Guided Meditation Sleep

Guided Meditations are recordings, usually made by professionals such as yoga teachers, life coaches, or hypnotherapists that simply guide you into an effortless state of relaxation and meditation. All you have to do is simply listen to the recording in a quiet place (ideally through headphones) where you won't be disturbed and your body will do the rest for you.

Best Guided Sleep Meditation

Guided meditation can last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and even a 10-minute recording can help to calm you down and centre you. The best recordings are usually a combination of a calming voice and gentle soothing relaxation music.

The meditation recordings usually follow the same format. First, the presenter will guide you into a place of deep relaxation and then he or she will take you into a deep meditative state. A place where your mind will be at peace and able to unwind.

Guided Meditation can be used in many different situations. Most Guided Meditations nowadays are obtained via downloads from the Internet. This means you can listen to your meditation recording on your MP3 player or PC as well as a CD player, enabling you to enjoy them in a wide range of settings and incorporate them into your daily routines.

I have a range of guided medications recording stored on my iPlayer of differing lengths that I use in different situations. I find a 15-minute mediation recording is just great for a rest break on a long drive or on a train journey. The longer meditations I usually use at home when I want to have an hour's break or sometimes at night before I go to sleep.

The only way you can really feel the benefits of this way of meditating is to try it out for yourself. Guided meditation CDs are available in many shops but you don't need to buy a whole CD just to try one out. Just watch This Video.

There are so many benefits to meditating. These include improving your sleeping patterns, giving you more energy throughout the day, helping you to be more efficient at work, and making you feel less anxious or stressed to mention just a few. Even after just one session you'll notice an improvement in your stress levels but as the benefits are cumulative, we advise you try out your Guided Meditation every day for one week, and then you'll really start to notice how much more relaxed you feel and how much better you are able to cope with your day to day life.

If you'd like to try out a FREE 15 minute visit Mind Body Spirit Centre Free Guided Meditation video [15 Minute Manifestation] so that you can try out this meditation technique yourself straight away.