Silver Award

Marcella Junkroft

Troop 40979

Silver Award earned: Dec. 4, 2019

Project Title: Apples for Awareness

Description of Project:

Marcella had first explored community issues and then chose to address the fact that people who are poor have little access to fresh fruit and vegetables. Often times junk food is cheaper, more readily available, and has attractive packaging. Along with it, she wanted people who are facing difficult financial issues to know that there is hope, and that they have value and self worth. These issues were important to her because she believes everyone deserves to be healthy and everyone should feel like they belong.

She connected with leaders in the community, in particular, the Linden Housing Authority, to learn more and share her ideas to make a difference. She created Apple ornaments for the tenants that included messages of hope, created and distributed healthy apple recipes, and shared her knowledge with over 150 residents at their annual Thanksgiving Luncheon. She was also able to speak to her 7th grade class about the project and the importance of choosing healthy options. She explained how easy it would be to fall into a hard financial situation, how it can be any one of us. And that no matter what circumstances we have, that our lives have value and worth. Through her interactions with the residents, and by creating recipe cards that could be distributed and shared with others, this project is sustainable beyond her involvement.

Marcella gained leadership skills and said that the the most rewarding part of the project was handing out the apple ornaments and seeing the looks of joy on people's faces - she knew she was making a difference.