Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is eLearning great for SAT prep?

By 2024 SAT testing will be totally digital and completed on computers through the SAT Digital Suite. Online learning gives students confidence, convenience, comfort, and edutainment that greatly ensures student success.

  • What is edutainment?

Edutainment is the delivery of education in an entertaining way to enrich eLearning. It is a proven fun way to learn.

  • How long should a student study for the SAT?

It is a good idea to begin studying for the SAT a few months before your scheduled SAT testing.

  • How many sessions of SAT prep do you recommend a student complete before taking the SAT?

Based off my familiarity with the test and the best preparation for it, I have designed a SAT English Mastery Curriculum of 13 sessions that span 13 weeks. This provides each student with an opportunity to prepare well for the SAT during the 3 months leading up to their test. A student may need more or less individualized prep with me to achieve SAT success.

  • How many sessions at the least do you recommend a student complete of this SAT English Mastery Curriculum?

I recommend each student complete at least eight sessions to ensure that they are empowered and enlightened effectively by the curriculum's culminating assessments and strategies of the test.

  • What does the SAT English Mastery consist of?

My SAT English Mastery curriculum consists of progressive student assessment with official SAT practice tests, extensive overview of SAT reading and writing concepts utilizing officially recommended resources, guided strategy on the SAT English sections, SAT vocabulary, and SAT math section review and tips delivered in a refreshing way for SAT success.

  • Why is SAT English Mastery SUPER important?

Throughout the history of the SAT, its count of questions on the reading and writing sections total more than its total count of questions on the math sections. Therefore, students have a strategic advantage by scoring their best on the SAT English sections.

  • What about SAT math?

Most students who take the SAT report that they feel their high school math courses prepare them well for the SAT math. The SAT sections reported most difficult by high school students are the English sections. English has always been my strong suit so I seek to meet this need of my students. Moreover, my SAT English Mastery curriculum also provides review of SAT Math concepts and test tips to help my students to conquer this part of the test as well.

  • Why take the SAT when many schools declare it optional?

If SAT scores are not required by the chosen school, a student can demonstrate going the extra mile by taking the test and scoring well on it. This will only amplify their achievements by showing on their application how well that they can work with college-level subject matter, English mastery being the most substantial of the necessary collegiate skills.

  • How do you accept payments?

I accept payments using the secure payment service, PayPal. It is easy to use with a PayPal account linked securely and privately to your bank and/or bank card. It is trusted by many businesses, freelancers, merchants, and customers. When you book through my booking page, you are prompted to complete payment through your PayPal account.