180th European Study Group with Industry

Birmingham, 24th-28th June 2024

 The University of Birmingham’s School of Mathematics is delighted to have been selected to host the UK’s annual European Study Group with Industry (ESGI).

About the ESGI

Across an intensive five-day workshop, the European Study Group with Industry (ESGI) brings mathematical scientists and partners from business, industry, and government together to work side-by-side to solve the real and important issues their organisations are facing today. Established in 1968, European Study Groups with Industry are a well-established and cost-effective way to make real progress on pressing challenges.  

For Business, Industry, and Government 

Organisations of any size or sector are invited to present challenges and benefit from a mathematical approach to developing practical solutions. Challenges must be prepared well before the workshop, in close collaboration with the organising committee. If you are interested in informally discussing a potential idea, please email esgi180@contacts.bham.ac.uk as soon as possible.

For Participants

Academic staff, research fellows and postgraduate students are invited to participate in the workshop and come up with new ideas and potential solutions for real challenges. 

ESGI 180 will follow the tried-and-tested format:



In principle, there are no limits to the problems that can be tackled by mathematical modelling! We are expecting over 70 mathematical scientists from across the UK and Europe to participate in our workshop with expertise in, for example, statistical modelling, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and data science.


Registration is now closed.  There may be a few spaces left available, particularly if you do not require accommodation.  Please email esgi180@contacts.bham.ac.uk to enquire.

 Feedback from ESGI 171, held in Edinburgh in 2023 was very positive:

“A fantastic initiative which has really opened up a world of possibilities and opportunities for further work, an example of the power of interdisciplinary collaboration. Sometimes all it takes is that different perspective.” – Sarah Halse, Research and Sustainability Manager, Abagold

“I didn’t know much about the study group process before this week, and I have been bowled over by the experience. Working with a range of people was great. The ability to talk through ideas within the team and with other organisations helped me to see new worlds of opportunity.” – Ken Nicholson, Principal Information Analyst, Public Health Scotland

“Elkem has a long history of attending study groups. We gain valuable insight from having in-depth discussions with a diverse group of participants. ESGI 171 has been no exception, and has once again allowed us to learn a lot about a very complex and difficult industry challenge. The knowledge we gain within just 5 days is always surprising.” – Harry Reynolds, Elkem ASA


Please feel free to contact esgi180@contacts.bham.ac.uk if you have any questions.