
Week 1 2/21/20


We have been looking for the proper parts to order that will be compatible with our Discovery board. Our parts have been ordered. We have been discussing the keypad as we decided to use a phone style keypad meaning there are about three letters associated with each number button. This might be troublesome considering we will have to implement a function that will understand that pressing the same key more than once in a row indicates that we are trying to use a different letter attached to the same number and not just trying to guess the same letter again.


-Begin to read the data sheets for the newly ordered parts

-Research on how to implement a specific picture display on an LCD

-Test out the keypad , in case we need to order a different type

Week 2 2/28/20


Our parts have arrived and we have begun looking at datasheets for the LCD and keypad and implementing initialisation code to set up I2C and SPI protocols. A current roadblock is that we are still researching how to have the LCD display a picture rather than just words, and we are trying to establish a connection between the keypad and the LCD.


  • Continue researching on how to implement a specific picture display on the LCD

  • Establish connection between keypad and LCD

  • Display words on LCD based on keypad input

Week 3 3/6/20


-started code for LCD and keypad


-finish code

Week 4 3/13/20

Changes to Project:

-Upon writing code for the keypad, it was discovered that it did not require a protocol. For this reason, we decided to instead implement the keyboard using a Bluetooth module connection with an Android cell phone. This requires the UART protocol.


-Finished game code and setup:

-LED lights (Win or Lose)

-on board LCD (for word display of 7 letters or less)

-Hangman pictures for every wrong guess

-Set up Bluetooth connection to work with android phone


-Try to setup external LCD peripheral to display the Hangman pictures of every wrong guess

(*note* we are having a lot of difficulty setting it up as it is more complex than expected and most libraries are for arduino )

-If LCD cannot be set up, must quickly find another peripheral with another protocol to use instead

>Ideas: micro SD containing sound in memory & playing it through the DAC on the board

Week 5 3/20/20

Problems Faced

-Trouble getting the LCD to work

-LCD used the SPI protocol

-No time to order new parts

-School closure due to virus made partner work difficult


-Finished game code

>Coded so that on board LCD will show word

>LEDs are also working properly

-Bluetooth and UART parts working


-Get LCD to work and display picture of hangman

-To improve, try to make the game also a 1 player game with words in a dictionary that the game would randomly select