Phu Cat

Aerial View of Phu Cat April 1967 (All Rights Reserved CMSgt Charlie Wells USAF)
Phu Cat with the Central Highlands in the distance. (All Rights Reserved CMSgt Charlie Wells USAF)
Building on the Perimeter of Phu CatYou can see the little strip outside the main gate and the horn sticking up. (All Rights Reserved Terry Wheeler)
The guard towers were erected presumably to get us up where Charlie could see us. (All Rights Reserved Terry Wheeler)You can see the peaked roof and a "steeple" over in the ROK Tiger Division compound. Notice the addition of a tower andmore buildings and a guard tower
Republic of Korea (ROK) Tiger Division Headquarters Base Camp at Phu Cat. You can see the peaked roof and "steeple" in the photo of the Phu Cat AFB perimeter. (All Rights Reserved John Stymerski)