
FTC Swerve Drive (Engineering)

Over the summer of 2022, I led a small team to design a complex, omni-directional robot drivebase geared towards the First Tech Challenge Competition. I did this project mainly to push what people thought was possible, and ended up creating a really innovative proof-of-concept. This page deals with the mechanical aspect of this project, see here for the programming part.

LEGO Combat Robots

In the past few years, I have developed multiple combat robots made entirely out of LEGO. This has been a large engineering challenge as LEGO is plastic, and a combat robot is designed to be as durable as possible. Multiple iterations were required to achieve a powerful robot.

Other related projects:

2021 FTC Competition Robot: Competition robot CAD for 16750 (State Champions).

LCC CADathon Robot: CADathon robot for a cad competition (First Place).

Storage Bin Volunteer Work Storage bin I designed and built for SAMBICA.