ECE 153B Project

By Adarsh Garg and Koki Narimoto


We propose to make an arcade system using an ultrasonic sensor, which allows the game to detect if a player is ready to start the game. If there is only one player detected, it will allow the player to play against an AI and if there are two players, it will allow the players to play each other. To play, players will first communicate to Termite by selecting if they want to play Tic Tac Toe or Blackjack. If Tic Tac Toe is selected, the 8x8 LED Matrix will light up showing the current board. Each decision will be determined based on the joystick on the microcontroller. If Blackjack is selected, the termite will show the cards being played and the bets being placed.


Because of difficulties with setting up the I2C communication for the 8x8 Adafruit LED Matrix, we had to pivot to another idea. So, we incorporated utilizing the temperature sensor in our trivia game. The temperature sensor communicates via I2C and we use the readings for some of our questions within the new trivia game that we made as part of the mini-casino/arcade.

Project Final Video:

Team Members:

  • Adarsh Garg

  • Koki Narimoto

Block Diagram

Weekly Updates


  • Brainstormed for Project Proposal and Ideas

  • Ordered 8x8 LED Matrix


  • Started development of the games (Tic-Tac-Toe and Blackjack)

  • Checking the Documentation for the LED Matrix to use with the STM32 Microcontroller

  • Finding Ports and pins to use for both Ultrasonic Sensors that we are using.


  • Soldering the 8x8 LED Matrix

  • Figuring out clock speeds for ultrasonic sensors

  • Testing out interrupt handlers for using the joystick with the LED matrix


  • Finishing up both Tic-Tac-Toe and Blackjack games

  • Setting up UART connections with 2 Ultrasonic Sensors

  • Figuring out I2C connection and reading through the documentation

  • Pivoted from the LED Matrix because there were problems with our I2C connection to the LED Matrix


  • Programmed the Trivia game in 1-player and 2-player modes.

  • Integrated the Temperature sensor using I2C to read the temperature.

    • Set up the LCD to display any readings necessary on there

  • Finished up the final project!