
Week 8 Update: This week we have been working on trying to interface with the LCD screen. We have been doing a lot of research about how to go about doing this and found many ways. We have written a good amunt of code, but we are still debugging to try and get it to turn on and fucntion properly. Hopefully, by the end of this weekend or early next week we will have it figured out. We have also been looking into finding another possible peripheral for the project and might add a loacation sensor to the design. We will most likely confirm this soon and order the part.

Week 9 Update: This week the majority of the time we continued setting up the LCD screen which we sucessfully did by the end of the week. We were able to print solid colors to the screen. We also set up the temperature sensor using I2C and the real time clock this week. The next thing we need to do is write some commands so we can draw and print charcters to the LCD screen.

Week 10 Update: In this week we created the commads to draw to the screen. We are able to write phrases and draw some simple geometric shapes we can use to create some type of design. We also implemented the state machine and set up the button interrupt so we can have differnt pages the user can go to. We begin designing the differnt pages with the commands we wrote and combining everything together. We need to finsh the design and possible build a band around the LCD so it looks like a real watch.

Final Update: We finalized and implemented all of the interface designs for our smart watch. Once all of the pages were finshed and looking proper, we fixed some minor debouncing issuses within our state machine. Finally, we created an outer casing for the LCD and crafted a watch band as well to finish up our project.