@Number62 As someone who also hasn't seen the show's finale, in Celestia's defense, she was the sole ruler of Equestria for 1,000 years, and with the duty of raising the sun and moon she serves the role of a deity. Her feeling the need to say what she can't do is her way of reminding others that she isn't all powerful. Shr has to push her subjects to be more independent because that fact is that she cant always save the day, and that she wont necessarrilly be there to do so shoukd something bad enough occur. Her managing to keep the nation alive without the elements of harmony at her disposal for so long is kind of a miracle.

Obviously I'm very biased towards Twilight, so since she's the ruler of Equestria now I'm gonna have to say that Twilight is the better ruler. Sorry @DivineKnight1000 I know how much you love Celestia, but I'm afraid that Twilight has Celestia beaten here

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Well one has 1000+ years of mostly peace and happiness, while the other has a few decades at most? I don't think there's much reasonable grounds for comparison, especially given how little we know about their politics or leadership style.

I really want to say that Celestia is a better ruler, but everything throughout (and especially at the end) of the series points to Twilight being a much better leader than Celestia, and that's why I don't like this whole thing about "student surpasses teacher", because in less than 5 years, Twilight did more than Celestia in 1000 years, and all she needed to do it was to have 5 friends...

I don't mind that she isn't "all-powerful". Sure, you might say that she ruled Equestria for 1000 years by herself, and if the country has been in peace during that entire period, then she must have done something right. That sounds good on paper.

Being able to interact a bit more with the subjects isn't the same as directly helping against some threat attacking Equestria sadly.

It hurts more for Luna since how she "failed" Equestria big time by succumbing to her darkness and left Equestria hanging for a 1000 years. With making Celestia handle the burden of protecting Equestria alone. Her not being able to truly start making up for that is just.. making the scars she has ache worse.

While I do sometimes joke around about Celestia, she managed to peacefully rule Equestria for over a thousand years, and I'd say she did a pretty good job at it. Ponies seemed to live both safely and freely, and in general they were happy. So I'd say that Celestia did a pretty good job ruling Equestria. As for twilight, we didn't get to see too much about Equestria under her rule, but I still think Celestia did a better job. In my opinion, Twilight doesn't really stand out as being Equestrian-ruler material, so I was a little shocked when it was revealed that she would be taking the reins. Plus, from the little glimpse of Twilight's Equestria we did see, it felt like a whole different Equestria. Of course, there's not really much to go off of, which makes it hard to really know. With all this being said, I personally think Celestia makes the better ruler.

Celestia is suppose to be old. Very.very old. Over 1000 years old. Yet she still looks the same. Yeah I get that it might be because she's magical and a Princess. So how long does an average pony live? Or do they just never die?

Well, we don't really know what a pony's lifespan is, given that Granny Smith seems to be hundreds of years old, (although this is debatable), but I would say that ponies definitely can die, as otherwise there would have to be a very low birth rate, otherwise everypony would starve and have nowhere to live and the whole of Equestria would be very crowded. 

Well we've seen ponies from the past in many episodes before. It's likely that they died and live an average life span. I'm thinking that the alicorns are immortal because they can live for this thousands or years.

Unfortunately, we also 'know' that Granny Smith is possibly hundreds of years old as she was present when Ponyville was founded, and earth ponies have been celebrating Winter Wrap up in Ponyville for hundreds of years according to Twilight. Either Twilight was exaggerating (which is completely in character for her), ponies have quite a long lifespan normally, or Equestrian years are a lot shorter than ours.

Celestia is obviously over 1000 years old, but we don't know how much over 1000 she is. I'll let the fact that she doesn't age slide mainly because of alicorn status. Alicorns hold greater magical abilities than the ordinary unicorn and are probably able to keep themselves young with the use of magic. That or maybe slow aging comes with the turf.

Considering we know for a fact from Mr. and Ms.Cake that ponies are reproductive, you can safely assume that ponies can die w/o ever having to pointing out the funeral and coffin in Hearts and Hooves Day. Why? Well if they reproduced and have been at it for over 1000 years and never died, there would have been very noticeable overpopulation crisis in Equestria by now.

Celestia and Luna may be immortal, and easily over 1000 years old, but I doubt they are begotten, not made or existing since time began basically. Their diaries found in the old castle in the Everfree Forest, implies a time when Luna and Celestia were young fillies getting used to and having fun in the castle.

They do die of old age sooner or later, in their later years. Celestia is about 1000 years old, Alicorns can find many ways to keep themselves young for a long time, if they choose to do so. So, there's your answer.

Another ancient villain of old appears in Equestria after his 1000 year imprisonment and Twilight is angry because of it! Not at the bad guy, but at Celestia for failing to mentioning ANOTHER powerful, sealed away villain that managed to escape.

The figure was now less than 100 feet away and getting closer. The guards already knowing what to do due to having it drilled into their heads for years. The figure was now before them and they began,

"Let me guess." She started, lowering her hoof back to the ground. "You were cursed by some supernatural means and can no longer speak without blowing things up. Due to this you started asking others for help but accidentally started to cause mayhem. Then, the princesses arrived. In your panic, you tried to explain your situation but ended up attacking them cause you haven't realized what was happening yet. When you did, it was already too late and you ended up in tartarus. The magic in tartarus kept you from aging and you stayed silent fearing that talking could cause you to be in more trouble than you already are in. But after a thousand years you gave up on someone to help you and just left to seek out help yourself." Twilight took a deep breath to calm her already frazzled nerves. When she looked back at Richard he was staring back with wide eyes. "Am I right?" 0852c4b9a8

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