
What's this all about?

The convention will be take place at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 4448 Pikes Landing Road In Fairbanks Alaska. It is a wonderful location, with lots of light, high ceilings and great resonance. Our singing school teacher this year is lifelong singer and influential Shape-Noter David Ivey. Registration takes place at 9:00 am. You will be asked to provide basic contact information, and indicate whether you would like to lead a song. We encourage all singers to lead a song or two. If you are uncertain or hesitant, you can ask for someone to help you. Leading a song puts you in the very best place to listen to the singing - the center of the square.

You also can add names to the list of shape note singers who are absent due to sickness and also, who have died in the past year. The singing starts at 9:30. After an introduction and an invocation, each leader will lead one or two songs. Then the next leader will lead a song or two. This keeps going throughout the day with regular recesses.

At the convention, we sing from the Denson 1991 edition - the “red book.” Loaner copies are available, but bring your copy if you have it.

After the Saturday evening dinner and social, we will sing for a while from the Cooper Book, 2012 edition - the “blue book.” We have a few loaner copies available; bring your copy of the blue book if you have it.

Curious about Sacred Harp, but not a singer?

Listeners are welcome at the convention! Come listen for as long as you like. Please identify yourself to people at the registration table, and sit on the edges rather than in the square of singers.