
Overview, Goal & Purpose


The overview of this project is to design and implement the well-known game of hangman using the STM32L476G-Discovery Board. Our goal is to display an image of the hangman on an attached LCD, while allowing user input through a Bluetooth connection with their phone . The game requires two users: one to control the phone as well as choose the word to be guessed(Player 1) and the other to make guesses (Player 2).

Game play:

  • Player 1 will input a word of 7 letters or less to be guessed.

  • The word is displayed on the LCD attached to the Discovery Board

>The word initially starts with dashes for every letter in the word.

>The word is continually updated as correct guesses are made.

>The correct letters guessed are displaying the their proper placement in the word.

  • The Hangman drawing is displayed on the separate LCD.

>There are 10 guesses allowed.

>The drawing is updated after every incorrect guess made.

>The player is told how many guesses are left after each wrong guess.

  • If the player successfully guesses the word in under 10 guesses, the on-board LCD will display "WINNER" and the green LED will turn on.

  • If the player fails to guess the word in under 10 guesses, the on-board LCD will display "LOSER" and the red LED will turn on.

Names of Team Members

  • Cynthia Alvarez-Preciado

  • Rucha Kolhatkar

Block Diagram

Demo Video

Link to video:
