


  • Mail:chencm@nccu.edu.tw
  • 個人網站:http://dlll.nccu.edu.tw
  • 研究專長:數位學習、數位人文、數位閱讀、數位典藏與數位圖書館、人工智慧、大數據資料探勘、智慧型網際網路系統

Senior Librarian, Ex Libris

Yoel Kortick

  • Yoel Kortick is currently the Senior Librarian for Ex Libris and is based in the Jerusalem headquarters.
  • Yoel holds an MA in Library Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and began working at Ex Libris in 2001.
  • In the past 18 years Yoel has been involved in various aspects of the company, including support, migration, training and product development.
  • Yoel is especially looking forward to becoming more acquainted with the Ex Libris community in Taiwan, particularly with the goal of seeing what kinds of workflows and developments can most benefit the community.



  • Mail:megchen@ntu.edu.tw

Consultant, Ex Libris

梁家琳 Jodith Leung

  • Jodith is a Consultant at Ex Libris based in the Hong Kong Office.
  • Prior to joining the company, Jodith was a researcher and librarian, with over 10 years of experience in the academic sector.
  • With a career background in library reference services and experience with academic research projects, Jodith has developed exceptional research skills, and a deep understanding of the challenges and needs of a researcher and student from a library perspective.
  • Jodith is very passionate about the development of library services, therefore joining the Ex Libris Community and hopes to provide operationally efficient solutions for the next generation research environment as well as sharing best practices with the other thought leaders in this industry.



  • Mail:arthur@mail.tku.edu.tw
  • 學術專長:圖書資訊學 / Metadata及其標準與規範 / 資訊組織 / 數位圖書館 / 博物館 / 檔案館 / 數位學習 / 學術電子資訊資源與服務 / 書目本體論與鏈結開放資料 / 圖書館自動化