2018 EUTypes Summer School on

Types for Programming and Verification

8-12 August, 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia


The capacity of the summer school is up to 50 students. A maximum of 40 students (PhD students or early-career researchers) from EUTYPES participating countries can get their travel and accommodation/subistence costs partially funded (i.e., up to 550€, depending on the distance) by the EUTYPES COST action.

Application process

To apply for a place on the summer school, please fill the following application form.

Once your application has been accepted your application, please register yourself in the following link.


  • Accommodation, full board (i.e., including all meals): 6 nights @ €35 = 210. Extra nights cost also €35. It can be paid with credit cards, MKD and euros.

The accommodation cost is to be paid by all participants, including reimbursed lecturers and students supported by a grant.

Important dates

  • Application deadline: 22 June 2018 EXTENDED: 5 July 2018
  • Notification of acceptance (and funding, if requested): 27 June 2018 EXTENDED: 7 July 2018
  • Summer school: 8-12 August 2018

COST is supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020