone to online learning. Results showed an overwhelming amount of mental health concerns as the pandemic intensified its impact on the students. With a lack of support systems fit for distance learning, it's even more imperative to prioritize mental health.

The project objective is to better streamline the efforts of the different sectors of the school through a unified Mental Health Policy, as past actions regarding mental health have been disjointed attempts with varying levels of effectiveness. Specifically, this project aims to develop effective and transparent communication methods among all the stakeholders of the school to better facilitate feedback and data collection, responsive decision-making, and rapid dissemination of information. Additionally, its goal is to build capacity through mental health and psychological first aid education. Altogether, this project hopes to improve the quality of education in our school by addressing the students’ mental health concerns through effective policy-making.

73)[ENG] PSHS SOCCSKSARGEN Region Campus :Multi-Purpose Food Cleaner Project

The proposed project aims to provide a solution to the globally identified problems that arise due to wasting water. The Project is a water filter system that reuses water in cleaning or rinsing food. In Asia, cleansing of rice takes generous amounts of water from the repeated times of rinsing until it is finally considered clean and up for cooking. The Water Filter Project will start at our school, and become a new method of cleaning and replace unsustainable practices like the culturally embedded rice/food method of cleansing. The SDGs that the project incorporates are: 1.) Sustainable Cities and Communities 2.) Responsible Consumption. This simple water filter system will start at our school, and such project will become a physical reminder, to become sustainable in practice/action. A school system whether small has a wide scope thus, will influence the families or individuals that subscribe under it. The project will become a paradigm shift, and will give a critical perspective on often ignored practices that may have significant negative effects on nature and environment.

74)[ENG] PSHS Southern Mindanao Campus :Pakiglambigit Outreach Program

Rationale of the Project:

The “Pakiglambigit Program” is an outreach program of the Philippine Science High School - Southern Mindanao Campus to selected elementary public schools of Davao City. Pakiglambigit is a Cebuano term which means “to reach out.” As the term implies, we train student volunteers who serve as teachers to select Grades 4- 6 pupils from our partner schools. We aim to cultivate expertise in Mathematics, Science and English among them in preparation for the National Competitive Examination (NCE). The NCE is the basis of admission for students to the Philippine Science High Schools where they are offered a government scholarship. The PSHS-SMC desires to make this opportunity available especially for pupils in the remote areas.

Name of community:

Our partner elementary schools are located in parts of Davao City in the districts of Binugao, Calinan, Talomo, and Tugbok.


The Pakiglambigit Outreach Program has produced at least one successful NCE passer each year. From the experience of our student representatives, four pupils passed the NCE in a span of two years. Apart from this, we have helped the partner schools in some of their academic needs like donating second-hand microscopes to aid science education among their pupils.

75)[ENG] PSHS Western Visayas CampusConstellating students towards the wonders of the universe

Philippine Science High School - Western Visayas Campus is the premier high school in the country and one of the leading science high school in the Asia-Pacific region which aims to produce globally-competitive leaders by providing scholarships to all of its students and focusing its curriculum on the STEM strand: offering science and mathematics-based programs in junior high school and specialization courses, electives, and research in senior high school.

As STEM leaders and as part of giving back, we are proposing Project Talampad - a project with a goal of “Education for All” that focuses on designing and sending supplemental activity books and learning kits to students who lack internet access seeking to enrich the scientific knowledge of all students in the country. The activity books and kits contain various enjoyable

experiments with lessons and explanations regarding Astronomy, all of which follow the standard for learning competencies of the Philippines’ Department of Education. These activities include a portable planetarium and a planetary model, among other experiments that are all doable at home. With these activities, students are able to learn by observation and simulation. With Project Talampad , underprivileged students are ensured of a sustainable, inclusive, and quality education.

76)[ENG] PSHS Zamboanga Peninsula Region Campus :Project Binhi

This project aims to benefit schools or institutions to help in the maintenance of the environment by refraining from wasting paper while engaging in a new planting approach. Project Binhi is a program that schools or institutions can follow which can be implemented as a regular recreational activity. It can be done by all students or staff and it will shed light on the negative impact of waste paper on the environment and how it will lead to the solution of garbage issues and benefit the environment. The program starts in gathering all paper wastes in the institution, recycling them and adding vegetable seeds making it plantable. These papers can be used in minor activities for the purpose of reducing waste and may be gathered after its primary use. The collected plantable paper may now fulfil its secondary purpose which is serving as a new planting approach and method for urban gardening. It will encourage institutions to start in developing their own garden for it may help stimulate learning for students and reconnection with people within the institution, and also benefit the planet for it eliminates air and water emissions and leads to less fossil fuel.

77)[ENG] PSHS Cagayan Valley Campus :Vox Scholaris: Peer-Support Group

This activity would help bridge the gap between quality education (SDG 4) and students through peer tutoring supplemented with a mental health support system during these trying times. The activity would be sustained by peer-initiatives and minimum supervision from the proponents.

The proposed action for the learning difficulties encountered by students would be the encouraged conduct of tutorials through online joint sessions among students and student-tutors. It would also encompass peer counseling as a source of mental health support. This would serve as a platform to address their concerns on academic and personal stress.

Majority of the interactions would be catered online. This project would be further expanded in a more interactive manner once the quarantine restrictions are lifted to accommodate wider community.

78)[ENG] PSHS CALABARZON Region Campus :Plant Watch: A Raspberry pi-based Plant Monitoring System for Rice (Oryza Sativa)

The Philippines' agricultural sector has lagged behind its nation-peers for decades now such that majority of Filipino farmers are still reliant on largely manual methods. Thus, crop yield is not always maximized during harvesting seasons leading to the loss of income of farmers and essentially pushing them deeper into poverty due to the many inefficiencies of crop production coupled with its high costs. It would therefore be in their interests if certain tasks, like crop surveillance, would be automated as it would lessen the time needed to accomplish the task and reduce both the utilization of labor and human error. This would then lead to higher crop yield, better plant quality, and higher farmer incomes in the long run due to reduced man hours and increased efficiency. To bridge this technological gap and to fulfill the need for automated implementation, the Plant Watch: A Raspberry pi-based Plant Monitoring System for Rice (Oryza Sativa) aims to explore crop surveillance with the use of image processing and microcontrollers that will serve as a monitoring device to assist farmers in the maintenance of their crops.

79)[ENG] PSHS Central Mindanao Campus :Project Tangkilikasan

COVID-19 is one of the many zoonotic diseases that arise every year. It is not the first time in human history that a coronavirus causes outbreaks of respiratory infection but due to the neglect of the people and governments, history is constantly being rewritten. Project Tangkilikasan seeks to heighten the awareness of the illegal trade and unregulated consumption of wildlife among the youth of Mindanao, Philippines by advocating for sustainable action towards wildlife preservation. According to World Wildlife Fund (2020), approximately 80 percent of Greater Mindanao's non volant mammal species are found nowhere else in the world. This proves that Mindanao island is home to diverse wildlife species. The project objectives are the following; 1) To create a social media account with contents of infographic, hashtag stories, and podcast on zoonotic diseases and the wildlife trade in order to achieve followers understanding and willingness to spread the issue above 70%; (2) To conduct a webinar with panel discussion, multi-stakeholder consultation and open forum in order to increase the environmental behavior among participants up to 80%; and (3) To partner with five government and non-government institutions to obtain data that can be used as basis for policy to promote wildlife preservation.

80)[ENG] PSHS Cordillera Administrative Region Campus :Developing a Kinect-based Filipino Sign Language(FSL) teaching module application

Our project is an application that teaches Filipino Sign Language gestures through a video-based instructional material and a Kinect-based evaluating method. The application shows the step-by-step procedure of the sign language gestures performed by a professional FSL user. Non-FSL speakers will learn the sign language gestures through viewing the instructional material and performing the gestures themselves. The invention provides an easy way for people to learn sign language for it is user-friendly, portable, and interactive. Educators with knowledge on sign language will be able to cater to the needs of their students with hearing impairment, communicate with them, and provide them the quality education they need. The students, on the other hand, will be equipped with the skill of sign language that is essential for their education. With that, our project provides a resolution to the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)—quality education—which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (United Nations, 2020). Teaching sign language and learning it through our invention will aid in providing quality education for the deaf and hard-of-hearing. Vulnerable groups of people with hearing impairment disability will soon have access to equitable quality education. This project also addresses the tenth SDG —reducing inequality— which aims to reduce inequality within and among countries (United Nations, 2020). Learning the skill of sign language through our invention can show the deaf community that they are not being forgotten, and they have the same access to communication with the rest of the world (Berry, 2016). Additionally, sign language should be included in today’s widespread pushes toward equality and inclusion. The deaf community needs to learn sign language, along with everyone else around them. Through our project, anyone can learn sign language from anywhere, therefore, providing an environment for

the deaf community to feel that people can hear them and what they are trying to say at all times​.

81)[ENG][JPN] 武庫川女子大学附属中学校・高等学校「あしなが育英会」2億円寄贈計画



Ashinaga Foundation ¥200,000,000 Donation Plan

Have you heard of the Ashikaga Foundation? The Foundation is for students whose parents have died, who have severe disabilities, or face other serious challenges. Many students need this foundation. However this year, because of Covid-19, we cannot conduct the usual fundraising activities. I believe there are three things we can do to improve fundraising. First, we can ask schools and companies to set up donation boxes. Second, we can encourage crowdfunding, giving small gifts to donors and also asking famous people for endorsements via social media. Third, we could collect used postcards and new stamps, so we should set up collection boxes for these items.

82)[ENG][JPN] 武庫川女子大学附属中学校・高等学校すずかけクッキー全国展開




Suzukake Cookies Nationwide!

Have you heard of the Suzukake Workshop? It is run by Ichiyoukai welfare group in Nishinomiya City. Sweet Studio Suzukake makes Suzukake cookies. At Suzukake, people with disabilities are in charge of making the products. Every year, at our school festival, members of the Volunteer Club like me sell Suzukake cakes and cookies. Staff from Suzukake come to help us with the event. All the money from sales goes to Suzukake.

My goal is to help the Suzukake workshop expand nationwide. People with disabilities often have difficulties finding employment. I think it would be wonderful if we could expand the Suzukake network nationwide and expand the number of places where people with disabilities can work.

83)[JPN] 神戸市立科学技術高等学校神戸の総合治水対策と地域における啓発活動



Flood-control measures by Kobe city and its enlightenment activities

Our city Kobe is located between the sea and mountains, so it is likely to suffer from some kind of water disasters. In order to let the residents of Kobe city know about this, we made a model that would show the measures to prevent floods and landslide disasters, and conducted a simple experiment for elementary school students. The experiment demonstrated the danger of the nearby rivers and good ways to control the amount of water coming into the rivers, so that elementary school students would become interested in the importance of prevention or reduction of disasters. Given this fact, we will consider the deeper awareness of prevention or reduction of disasters and the importance of flood control measures.

84) [ENG] PSHS Caraga Region Campus :Mapping Ocean Currents and Designing Underwater Power Plants for the Optimal Sourcing of Hydroelectric Energy

Project Description: With the demand for the production of electronic applications increasing with the continuous decline of global environmental conditions, the need for alternative sources of energy - renewable energy becomes more and more apparent everyday.

The FOCUS participants of Pisay-CRC propose to design an isolated underwater structure for the containment of hydroelectric power plant components as sources of renewable energy. This structure shall be engineered to be resistant to extreme forces, pressure and erosion, non-disruptive to marine environments, easily replicable and of course, highly essential to the maximum production of hydroelectric energy.

The participants also propose to formulate a map of ocean currents that are optimal for the production of such energy, considering factors such as depth, current velocity, location and others that can potentially affect the power plant's efficiency.

85) [ENG] PSHS MIMAROPA Region Campus:

We would like to participate in this event so we could train our students and teach them to be innovative and hopefully this will be a training ground for global readiness. We would like to provide a solution to the community through innovative ideas. Taking part in solving the problem of access to clean water in some remote areas here in our province. Using low-cost and sustainable technology or energy.



私たちは建学の精神である「西南よキリストに忠実なれ」を実現するために掲げられた4つのL , Life(生命), Love(聖愛)Light(光明),Liberty(自由)を実現すべく学校生活を送っています。今まで募金活動や九州北部豪雨で被害に遭われた方々との交流など様々な活動を行ってきました。これからはSDGsについても考え,行動したいと思い参加させていただきました。


We are enjoying our school life and trying to realize the four ‘Ls’of Life, Love, Light and Liberty. The “four Ls” are important to realize our school founding spirit which is to “Be true to Christ.”

We have been interacting with the people who have been suffering from the heavy rain in Northern Kyusyu. Also we have been doing donation work. Now we think it necessary to think about SDGs and work based on them.

We hope we will deepen our understanding of SDGs in this conference and start activities to promote them throughout our school.

オブザーブ参加)Kasetsart University Laboratory School Multilingual Program


Kasetsart University Laboratory School Multilingual Program(以下KUSMP)はタイの東海岸地域に2002年に開校された国立学校です。私達の学校は他にない新しいタイプのカリキュラムを実践しています。英語、日本語、中国語、タイ語の4か国の言語が学習できるプログラムです。生徒一人一人が英語と第二外国語の知識やスキルを身に着け、世界の多様性を学ぶと同時にタイ人としての誇りを持つ人材を育てることがこのプログラムのビジョンです。



Kasetsart University Laboratory School, Multilingual Program Opened in 2002. The school is known as KUSMP or Satit Kaset, is a center for Educational Research and Development, headed by Kasetsart University. KUSMP is located in the Eastern region of Thailand in Chonburi Province.

The school motto includes four characteristics that students must have when studying these are Intelligence, Endurance, Steadfastness, and Morality.

Following the successes of Satit Kaset’s regular program in Bangkok which opened in 1971, The multilingual program is a new and innovative program that aims to provide students with Thai education. Two of those aims are to make students proficient in at least two other foreign languages which are English and a choice of Chinese or Japanese.

Students study English through from grade 1 to grade 12. From grade 4, students choose to study either Japanese or Chinese. Students in high school level, grade 10-12, can choose to study Japanese or Chinese as an elective course. This gives all students an opportunity to learn at least two other languages.

Our core values which are central to school consist of a unique learning environment that helps students enjoy their studies and inspires them to be lifelong learners, Specialist teaching in every subject for students 12 years of study. Active engagement of the pursuit of personal excellence, achievement, innovation and creative program designed which encourages our students to think both creatively and critically.