45th MID Unit Photos

Change of Command ceremony 45th MID Phu Bai Operations 1968 (All Rights Reserved 2008 Terry Wheeler)
45th MID Operations Phu Bai RVN June 1968 photo taken by Bob Freeman
Back Row Standing L-R: Cpt Troth (CO), Lt Sherman (XO), SFC Carrington (1st Shirt), Howard Armour, Will Krach, Bill Tower, Harry Smith, Frank "Genghis" Hodge, Billy Moon, George Stappas, SSG Moses, Terry Wheeler, Pritchard, Gibson, Moore, SSG Moston, Martin Adelman, SSG Torres, Adams.Second Row: John L Lampe, Gary Steeples, Doster, PalmerFirst Row: Brown (sitting), Joseph Dunn, Willis, Hinebaugh, Wood, Magdits, Robert Presley

Some of these guys I can't remember. Krach's first name was "Will". I want to say that Sgt. Moses' first name was "Jerry", but I may have him mixed up with a guy who used to be a catcher for the Red Sox. Sgt. Torres' first name was "Roman" (I used to think it was "Ramon" but he corrected me). Brown (seated) I always knew by his nickname "Rap". I wish I could be more help Edited: Bill Tower

Thanks, Bill, we will leave your notes like they are and clean them up later. Maybe someone will come along and add to it. You sure and Hell ought to know who you are... right? <grin> Actually, I think you had said something about being next to Krach and I have to check why I wrote that down wrong, probably a mistake made 40 years ago versus now... I had hoped I got better! Note: Terry Wheeler

".... I had hoped I got better!" -- TW

None of us has gotten 'better', Terry....Heck, I'm glad to be walking around upright and still able to remember my name (at least 9 out of 10 times that I'm asked). Note: Bill Tower

I don't have an unprotected shot of a typical hooch or a color shot and I found this one which had also been hit with a mortar. (Used with permission All Rights Reserved POPASMOKE.COM)
This little exercise was conducted after we got hit the evening before and you can see the opening to a bunker between the two hooches.The Georgia State flag was mine mounted on two tent poles lashed together. There is an interesting story about a Marine Major that came around and had sent his driver over to tell us we had to remove that flag. I told the Lance Corporal to go tell his Major to come remove it himself and that I was quite certain my Senator would love to hear about that conquest by the USMC. They drove away.
Type This is the finished product. Home Sweet Home and "Phu Bai Is All Right". (All Rights Reserved 2008 Terry Wheeler)
This is the road we called "Murderers Row", because the Jar Heads put us there on purpose. They knew damn well Mr. Charles had the road sighted nine ways from Sunday. A mortar had hit right about where that 55 gal. drum sits and SSG Moston caught it in the back, approximately in between where the two cross overs are. New to the unit, I heard he survived and was reassigned to another Detachment. Tell you the honest truth, I didn't much care and I really didn't want to know anybody's name at that point in the game. (All Rights Reserved 2008 Terry Wheeler)
USMC Armor (All Rights Reserved 2008 Terry Wheeler)
USMC Ontos (All Rights Reserved 2008 Terry Wheeler)
A sandbag detail Phu Bai 1968 (All Rights Reserved 2008 Terry Wheeler)
45th MID Operations Close (All Rights Reserved 2008 Terry Wheeler)