About iGeo

International Geography Olympiad (IGEO) is a competition for the high school students aged 16-19. It was first held in 1996 at The Hague, Netherland. Since then International Geography Union (IGU) hold the international competition every two years and the next year are the regions competition. Member teams are growing from 6 at the first to 24 at the 7th. The 8th iGeo will be held in Taipei from 29 July to 4 August, 2010. The number of participants is expected around 30 countries.

Taiwan has been a regular participant since 2002, under the support of Ministry of Education and National Science Council. We advocated to hold the 1st Asia-Pacific Regional Geography Olympiad In 2007 and are honored to be able to host the 8th IGEO in Taipei.

Geography Olympiads facilitate social contacts between young people from different countries and in doing so, contribute to the understanding between nations especially in social science and science education field. At the same time, every country can present their achievement in geography education and integrate with the world development.



The age of the participants should not surpass 19 before 30, June on the year. Every country can send one team only. Every team comprise up to four participants and two team leaders. The competitors should be selected from the national game. The leaders should major in Geography and they are able to use English fluently. One leader will represent the national to join the international committee and the other will take care of the students. In addition, the future host countries or participant countries can send observers. Observers can attend the international committee conference but they cannot vote or discuss.



This competition is individual. Participants who don’t comply with the answering direction will be disqualified. The competition include three events – Fieldwork Test, Written Test, Multi-media Test. Students must be able to answer test questions in the official language of the Olympiad (English).



Each team has to afford the return travel costs of the students and all entourages to the place as well as the insurance during the competition. It has the registration fee for the event which should give to the organiser. The host will pay all the fees during the Olympiads competition, including participants and leaders’ accommodation, traffic, observation, study…. Additional members’ accommodation, touring fee will not be covered.   


International Board

International Board of the International Geography Olympiad comprises the representative from each nation and the participation of all delegations is equal. The committee will propose and vote for the statutes. The long-term work involved in organising the Olympiad is coordinated by the Task Force.


Further information

Geography Olympiads facilitate social contacts between young people from different countries and in doing so, contribute to the understanding between nations especially in social science and science education field. At the same time, every country can present their achievement in geography education and integrate with the world development.

For the Statutes of iGeo and the previous Geography Olympiads – check the official website http://www.geoolympiad.org/ The Statutes  is also attached at the bottom for your convenience.

If you have general queries about the Olympiad, for instance about eligibility,  please email them to Kath Berg at admin@rgsq.org.au (the Secretariat).

Queries about the iGeo 2010 Taipei, please contact to Su-Min Shen at tngc@deps.ntnu.edu.tw (the local organizer).





International Geography Olympiad


The Statutes of the International Geography Olympiad (IGEO) were approved by an email vote of the International Board constituted for the International Geography Olympiad in Carthage, Tunisia, in August 2008. The vote was concluded on 30 June 2009.


General characteristics


The participants


The Olympiad tests


The Task Force and the International Board


Local organiser


The financial principles


Final regulations


Changes to these Statutes can only be made by the International Board and require a qualified majority (2/3 of the votes). No changes may be made to these Statutes unless each delegation participating in the present or last Olympiad is sent the proposed revision by email at least two months in advance. The International Board may conduct such votes in person or by post,  fax or email.

(c) IGU Olympiad Task Force
Joop van der Schee, Henk Ankoné‚ & Kath Berg.


(Chinese version.)




     本競賽為個人賽,若測驗時不遵守獨立作答的規定,將被退賽。競賽項目包含Fieldwork Test、Written Test、Multi-media Test三項;官方語言為英語(競賽試題不會被翻譯為母語,答題也必須使用英文)。為降低語言造成之落差,非英語系國家的選手在答題時可以攜帶非地理專業的字(辭)典,比較艱深的地理名詞,會提供翻譯給選手參考,答題時間也比英語系國家選手略長。







    為鼓勵年輕人認識地理在生活中的重要性,並加強發展各國間地理教育交流,「國際地理奧林匹亞」(International Geography Olympiad,IGEO)首度於1996年在荷蘭海牙舉行。自此以來,國際地理聯合會 (IGU) 每兩年舉行一次會國際賽,隔年則由舉行區域賽。我國自2002年起在教育部和國科會(科普計畫)支持下,辦理國內競賽 ,參與國際賽事,並於2007年倡議辦理第一屆亞太區域地理奧林匹亞。我國為促進地理教育之努力,深獲各國好評,而能爭取到2010年在臺北主辦第八屆國際地理奧林匹亞(附錄1)。

    國際地理奧林匹亞(附錄2)的最高權力機構為由各參賽國一位代表組成的國際委員會(International Board of the International Geography Olympiad),各委員的權力相等,負責議決競賽章程(附錄3)和提案。IG U下並設有奧林匹亞工作小組 (IGU Olympiad Task Force),負責經常性業務。參賽隊伍從第一屆的6隊到第七屆的24隊(表一),其中又以地理教育傳統最堅強的歐洲國家最積極。


1. 激發學生對地理與環境研究的興趣;

2. 鼓勵學生主動關懷在地環境和國際社會議題;

3. 提供各國學生交流的管道,以促進各國之間的了解;

4. 增進地理教育的國際交流;

5. 展現我國在地理教育特色,並彰顯我國之教育成就和國際形象。 



國際地理奧林匹亞是專為16-19歲高中學生舉行國際性地理競賽,由國際地理聯合會[1](International Geographical Union, IGU)下之地理教育委員會(CGE, Commission on Geographical Education) 倡議舉辦,1994年在捷克布拉格通過競賽辦法,1996年首度在荷蘭海牙舉行,每兩年舉辦一次。第七屆競賽於2008年8月7至12日在突尼西亞迦太基(Carthage, Tunisia)舉行。發起這項競賽的主要目的為:

- 激發學生對地理與環境研究的興趣;

-  透過激發學生關注地理知識、技能與興趣,而能有益於地理作為高中學科的辯論;

-  提供各國學生交流的管道,以促進各國之間的了解。


國際地理奧林匹亞的最高權力機構為由各參賽國一位代表組成的國際委員會(International Board of the International Geography Olympiad),各委員的權力相等,負責議決競賽章程和提案。競賽章程中明訂競賽項目、測驗大綱、活動內容、參賽者資格,以及國際委員會和工作小組的組成和任務等。而為確保優良的競賽品質,IG U下特別成立奧林匹亞工作小組 (IGU Olympiad Task Force)[2],負責經常性業務。工作小組也有責任與IGU下之地理教育委員會(該會專注於地理教育之學術研究)保持密切聯繫,擬定競賽測驗綱要後,再提請國際委員會議決。


奧林匹亞工作小組的責任為:(a)引導籌組有效率和高品質的競賽;(b)推廣國際地理奧林匹亞競賽活動;(c)激勵更多國家辦理地理競賽;(d)擬定競賽測驗綱要(再提請國際委員會議決);(e)維護地理奧林匹亞的官方網頁;(f) 與IGU和其下之地理教育委員會保持密切聯繫;(g)爭取經費以籌組國際地理奧林匹亞。