Historic Victory! Federal Anti-Scab Legislation Passes  A Milestone for Workers' Rights

After 15 years of relentless advocacy and solidarity, Bill C-58, the federal anti-scab legislation, has passed its third reading and cleared its final hurdle in the House of Commons.


This groundbreaking achievement will fundamentally change the landscape of workers' rights, prohibiting the use of scabs (replacement workers) during strikes and lockouts. This ensures that our voices cannot be undermined by the hiring of scabs, a practice that has long damaged the morale and financial stability of workers engaged in lawful industrial actions.


This victory is a direct result of putting workers' rights at the forefront of legislative efforts, supported by the NDP and the broader labour movement. USW Local 1944 in particular has been lobbying Parliament for this legislation for years, with Officers and members making multiple trips to Ottawa to speak with MPs and even testifying before a committee studying the issue. The passage of anti-scab legislation is a reminder of the power we hold when we unite and persist in our demands for justice.


The bill passed in the House of Commons unanimously, but make no mistake, this has been an NDP and labour movement initiative from the very start, and only now have we successfully dragged the other parties into doing the right thing. 


The legislation will now move to the Senate for confirmation before receiving Royal Assent. Once enacted, it will align federal regulations with those already benefiting workers in Quebec and British Columbia. This is not just a legislative win; it is a monumental step towards ensuring fair and just treatment for all workers. It empowers us to stand stronger in our negotiations, secure in the knowledge that our collective action cannot be so easily weakened.


As we celebrate this victory, let us also stay vigilant and ready to ensure the full implementation of these protections in all jurisdictions. Together, we have climbed another step on the ladder towards justice and fairness—a true testament to what we can achieve when we organize and fight for what is right.


In Solidarity,


USW Local 1944

Installation of Newly Elected Union Officers 

We are thrilled to announce that our newly elected Local 1944 officers were installed on May 29th at our head office in Burnaby BC, commencing their three-year terms. This momentous occasion was marked by the presence of our District 3 Director, Scott Lunny, who joined us to witness the transition of leadership within our Local.


Retiring Local Union President Donna Hokiro concluded her tenure with a final act of service by administering the oath of office to our new board members:



Full-time Table Officers

National President: Michael Phillips

National Vice President: Jennifer Turner

National Secretary Treasurer: Ross Brown


Regional Executive Officers (REOs)

British Columbia REO: Neil Marshall

Alberta REO: Richard Blais

Ontario REO: Trevor Haarsma

Quebec REO: Danis Bouffard



Robin Navin

Corey Mandryk

Terika Peters


Local 1944 is deeply grateful to departing President Donna Hokiro and departing Vice-President Pierre-Luc Dick for their many years of service to the Local. Both leaders joined the Executive Board in 2015, and have helped guide the Local with passion and principle ever since, first as Regional Executive Officers and then as Table Officers. Thank you Sister Hokiro and Brother Dick for dedicating these years of your leadership to the betterment of other members lives.  


In solidarity,



USW Local 1944

1944@work Spring 2024 EN.pdf
Copy of DUB- Raising the Bar FINAL
Steward List 17 Sep 2021

Please contact bc.meetingnotice@usw1944.ca for an invite if you have not received one. 

en-wos-burnout-letter-1 (1).pdf


#212 2816 11 ST NE

Calgary, AB T2E 7S7 

Office: 403-237-6990

Burnaby (Head Office)

5261 Lane Street

Burnaby, BC V5H 4A6

Office: 604-437-8601


4262 91A Street

Edmonton, AB T6E 5V2 

Office: 780-488-6911


412-10 Milner Business Court,

Scarborough, ON, M1B 3C6 

Office: 416-506-9723


1111 St-Urbain Street, Condo 111

Montreal, QC, H2Z 1Y6  

Office: 514-788-8811