I have a php website which generate invoice in the form of html tables, I need to print these html tables to dot-matrix printer. I have tried to print webpage directly with browser print option, but it seems the printer treat it as image because it prints characters dot-by-dot instead of complete characters in a single pass like it would an ascii text file, which result in blurred characters.

an option to solve this problem is to download the TCPDF library and pass the reports to pdf but you have to download some dotmatrix type font and using the link -convert.com/en/convert-tff-font-to-afm-pfa-fpdf-tcpdf, convert fonts to the format that TCPDF uses.

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The objective of this study is to examine AIS SMB since 1979 using the state-of-the-art numerical model and its contribution to AIS mass balance. We show that inter-annual and longer SMB variations are significant. We also find a bi-polar SMB pattern associated with a precipitation decrease in the Pacific sector, and increases in Atlantic and Indian sectors, which is highly correlated with the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). AIS SMB variations produce apparent abrupt AIS mass loss, and after correcting for the SMB contribution, AIS mass loss associated with D shows a steady increase.

\(\Delta\) SMB data are contained in a matrix of dimension of \(p\times n\) (where \(p\) and \(n\) are the lengths of discrete spatial and temporal components, respectively). The matrix is separated into several orthogonal modes using singular value decomposition (SVD):

in which U and V are orthogonal matrix with dimension of \(p\times p\) and \(n\times n\), respectively. The superscript T means matrix transpose. The \(i\) th column of U represents the spatial pattern of the \(i\) th mode, and similarly the \(i\) th column of V represents the temporal variation (principal component) of the \(i\) th mode. S is a rectangular matrix with only diagonal components, and each component is a singular value of each mode. If the \(i\) th diagonal component of \(S\) is \({d}_{i}\), the explained variance (EV) of the corresponding mode is:

Rotated EOF (REOF) analysis is a variant of EOF analysis. Typically, it may be difficult to interpret individual EOF modes because they are spatially coupled so a specific variation is contained in multiple modes. REOF transforms EOF modes into coordinate axes rotated relative to the original. To obtain rotated modes (or axes) from the original EOF modes we use a rotation matrix:

The rotation matrix R needs to be determined to obtain \(\text{W}\) in which vector columns are uncoupled from one another. The degree of 'uncoupling' for the \(\text{W}\) can be evaluated at a geographic point with a maximum value in a single mode while values at the same point are near 0 in other modes. There are various criteria to solve such an optimization problem. Here we adopt the VARIMAX approach, the most widely used26,27. VARIMAX appraises the degree of uncoupling for a rotated mode based on maximizing an objective function:

Dot matrix printing,[1] sometimes called impact matrix printing, is a computer printing process in which ink is applied to a surface using a relatively low-resolution dot matrix for layout. Dot matrix printers are a type of impact printer that prints using a fixed number of pins or wires[2][3] and typically use a print head that moves back and forth or in an up-and-down motion on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against the paper. They were also known as serial dot matrix printers.[4] Unlike typewriters or line printers that use a similar print mechanism, a dot matrix printer can print arbitrary patterns and not just specific characters.

The perceived quality of dot matrix printers depends on the vertical and horizontal resolution and the ability of the printer to overlap adjacent dots. 9-pin and 24-pin are common; this specifies the number of pins in a specific vertically aligned space. With 24-pin printers, the horizontal movement can slightly overlap dots, producing visually superior output (near letter quality or NLQ), usually at the cost of speed.

Dot matrix printing is typically distinguished from non-impact methods, such as inkjet, thermal, or laser printing, which also use a bitmap to represent the printed work. These other technologies can support higher dot resolutions and print more quickly, with less noise. Unlike other technologies, impact printers can print on multi-part forms, allowing multiple copies to be made simultaneously, often on paper of different colors.[5] It can also employ endless printing using continuous paper fanfolded with perforations for each page to be easily torn from each other.

In 1968, the Japanese manufacturer OKI introduced its first serial impact dot matrix printer (SIDM), the OKI Wiredot. The printer supported a character generator for 128 characters with a print matrix of 7  5. It was aimed at governmental, financial, scientific and educational markets. For this achievement, OKI received an award from the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) in 2013.[16][17][18]

In 1970[19] Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) introduced an impact dot matrix printer, the LA30, as did Centronics (then of Hudson, New Hampshire): the Centronics 101.[20][21][22] The search for a reliable printer mechanism led it to develop a relationship with Brother Industries, Ltd of Japan, and the sale of Centronics-badged Brother printer mechanisms equipped with a Centronics print head and Centronics electronics. Unlike Digital, Centronics concentrated on the low-end line printer marketplace with their distinctive units. In the process, they designed the parallel electrical interface that was to become standard on most printers until it began to be replaced by the Universal Serial Bus (USB) in the late 1990s.

DEC was a major vendor, albeit with a focus on use with their PDP minicomputer line.[23] Their LA30 30 character/second (CPS) dot matrix printer, the first of many, was introduced in 1970. In the mid-1980s, dot-matrix printers were dropping in price,[3][a] and began to outsell daisywheel printers, due to their higher speed and versatility.[24] The Apple ImageWriter was a popular consumer dot matrix printer in the 1980s until the mid-1990s.

In the 1970s and 1980s, dot matrix impact printers were generally considered the best combination of cost and versatility, and until the 1990s were by far the most common form of printer used with personal and home computers.[25]

Dot matrix printing uses a print head that moves back-and-forth, or in an up-and-down motion, on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against the paper, much like the print mechanism on a typewriter. However, unlike a typewriter or daisy wheel printer, letters are drawn out of a dot matrix, and thus, varied fonts and arbitrary graphics can be produced.

The common serial dot matrix printers use a horizontally moving print head.[36] The print head can be thought of featuring a single vertical column of seven or more pins approximately the height of a character box. In reality, the pins are arranged in up to four vertically or/and horizontally slightly displaced columns in order to increase the dot density and print speed through interleaving without causing the pins to jam. Thereby, up to 48 pins[37] can be used to form the characters of a line while the print head moves horizontally. The printing speed of serial dot matrix printers with moving heads varies from 30[38] to 1550 characters per second (cps).[39]

In a considerably different configuration, so called line dot matrix printers[40] use a fixed print head almost as wide as the paper path utilizing a horizontal line of thousands of pins for printing. Sometimes two horizontally slightly displaced rows are used to improve the effective dot density through interleaving. While still line-oriented, these printers for the professional heavy-duty market effectively print a whole line at once while the paper moves forward below the print head. Line matrix printers are capable of printing much more than 1000 cps, resulting in a throughput of up to 800 pages per hour.

A variation on the dot matrix printer was the cross hammer dot printer, patented by Seikosha in 1982.[41] The smooth cylindrical roller of a conventional printer was replaced by a spinning, fluted cylinder. The print head was a simple hammer, with a vertical projecting edge, operated by an electromagnet. Where the vertical edge of the hammer intersected the horizontal flute of the cylinder, compressing the paper and ribbon between them, a single dot was marked on the paper. Characters were built up of multiple dots.

It printed 80 columns of uppercase-only 7  5 dot matrix characters across a unique-sized paper. The printhead was driven by a stepper motor and the paper was advanced by a noisy solenoid ratchet drive. The LA30 was available with both a parallel interface (LA30-P) and a serial interface (LA30-S); however, the serial LA30 required the use of fill characters during the carriage-return. In 1972, a receive-only variation named LA30A became available.

The LA30 was followed in 1974 by the LA36,[44] which achieved far greater commercial success,[45] becoming for a time the standard dot matrix computer terminal. The LA36 used the same print head as the LA30 but could print on forms of any width up to 132 columns of mixed-case output on standard green bar fanfold paper.[45] The carriage was moved by a much-more-capable servo drive using a DC electric motor and an optical encoder / tachometer. The paper was moved by a stepper motor. The LA36 was only available with a serial interface but unlike the earlier LA30, no fill characters were required. This was possible because, while the printer never communicated at faster than 30 characters per second, the mechanism was actually capable of printing at 60 characters per second. During the carriage return period, characters were buffered for subsequent printing at full speed during a catch-up period. The two-tone buzz produced by 60-character-per-second catch-up printing followed by 30-character-per-second ordinary printing was a distinctive feature of the LA36, quickly copied by many other manufacturers well into the 1990s. Most efficient dot matrix printers used this buffering technique. 006ab0faaa

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