2020 SATU Joint Research Scheme (JRS)

CALL for Co-PI

About JRS

General Description

The SATU Presidents' Forum International Secretariat launched the SATU Joint Research Scheme, or SATU JRS, in 2012 to provide a collaborative platform that facilitates academic research cooperation among SATU member universities.

JRS projects are funded by individual host universities. Each host university may provide funding or alternative types of support to implement a given project.


The SATU International Secretariat works as a networking platform to connect the scholars who share similar research interests. The aim of JRS is to help integrate resources to increase the quality, quantity, and global scope of the research being conducted at our member universities, with the goal of advancing the research achievements of the SATU community.

Matching Result Announcement:


Investigators must be working at SATU member universities and have a doctoral degree.


Acceptable topics include those involving Liberal Arts, Management, Sciences, Social Science, Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Planning & Design, Bioscience & Biotechnology, and Medicine in Southeast and South Asia, and multidisciplinary research. Each project consists of a team of researchers, including a PI and Co-PI(s) from SATU member universities.

2020 SATU JRS Project List

Eligible investigators of the SATU community are encouraged to apply to participate in the projects submitted by the PIs from SATU member universities with funding for the 2020 SATU JRS. The 2020 SATU JRS PI Project List is available for a review online and for download here.

To apply for the project(s) which you would like to join as a CO-PI, please complete the "Co-PI Application Form" below.

Member Universities' Funding Plans

University of Malaya

1. The University of Malaya (UM) provides grant to the UM's researchers for the research project (direct cost for research) for approved projects.

2. The amount of grant disbursed depends on each project and the university's funding distribution.

National Chung Hsing University

1. The National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) will provide travel funding only for NCHU hosted JRS projects with NCHU's partner universities (priority) and related SATU members.

2. The PIs of these NCHU hosted projects and/or the Co-PIs, whose institutions are outside of Taiwan, are eligible for this funding.

3. A total of three (3) trips for each project will be funded, with each trip being funded up to the amount of NT$25,000.

4. These funds can be used for economy-class roundtrip airfare and hotel accommodations.

National Cheng Kung University

1. The National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) provides financial support only for JRS projects hosted by NCKU PI(s).

2. To be eligible, these projects should be matched with at least one Co-PI whose institution is located outside of Taiwan.

3. The funding detail for each given project are as follows:

(1) A total of four international trips for each project will be funded.

(2) The PI, Co-PI(s) and their graduate student(s) are eligible for this funding.

(3) Each trip will be funded up to NT$35,000 for PI/Co-PI(s)/student(s).

(4) This support is for economy-class round-trip airfare, hotel accommodations, and public transportation within Taiwan.

Co-PI Application Form

PI Submission Proposal Form

SATU International Secretariat

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