Guitar Tuner

ECE153B Project Site

Mission of the project

For this 153B project, we are proposing to make a tuner for a guitar using the STM32L476RG. A guitar tuner is a device that takes an audio input and tells the user how in tune a note is. The guitar tuner will get its input from a microphone. The signal from the microphone will be processed through software, such as ADC and FFT algorithm, and sent to an LCD panel to display which note is being toned to and how out of tune the note is, whether it needs to be tuned up or down.

 Weekly Updates:

2/24/23: Gathering and researching for parts. Henrique already has LED screen and Jonathan is researching the best microphone for the project. Jonathan is doing further research on FFT algorithms for the audio frequency analysis.

3/3/23: Ordered microphone and scheduled times to meet and complete project.

3/10/23: Researching FFT function and microphone. Ordered new microphone with analog output. Reschedule time to meet to build project.

3/17/23: Began working on code, assembled the hardware (microphone and LCD screen)

3/22/23: Finished

 The Team:

Jonathan Wilcox

Henrique da Ponte

Block Diagram