About us
At 1st Hatherley Scout Group we are dedicated to creating a safe, fun and exciting environment where Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers can come together to enrich their lives and learn a wide range of skills and crafts while having endless fun and enjoyment. If you are the parent or guardian of a young person who would like to be part of the Scout movement, please head to our Contacts page. We try to provide places for as many young people as we can, and to ensure that we run to our fullest we rely on having enough section leaders and helpers. If you would like to join our friendly group of adult supporters, please contact us. Even if you can only spare a few hours a month, we would love to hear from you.
At Hatherley Scout Group, we are fortunate enough to have our own Scout Hall and our own grounds, and over the years we’ve procured all the equipment and items that we need to provide our young members with a rich and safe Scouting experience. Our facilities are well maintained and updated on a regular basis. We have a dedicated adult team led by our Group Scout Leader, all of whom have been DBS checked to ensure the safety of the children in our care, and we abide by the Scout Association rules on child welfare and safekeeping. We have recently agreed to an arrangement of close cooperation with Cheltenham Rotary which should prove beneficial to both our causes. Although we are well situated, we aren’t complacent. We constantly look for ways to improve our group, our premises and the experience that we provide for our young members, and we always welcome new input and assistance … and we ALWAYS need more adults to help us. If you can spare a little time, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you.