Call for papers

We strongly encourage young researchers to submit abstracts in one of the following scientific areas:

1. Classics (Ancient Greek Philology, Latin Philology, Papyrology)

2. Byzantine Philology

3. Modern Greek Philology

4. Linguistics

5. Folkloristics

In order to be accepted in the conference, those who wish to participate must be either enrolled and active in a postgraduate programme or to conduct their doctoral research. Proof of active studentship/candidateship (certified by the respective institution) must be provided along with the submission of the abstract.

Abstract submissions should meet the following guidelines:  

1.  All contributions must present original, unpublished work in one of the scientific fields mentioned above. Contributions providing only an overview of the current bibliography will not be accepted.

2. In the case of group contributions, there is no maximum number of contributors. However, only up to two (2) participants can present each contribution to the conference.

3.  All abstracts must be sent to the following e-mail address: 12thconference.phil.ekpa [at]

4.  The abstract must not exceed 250 words (excluding references) and must be sent only in  .docx / .doc format.

5.  As a ‘subject’ of your e-mail, please state the scientific field to which your abstract belongs (e.g. Modern Greek Philology). Specifically for Classical Philology, please also state to which subfield – Ancient Greek or Latin Philology – your abstract belongs (e.g. Classical Philology: Ancient Greek).

6.  The abstract must obligatorily include references (in the same document as the main text of  the abstract). Any abstracts that do not include references will be automatically rejected.

7.  The languages of the conference are Greek and English.

8.  Each abstract must be sent in two copies, an eponymous one and an anonymous one.

9.  Each abstract must comply with the guidelines below. Abstracts that fail to comply with these guidelines will be immediately rejected:


1. Name and Surname

2. Institution

3. Status [e.g., Postgraduate student or PhD candidate]

4. Fellowship [if necessary]

5. e-mail

6. telephone number


The abstracts that do not follow the above guidelines will be rejected automatically.