I did not find another way yet and maybe it is not so logical :). But as workaround you may download an attachment from work item. Then you may copy a download link from your browser download page and use it on description field.

Methods and results:  During 8 months, voice recordings of 14,800 consecutive emergency calls were collected to audit content and cardiac arrest recognition. The presence of cardiac arrest during the call was assessed from the ambulance crew report. Included calls were placed by laypersons on site and did not involve trauma. Prevalence of cardiac arrest was 3.0%. Of the 285 cardiac arrests, 82 (29%) were not recognized during the call, and 64 of 267 suspected calls (24%) were not cardiac arrest. We analyzed a random sample (n=506) of 9230 control calls. Three-month survival was 5% when a cardiac arrest was not recognized versus 14% when it was recognized (P=0.04). If the dispatcher did not recognize the cardiac arrest, the ambulance was dispatched a mean of 0.94 minute later (P

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In the Insert link modal, enter the text you want the link to display in the Text to display field [1]. Enter the website you want to link to in the Link to field [2].

Note: The special keywords in a pull request description are interpreted when the pull request targets the repository's default branch. However, if the PR's base is any other branch, then these keywords are ignored, no links are created and merging the PR has no effect on the issues. If you want to link a pull request to an issue using a keyword, the PR must be on the default branch.

When you merge a linked pull request into the default branch of a repository, its linked issue is automatically closed. For more information about the default branch, see "Changing the default branch."

You can also use closing keywords in a commit message. The issue will be closed when you merge the commit into the default branch, but the pull request that contains the commit will not be listed as a linked pull request.

In Microsoft Excel, you can link a cell in a workbook to another workbook using a formula that references the external workbook. This is called a workbook link. When this workbook link is created, it may use a relative path, which can enable you to move the workbooks without breaking the link. This article discusses how workbook links are stored by Excel under different circumstances and can help when you are trying to fix a broken link.

When Excel opens a destination workbook that contains workbook links, it dynamically combines the portions of the workbook links stored in the workbook with the necessary portions of the current path of the source workbook to create an absolute path.

Workbooks links to source workbooks are created in a relative manner whenever possible. This means that the full path to the source workbook is not recorded, but rather the portion of the path as it relates to the destination workbook. With this method, you can move the workbooks without breaking the links between them. The workbook links remain intact, however, only if the workbooks remain in the same location relative to each other. For example, if the destination workbook is C:\Mydir\Destination.xlsx and the source workbook is C:\Mydir\Files\Source.xlsx, you can move the files to the D drive as long as the source workbook is still located in a subfolder called "Files".

Relative links may cause problems if you move the destination workbook to different computers and the source workbook is in a central location.

The source workbook is on a different drive from the destination workbook. For example, the destination workbook folder is on the C drive and the source workbook folder is on the H drive. In this case, we store the absolute path, for example, H:\folder\source.xlsx or

The XLStart folder that is in the user's profile is the XLStart folder that is stored as a property for the workbook link. If you use the XLStart folder that is in the Office installation folder, that XLStart folder is treated like any other folder on the hard disk.

The Office folder name changes between versions of Office. For example, the Office folder name can be, Office14, Office15 or Office16, depending on the version of Office that you are running. This folder name change causes workbook links to be broken if you move to a computer that is running a different version of Excel than the version in which the link was established.

When a source workbook is linked, the workbook link is established based on the way that the source workbook was opened. If the workbook was opened over a mapped drive, the workbook link is created by using a mapped drive. The workbook link remains that way regardless of how the source workbook is opened in the future. If the source workbook is opened by a UNC path, the workbook link does not revert to a mapped drive, even if a matching drive is available. If you have both UNC and mapped drive workbook links in the same file, and the source workbooks are open at the same time as the destination workbook, only those links that match the way the source workbook was opened will react as hyperlink. Specifically, if you open the source workbook through a mapped drive and change the values in the source workbook, only those links created to the mapped drive will update immediately.

Also, the workbook link displayed in Excel may appear differently depending on how the workbook was opened. The workbook link may appear to match either the root UNC share or the root drive letter that was used to open the file.

There are several circumstances in which workbook links between workbooks can be inadvertently made to point to erroneous locations. The following are two of the most common scenarios.

Scenario 1

If you close the destination workbook without saving it, the workbook links will not be changed. However, if you save the destination workbook before you close it, you will save the workbook links with the current broken path. The folders between the root of the share and the mapped folder will be left out of the path. In the example above, the link would change to \\MyServer\MyFolder1. In other words, the Share name is eliminated from the file path.

Scenario 2

If you close the destination workbook without saving it, the workbook links will not be changed. However, if you save the destination workbook before you close it, you will save the workbook links with the current broken path. The folders between the root of the share and the mapped folder will be left out of the path. In the example above, the link would change to \\MyServer\MyFolder1. In other words, the Share name is eliminated from the file path.

Links that send users to content that violates our Community Guidelines are not allowed on YouTube. If you find content that violates this policy, report it. Note: Certain links may not be clickable. Learn more here.

We may terminate your channel or account for repeated violations of the Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. We may also terminate your channel or account after a single case of severe abuse, or when the channel is dedicated to a policy violation. We may prevent repeat offenders from taking policy trainings in the future. Learn more about channel or account terminations.

The Inward/Outward refers to the directionality of the relationship as it is stored in the database. The table that stores issue links (issuelink) has a source issue id and a destination issue id. The outward relationship refers to the relation from source to destination, and the inward relationship refers to the relation from destination to source.

If you setup your Jira and start adding and using links and get the outward vs inward designation backwards, the users "may" never notice, but your CSV imports and JQL syntax will become more difficult. (lessons learned and still dealing with)

Links are directional, and the inward/outward thing is supposed to tell us which direction you are looking at. For example, if you have a link of "Block", you are using it to say "Issue A is blocked by B". That description is only half the story, because you can also say "Issue B is blocking A". So it distinguishes between the two points of view.

Hi @Nic Brough (Adaptavist) , @Alexey Matveev , @Jonathan MacDonald and @David Sumlin , I also became confused by issue link data returned from Jira's API so I investigated and created a blog on the topic:

When you make a link between issues, one of the issues has the outward connection and the other one has the inward connection. You have these two connections because if you have a link called Blocks, then one issue is blocking the other issue and the other issue is blocked by first issue. That is why you need two different descriptions.

The objective of this technique is to describe the purpose of a link using the aria-label attribute. The aria-label attribute provides a way to place a descriptive text label on an object, such as a link, when there are no elements visible on the page that describe the object. If descriptive elements are visible on the page, the aria-labelledby attribute should be used instead of aria-label. Providing a descriptive text label lets a user distinguish the link from links in the Web page that lead to other destinations and helps the user determine whether to follow the link. In some assistive technologies the aria-label value will show in the list of links instead of the actual link text.

Per the Accessible Name and Description Computation and the HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide, the aria-label text will override the text supplied within the link. As such the text supplied will be used instead of the link text by assistive technology. Due to this it is recommended to start the text used in aria-label with the text used within the link. This will allow consistent communication between users. ff782bc1db

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