#doneer 10 Euro aan #GODOGOOD en maak kans om 1 van de 20 deelnemers te worden die een 13 daagse #CamperTour reis met mij mogen maken vanaf de plek waar de winnende deelnemers ingepland zullen worden. Als je wint zal je per bus, trein of vliegtuig worden ingevlogen. .. zie de presentatie en druk op het tientje om een donatie te kunnen doen via paypal of doneer naar het ING IBAN nr van #StichtingGODOGOOD in Alkmaar. #NL45INGB0006385884 #13dagenmetmij #13dayswithme

Follow GODOGOODfffunnn

No one likes rules, ... but rules are there to protect you and your fellow travellers.

- 1 camper - 2 people, - 1300 euro for 13 days - 2 singles or friends or lovers?

- in a discussion always try to find peace, respect and call the crew - sponsors - investors - projectmanagers for help

- travel as far as your task-roadmap tells you to, but keep sceduled on budget and tasks along the way.

- work together, help eachother, listen to eachother and be in peace with eachother. respect eachother.

- talk about past, present and future, ask questions or answer them, but always be respectful

more rules might follow along the way ....

Are you willing and able to travel for 13 days? -

The concept is to connect 2 people for 13 days, make photo's, film and write about the 13 days.

- a new friendship, a road tour, new people, a new environment, culture, .. on the road again ..

writing songs, performances, art, ...

You can be part of this experience !

- as a follower, participant, traveller or as a supporter-crew-member

We wish to buy 1 or 2 campers for about 20.000 Euro,

By connecting 40 people in dynamic duo's setting for 13 days we wish to provide an experience camper tour through Europe.

40 people can be selected as travellers.


We need 5000 donations of 10 Euro

Or at least 40 people willing and able to pay 650 Euro for a 13 day travelling tour.

400 people being able to sponsor 65 euro will be fine too.

Are you able to travel for 13 days? Do you want to go with a friend or your lover? Or do you want to meet someone new?

Let us help you ...

Join the network .. Donate to GODOGOOD by PayPal

The more people join our network, the more we can do ...

or support us by donating to: NL45 INGB 0006385884 to Stichting GODOGOOD

what do you need

Follow GODOGOODfffunnn

if you payed 650 Euro, you are one of the 40 participants to travel Europe,

You can also ask 10 people to support you with a 65 Euro donation.

Or find 100 people who can donate 6,50 Euro

You also need your toothbrush, your shampoo, your underwear and cloathings, a sleeping bag and the things you like to use to make yourself feel comfortable with someone while travelling for 13 days.

- You need budget for your food, just like normal days - so try to spent your normal budget on this.

- You need a good mobile phone to make pictures/video's and record audio with, write some texts on social media to promote the trip and to show the viewers where you are, what you did and how nice it was.

- You need to be able to drive - have a drivers licence

- You need an identity card or pasport to travel in the EU.


If you have sponsors or are rich, you don't have to worry about money ... but ...

You need budget for your own needs, your food, your drinks, your candy or toys.

- at places you can shower,.. you need to shower ... otherwise wash yourself !!! read: *Think about Hygiene / read more

You need to know that the camper has a certain space you should share, ..

Focus on being tolerant, having fun, being together and talking about life.

You need to listen to the other person,

You need to ask questions or answer questions, or be silent .. if sleeping or silence is required.

Be patient, Be tolerant, Be respectful, Be open for changes ...Be you!

Anything is possible, ...


Being friends, Being lovers, Being strangers ... Helping eachother.

Being able to travel from city to city?

The budget for 1 couple is made by the value of the donations.

By achieving 100 donations of 6,5 Euro, you are able to be a participant and traveller. Easier might be to find 10 people to donate 65 euro, .. This is only for your 13 days.

So every 2nd person from a couple needs to find exactly the same value of donations.

This is 1300 Euro for 2 people.

But most people subscibing alone can be connected to their travel-partner to find the total value of donations of 1300 Euro.

You can also decide to pay it yourself if you have the budget.

This budget is for 1 camper, 13 days, for 2 people, ...

The calculation made it possible if 40 people would subscribe as a traveller and find their sponsors, the camper would be bought for:

less dan 20.000 Euro / see examples.

Included is a 250 Fuel value for the 13 days.

This is not much. So if you wish to travel far, you need to find more sponsors.

The quest will let you do some tasks along the road.

This might make it possible for you to sleep on a free camperplace or be sponsored by a company - organisation or some people.

Locals might help you to travel further, stay longer, or be able to eat at their place.

See what comes along the way.

And tell us your thoughts, so we can adapt and change the script too.

It is all about work in progress.