Assignments - Fall 2022

Assignments will be posted on Piazza and will be submitted via Gradescope. Assignments are due by 11:59 PM EST on the date listed on the class schedule below.

You have a total of 5 late days to use for the 5 assignments. You can use a maximum of 2 days late on any one assignment. If you want to use your late days: at the top of the assignment, write how many late days you are using and how many late days you have left.

Submissions beyond the allowed late days will be penalized by a deduction in points by 1/3 per day

Late days may not be used for anything related to the course project; they may only be used for the homeworks.


In this course, we will be using Gradescope (a tool accessed through our Canvas course) to grade and provide feedback on assignments and exams. This will allow your graders to provide more timely and effective feedback. It also promotes fairer grading practices by facilitating anonymous grading and question-by-question (rather than student-by-student) grading. In addition, Gradescope makes it easy for you to access and review all your (graded) work.

During the semester, students will use Gradescope to (a) submit work online, and (b) view feedback and scores on graded work. To access Gradescope, simply log on to our course’s Canvas site and click on the Gradescope assignment(s) link.

This website ( will provide you with more information on how to use Gradescope. When you upload your work to Gradescope, be sure to (a) indicate where each question is located within your submission via the click-and-select Gradescope interface and (b) after you submit, review each page of your uploaded submission to make sure everything is clear and legible.

Give yourself some extra time to prepare and submit your assignment online to Gradescope, especially for the first few assignments when you are still getting familiar with it.

If you need help with technical issues related to Gradescope, email: