I uploaded the sample file provided to a web site that claims to accept DOCX files (namely, web-based CAT tool www.freetm.com). The file was parsed fine, no error issued. Thus, the problem is most likely not on the LibreOffice side.

The issue is that upload script for sites like Linkedin call browser apis that work only if the PC has MS office installed. I have tested this by trying to upload the same exact file from two PCs one with and one without MS office, it works with, fails without.

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From there, i figured that installing just the free MS Word Viewer fixes the issue. Microsoft deprecated that tool in 2019 or so, but you can still find it online. By default, it supports only .doc format. You can install Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack to add support for docx and newer formats.

Why the docx requirement? We always output to RTF which is plain text with markup which Word can read just fine, and is portable and readable by anything, much better. As for creating M$ Proprietary DOCX file format, I don't know of a direct way from SAS, Word is pretty awful to use, even worse than Excel. Use RTFand if necessary SaveAs from Word when it has opened the RTF.

AC? I would check the requirement, RTF should be compilable with other file no problem, as I said, RTF is well accepted by Word. As for final compilation, from my understanding PDF is preferred by almost everyone, at least in my industry, and it should matter what file format, you just print to PDF.

At present, SAS doesn't offer a way to create DOCX files directly. You can create an RTF file using ODS RTF and then using a VB script to convert the RTF file into a DOCX. If you system allows X command, SAS can call the VB Script as well.

A .DOCX file is really a zip archive that holds XML files that describe your document. So a .DOCX file is not one file, it is a collection of files that conform to the new Microsoft XML standard for describing Word docs.

SAS creates RTF -- not Microsoft proprietary XML as .DOCX. If you need to convert an RTF file to .DOCX, then write the RTF file to a folder and convert it to .DOCX using VBScript or some other process.

Interesting that after all this time they have made DOCX a destinatation. I would still however stand by my original posts. RTF being a far better format for outputs. The reasons, RTF is markup, you can insert markup via report, or in data, its open, plain text file format makes it machine and programmatically readable, can be opened and parsed just like a word document. So has all the functionality, without the drawbacks of docx (which is a zip file with XML parts). If you need PDF from it, you can directly convert to PDF from RTF. Only if there was no other option would I be generating docx off the bat.

Markdown is a markup language that is easily readable in the source format and can be rendered into HTML. It has limited formatting options, but is widely used in README files and note taking apps.

HTML is the format used on web sites to render content. It's been around for many years, so I'm not really sure what I should write about it. Except that I despise writing html code.

A long, long time ago printing was a laborious process that required every letter be individually carved in metal. Things got a bit easier around 150 years ago but if you wanted a book to look professionally published you still needed to go to a profesional printing house to get it done.

For those who may be interested docx is basically a set of text based xml files zipped together. Just change the "docx" extension of a Word file to "zip" and you can rummage through the contents like any other "zip" file. Inside the zip there should be a file path similar to file.zip\word\document.xml where the text is stored, hidden amongst tons of tags and xml references.

The answer to question such as these is often the same:

We don't have it, because nobody built it.

Don't forget that there is no for-profit company behind Joplin, which means you get everything for free no strings attached, but it also means everything is done because someone did it in their spare time, and gave their work away out of the goodness of their heart.

The good news, though, is it can still be done: if you search this forum, you should find out how. It's a multi-step process involving Pandoc, but it can be done, and as you mentioned, you only need do it once.

Well, I use (Typora)[www.typora.io] as an external editor. You can import .Docx files and using convert them into markdown with typora (via Pandoc). This does not require the use of a Command line interface.

Just an update. So if others having the same problem this may help to resolve the issue.

I've reached out to the Support Team and after some time we able to find the cause of the problem. 

The problem has got to do with the DEFAULT BROWSER APP used in Android. Im using Opera browser as the default browser app for my Android Phone.

The support team able to recreate the problem with their demo app and it seems that if we do not use Chrome Browser as a default, the problem will persist.

Its not the definite solution, but to solve this issue either we need to delete other browser app or set Chrome as the default browser app in Android phone, otherwise the problem will persist with files extension using DOCX, DOC, XLSX, XLS, PPT, PPTX.

Thanks again for the help from the community & support team.

Yes, ive search up in my phone file manager and theres no file downloaded onto my phone.

Im not sure what cause this problem. It only fails to download docx, doc, xls, xlsx files.

Ive also changed the respected google drive folder permission to ""public/anyone with the link"

I'd suggest you to check Opera's settings about downloading files or also try to force open the link from files so that it opens the link instead of a webview.

Also check which Webview is being used in your device.

As mentioned above, .docx files are "disguised" zip files, and unzip is installed by default on macOS. After using it, your file-content folder will contain the various .xml files composing the Word document.

I unpacked the zip file en edited the document.xml using Notepad++ (Plugins/XML tools/Check XML syntax now). Notepad++ noticed me at swapped elements, I placed the elements in a more logical order and repeated the steps until no more issues were found. Then I copied all the files directly into zip using Total Commander and finally renamed it back to *.docx. Word happily opened the file.

What I am saying is that if Word still refuses to open the file then there may be some more issues in one or more of xml files. Tip: use IE to quickly check an XML-file. If you see only flat text or even nothing at all, you can bet there is something wrong with the xml.

I have well over 1000 .doc files that I need to convert to .docx files for viewing and editing from IPads. The .doc files cannot be edited and need to be converted .docx files to allow editing via IPad pen through OneDrive etc ..

That app doesn't seem to work properly. It converts the files, however when I go to open 1 of those in Word, it says that there's lost text in the document or a similar error message & I only end up displaying a blank document. I'm using Microsoft Word for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2302 Build 16.0.16130.20186) 64-bit & my files are just fine, so I know it's not related to Word or my files but rather that converter app you pointed out. Also that has an annoying dialog box that tells about their other solutions that pops up every single time I exit the program. Doesn't seem to be a way to turn that off, so another reason to avoid using it. (like shareware to me in that sense) I think maybe there's a better solution out there, although it may not be free. I don't have as many .doc formatted files, but there's more than I can handle by manually converting them 1 by 1. Will look into this & post a reply if I find a better solution...

Office Open XML (also informally known as OOXML)[3] is a zipped, XML-based file format developed by Microsoft for representing spreadsheets, charts, presentations and word processing documents. Ecma International standardized the initial version as ECMA-376. ISO and IEC standardized later versions as ISO/IEC 29500.

Microsoft Office 2010 provides read support for ECMA-376, full support for ISO/IEC 29500 Transitional, and read support for ISO/IEC 29500 Strict.[4] Microsoft Office 2013 and later fully support ISO/IEC 29500 Strict,[5] but do not use it as the default file format because of backwards compatibility concerns.[6]

Microsoft announced in November 2005 that it would co-sponsor standardization of the new version of their XML-based formats through Ecma International as "Office Open XML".[8][9] The presentation was made to Ecma by Microsoft's Jean Paoli and Isabelle Valet-Harper.[10][11]

The ISO/IEC standardization of Office Open XML was controversial and embittered,[17] with much discussion both about the specification and about the standardization process.[18] According to InfoWorld, "OOXML was opposed by many on grounds it was unneeded, as software makers could use OpenDocument Format (ODF), a less complicated office software format that was already an international standard."[17] The same InfoWorld article reported that IBM (which supports the ODF format) threatened to leave standards bodies that it said allow dominant corporations like Microsoft to wield undue influence. The article further says that Microsoft was accused of co-opting the standardization process by leaning on countries to ensure that it got enough votes at the ISO/IEC for Office Open XML to pass, although it does not specify exactly who accused Microsoft.[17] 152ee80cbc

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