
The airport closest to the conference venue is that of the city of Chania. The Orthodox Academy of Crete (OAC) is located 46.2 km west of the airport. The easiest way to reach the academy from the airport is via taxi. The full fare including airport surcharge, double tariff and all other charges should be about 59 Euros plus 0.43 Euros per each piece of Luggage that weighs more than 10 Kilos. (This includes a 1.19 Euro initial charge, 2.86 Euros airport surcharge and 1.19 Euros/Km double tariff). Do not pay the flat fee they will ask you if it is more than this. ASK FOR AN OFFICIAL RECEIPT from the small machines they have in the taxis. (Here you can find a currency converter).

BEWARE: INSIST that taxi drivers put their meter on. Sometimes they ask double the fare written on the meter. Do not pay double, it is already included in the price on the meter.

Bus Timetables

The cheapest (but inconvenient) possibility is to take the bus from the airport to the city of Chania and then take the bus towards Kastelli that stops at Kolymbari. This, however, will bring you about 1km before the location of the OAC.

In case you need to fly to Heraklion there are 3 ways to reach OAC: A taxi would cost about 194 Euros with metter on double tariff for the trip. You should negotiate the price before however and it can get lower (about 170). You can take the bus from Heraklion to Chania (one bus per hour). It takes 3hrs to reach Chania and then you may take a bus or taxi to Kolymbari.

Finally another way to reach Chania from Athens is by boat. There are three companies that depart from the port of Piraeus for Chania, ANEK LINES, Blue Star Ferries and Minoan Lines. The boat brings you to Souda Bay, from which you can access Chania by bus.