Weekly Updates/Demo

Week 7:

Came up with project idea

Week 8:

Ordered both dot matrix and Wii nunchuk. Both are supposed to arrive by this weekend and hope to begin setting up the SPI and I2C protocols for the LED dot matrix and Wii nunchuk, respectively. 

Week 9:

The LED dot matrix and Wii nunchuk came in later than expected. We hoped to have been able to get more progress done this week, but due to the delivery delay, we decided to brainstorm ideas to scale down our project idea. We decided to change the memorization came to only having 1 life, and choosing less options for LED dot matrix direction display. This will keep the integrity of the game, but make it possible to complete under the time constraint. Since then, we've been able to use the LED dot matrix datasheet to display symbols and began configuring the nunchuk.

Week 10:

We were able to set up the nunchuk and LED dot matrix and now are finalizing our game and how we want it to work. We were able to finish setting up the SPI and I2C protocols, and now need to implement the game logic and do testing. 

Finals Week:

Early in the week, we were able to write all the code for the game, but needed to continue testing and work out some of the kinks. The timing between rounds and some of the character displays were off.

Tuesday afternoon (yesterday), our dot matrix unfortunately broke. We scrambled trying to find a replacement, but the lab was closed and we couldn't order one that would come in time. Despite being extremely close to finishing, we could not create a demo video under the short time constraint we had left. We were extremely disappointed that the work we put it could not be completed to how we wanted. We have the code from our project, but were not able to finish the testing with the LED dot matrix. Instead of not submitting a demo video, we quickly had to improvise and write up a quick program that only used the nunchuk and STM32 board. With the time constraint and nunchuk as our only available peripheral, we decided to try and use the code that we had written for the nunchuk and instead implement a program that changed the green LED on the STM32 board instead. The demo video shows how moving the joystick to the left, right, up and down along with the C and Z button affect the green LED.


Not our expected demo, but the best we could do given our unfortunate circumstances. We do have our (almost) finished code from our original plan!