April 12-14, 2019

Welcome to the 2019 Closed and Reunion Adoption Retreat for Birthmoms!

We look forward to women with a shared experience coming together and learning from one another. Adoption is hard, being a birthmom is hard and sometimes not knowing makes it just that much harder.

This is a retreat for moms that placed their child for adoption and then it was closed: whether by agreement, choice or forced upon you. You may now be in reunion, which is great, but you also had the shared experience of years of not knowing.

Location will be picked once we know who is coming. Generally speaking, it will be around the Michigan City, Indiana area but if everyone is from Michigan, that could change! We want to see where everyone is coming from and make a choice that is in-line with everyone's location.

You have so many people you can speak to if you have questions or just want to talk it out.

  • Jennifer Adams: OYFF case manager in Illinois; mom to 3 kids, 1 dog, and lots of fish. Outlander and reality TV obsessed. 773-273-9645
  • Jamie Wilkinson: OYFF case manager in Indiana, mom of 4, youngest through adoption. 317-698-0681
  • Abigail Wright: OYFF case manager in Indiana, mom, birthmom, chauffeur to children and at the beck and call of a spoiled chihuahua! 317-820-9967
  • Vicki Twomey: Retreat facilitator, birthmom to Kevin (25) and avid gamer... board and video! 224-578-185