
To carry out an automated check for the presence of a person in the register of vulnerable persons under Art. 10g, para. 1 of the Gambling Law

Person with identifier 640423**** as of 05.02.2023 11:52:46 is not entered in the Register under Art. 10 of the Gambling Law.

A person with identifier 631212**** and names R. M. I. as of 05.02.2023 11:56:46 was entered in the Register under Art. 10 of the Gambling Law

Incorrect identifier and identifier type combination entered!

Protection measures

Art. 10c. (New - SG No. 69 of 2020) (1) In order to reduce or avoid potential negative economic, social and personal consequences for vulnerable persons and their relatives, protection measures are applied, which aim to prohibit or prevent to participation in gambling.

(2) Vulnerable persons are:

1. minors and minors;

2. persons placed under full or limited custody;

3. any person who believes they have a gambling problem;

4. the persons whose social position and/or income level may make them more susceptible to participating in gambling games and developing a gambling addiction.

(3) (Supplement - SG No. 61 of 2022) The persons under para. 2, items 3 and 4 may request not to be allowed to participate in gambling games organized by the persons under Art. 4, para. 1, items 1, 4 and 5, and to participation in gambling games organized online.


Register entry. Deletion

Art. 10d (New - SG No. 69 of 2020) (1) The National Revenue Agency creates and maintains a register of persons under Art. 10c, para. 3.

(2) The register under para. 1 contains:

1. names on an identity document;

2. uniform civil number (EUN) or personal number of a foreigner (LNCH);

3. period of entry, if such is indicated;

4. date of entry.

(3) The entry in the register under para. 1 is carried out on the basis of a written request on a form submitted by the person or his representative to the executive director of the National Revenue Agency.

(4) In the request under para. 3 a period can be specified for which the entry is to be made, which cannot be shorter than two years.

(5) Deletion from the register is carried out:

1. at the request of the registered person;

2. when the term for registration specified by the person has expired, and if it is not specified - after the expiration of two years from the registration.

Notification and access to the registry

Art. 10 d. (New - SG No. 69 of 2020) (1) The National Revenue Agency shall notify the organizers of gambling games of the persons included in the register under Art. 10d, para. 1.

(2) Access to the data in the register under Art. 10d, para. 1 subject to compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act have only officials appointed by the executive director of the National Revenue Agency, as well as employees appointed by the organizers of the gambling games under para. 1.

(3) The organizers of gambling games under para. 1 are obliged not to allow the persons entered in the register to participate in the games organized by them.

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