San Antonio Oilfield Accident Lawyer

Oil Field Accident Lawyers San Antonio – Eagle Ford Shale Texas

Helping Oil Field Workers Get Their Lives Back

Oil field workers face many dangers while working on an oil field, which leaves them at a higher risk of suffering severe injuries such as traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries and, in certain cases, even death. While this work may be more dangerous than most, preventable accidents should not be taking place. If you have suffered severe oil field injuries at your workplace, contact our San Antonio Oil field injury Lawyers today!

Sadly, many of these workplace oil field injuries could have been avoided if the injured victim’s employer and coworkers had taken proper care. Oil companies have a responsibility to keep their workers safe, which is why they face stringent regulations. If your employer has neglected to provide you with a safe working environment, then you may be entitled to collect compensation for the damages you have endured.

At our Law Firm , we pride ourselves on representing hard-working people injured on the job. If you have suffered an oil field injury, contact one of our skilled Oilfield Accident Lawyers for a free consultation and ensure you get the compensation you are entitled to. Our legal team at the law offices in San Antonio, Texas, is committed to helping victims of the oil field to get righteous compensation from the insurance company by filing a personal injury case.

O When someone suffers an injury at an oil field job, they are often left with severe injuries that will require a great deal of treatment. You could be facing a long road to recovery, or you may never fully recover from the injuries you have sustained.

Our personal injury attorneys at San Antonio have repeatedly witnessed the devastating effects these injuries can have on a person and their loved ones. We know that it’s not just about covering past medical expenses and missed days or weeks of work.

You can give yourself the time you deserve to concentrate on your health and recovery by allowing the experienced oilfield lawyers from our firm in San Antonio, Texas, to handle the legal process’s complexity.

In addition to stretching across 26 Texas counties, the Eagle Ford Shale wraps around San Antonio on the south side and past Austin. While the oil and gas industry has high safety standards in place to try and limit the number of injuries that occur on the job, accidents still happen all the time. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic, every year, an estimated 1,500 nonfatal accidents happen to oilfield workers.

Reasons For Oil Field Accidents

Accidents can be caused by anything from negligent operation to improper employee training, improper maintenance of equipment, failure by the company to take reasonable precautions to avoid accidents, drug and alcohol abuse, and defective products and machinery. Irrespective of any reasons for your injury, our San Antonio oilfield accident attorneys will provide the right legal advice, and that helps you to get the maximum compensation.

Common Injuries Suffered by the Oil Field Workers in San Antonio Tx:

Workers in oil fields face a multitude of dangers, including exposure to toxins, explosions, defective machinery, falling objects, trips, slips and falls, and vehicle accidents. Incidents such as these can cause serious injuries, and tragically, they are often preventable. Typical injuries sustained by oilfield accident victims include:

  • Amputations

  • Serious heat or chemical burns

  • Broken bones

  • Blunt force trauma

  • Head, neck, or back injury

  • Smoke or toxic fume inhalation

  • Blindness

  • Serious cuts and abrasions

These injuries can leave workers with severe and life-altering physical damage. When you are involved in such a serious accident, you should be able to receive the medical care you need without having to worry about how you will cover the expenses.

We understand how difficult it can be when you are trying to recover from such a traumatic oil field accident. We have dealt with many oilfield accident cases in the past and always treat victims and their family with the confidence and compassion they deserve. Let us handle the complexities of your case so that you can focus on your recovery.

Our San Antonio Oilfield Injury Lawyers Help Victim To Claim Compensation :

When someone suffers an oilfield injury, they are often left with severe injuries that will require a great deal of treatment. You could be facing a long road to recovery, or you may never fully recover from the injuries you have sustained.

Our personal injury attorneys at San Antonio have repeatedly witnessed the devastating effects these injuries can have on a person and their loved ones. We know that it’s not just about covering past medical expenses and missed days of work.

Injured Oilfield workers often require surgery, physical therapy, and rehabilitation, meaning they face more medical bills and expenses in the future, on top of those already incurred. They may also have suffered other damages, including pain and suffering, which is more difficult to quantify. Don’t take any chances with your future, and you deserve to receive the full compensation to ensure you continue to receive the medical care you require.

Sadly, employers and insurance companies frequently try to defer their responsibility, so you need protection from skilled oil field injury lawyers who understand the law and knows exactly what your case is worth. At the our Law Firm, we navigate the legal process so that you or your loved one don’t have to. We won’t let liable parties and insurance companies prevent you from receiving the compensation you are entitled to.

Never settle for less than you deserve. Our team will do everything we can to obtain maximum compensation for oil field accident victims by filing an injury case against liable parties for their negligence. When you’re facing piling medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more, you will need all the help you can get to maintain a secure financial future.

FAQ on Oil Field Accidents :

How Can Our Texas Oil Rig Accident Attorneys Help?

Employees of an oil rig company maybe being forced to work long hours without enough rest because the company is pressuring them. There are many Eagle Ford Shale accidents in South Texas, as oil companies do not always put the safety of their employees and their clients first. Regardless of what caused your accident, our legal team can help make it right.

It is always tragic when drilling companies fail to pay attention to safety when trying to save time or money. The sacrifice of safety is never justifiable. The safety of drilling workers is paramount to us, which is why we take these cases so seriously. If they don’t, they need to be held accountable.

The person who is injured or whose life is endangered by an oil-rig accident may be entitled to financial compensation even though the accident was due to negligence. You may be eligible for compensation from a third party if you are involved in an accident that was caused by the negligence of others other than your employer. You can learn more by contacting a Texas oil rig injury lawyer at our law firm

What damages may an oil field worker receive other than workers compensation?

Additionally, even if you collect workers’ compensation, you can still sue a third party who is at fault for your oilfield accident. Some of these third parties include subcontractors and contractors. Landowners.

Would I be compensated if my loved one were killed in an oil field accident?

On behalf of your deceased loved one in an oil field accident, as a family member, you are entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit for seeking compensation for the expenses such as medical bills, funeral fees, income loss, loss of guidance & support.

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