22-24 August 2024

The 15th APCTP workshop on multiferroics

Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

Previous Workshops

The APCTP Workshop on Multiferroics started at the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics in Korea in 2008 and has continued as an annual event, growing steadily over the years in terms of both participation and its international impact and visibility.

The 1st workshop at Pohang, KOREA in December 2008

The 2nd workshop at Taipei, TAIWAN in January 2010

The 3rd workshop at Tokyo, JAPAN in January 2011

The 4th workshop at Beijing, CHINA in January 2012

The 5th workshop at Singapore, SINGAPORE in May 2013

The 6th workshop at Pohang, KOREA in November 2014

The 7th workshop at Coorg, INDIA in November-December 2015

The 8th workshop at Shanghai, CHINA in October 2016

The 9th workshop at Kashiwa, JAPAN in November 2017

The 10th workshop at Daejeon, KOREA in November 2018

The 11th workshop at Hsinchu, TAIWAN in September 2019

The 12th workshop (online) in November 2021

The 13th workshop (online) in October 2022

The 14th workshop at Tokyo, JAPAN in October 2023