How do I participate in the #1PerNightCountdown?

Use your own copy (dvd, dvr, or digital - whatever you have) of the episode we are watching that night. #PressPlay on that episode at 9pm ET. Then discuss the episode with fellow fans on social media using #POstables.

What channel is airing this? I can't find it in my guide.

This is a fan-led initiative. The network is not airing the episodes. We just all use our own copies and agree to #PressPlay at the same time.

I can't be there every night. Can I still join in?

Absolutely! Very few people can be involved every night of the countdown. Just jump in on the episodes you can (and be sure not to miss your favorites by checking the schedule.)

Twitter isn't really my thing. Can I still participate?

Of course. Most of the conversation during the #1PerNightCountdown takes place on Twitter, but you can always just participate by watching or chatting on the social media platform of your choice.

What if I want to join Twitter? Can anyone help?

Lots of people! We have #POstables Twitter gurus all over the place. You can send an email to ssdrewatch@gmail.com or post a message on the "POstables Hallmark's Signed, Sealed, Delivered Fan Group" on Facebook.