ECE 153B Final Project

This project is to simulate a DJ booth and dance floor. The parts are an 8x8 LED Matrix, a micro servo motor, a UART connection to Termite, TC74 Temperature sensor and the STM32 Discovery Board. The motor is to simulate a person dancing. The LED matrix is to simulate the dance floor. The temperature sensor signals to the DJ if the temperature is too hot or too cold. If the output says "Too Hot! Slow it down!", then the DJ can choose to slow down the speed of the dancing (the period of the servo oscillation between +45 and -45 degrees) and slow down the flashing lights on the LED matrix. This is done using the joystick which triggers an interrupt to change parameters in the code. If the temperature gets too cold, then the sensor will trigger an output saying "Too cold! Speed it up!" and the DJ can then press another button to decrease the period of oscillation and flashing.

Unfortunately, I could not get the I2C LED matrix to work, so I just used the built in LED. In slow mode the green light toggles every 2 seconds and in fast mode the red light toggles every half second.