Candidates preparing for any competitive exam or interview need to have an excellent grasp of the latest current affairs GK questions. It will not only help them stay updated but will also enable them to form their own opinions of worldly matters. It can help them start conversations and give a good first impression.

Knowing the latest current affairs questions and answers is a must for candidates preparing for any kind of competitive exam. We have shared current affairs 2023 questions and answers, along with a GK quiz here.

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Go through the current affairs quiz here to prepare for your competitive exams. Improve your general knowledge by solving the current affairs quiz and checking the answers to see if you got it right.

The top 10 current affairs 2023 questions and answers are shared here. Note that this list of 2023 current affairs questions will be updated. The most important topics to cover in 2023 are sports, national and international politics, world affairs, geography, names of important personalities, etc.

We have shared the current affairs 2023 questions and answers here. Find out the most important GK questions of 2023, along with their answers here. Take a special GK quiz on current affairs questions of 2023 and check whether you know about the important events or not.

As part of the agencies' obligation to engage in affirmative action, federal agencies are required by the new regulations to provide Personal Assistance Services (PAS) to individuals who need them because of certain disabilities. See 29 C.F.R.  1614.203(d)(5). PAS are services that help individuals who, because of targeted disabilities, require assistance to perform basic activities of daily living, like eating and using the restroom. This document answers some of the most common questions about this new regulatory requirement.

The following provides answers to basic questions that are frequently asked regarding the BSA. The answers are not meant to be comprehensive, apply to all factual situations, or to replace or supersede the BSA regulations. Additional questions and answers will be posted on a periodic basis.

Veterans can also use our chatbot to get information about VA benefits and services. The chatbot won't connect you with a person, but it can show you where to go on to find answers to some common questions.

Our service members enjoy connecting with the American people they serve, and we have many community-support and outreach programs that help make that happen. Guest speakers, equipment displays, concert and show bands, aerial demonstrations and flyovers give us the chance to thank you for your support and for you to learn a little bit more about us. The public affairs office at your nearest military installation can help answer your questions about local resources that may be available. The links below will give you an overview of the outreach programs each service offers. We hope to see you soon!

On this page, you will find answers to some of the most common questions people are asking about COVID-19 disease and vaccines. Just click on the question of interest and the answer will appear below it.

The default setting, Show results automatically, allows responders see the results of each question when they submit their quiz answers. Responders see green check marks next to each correct answer for the quiz questions and red message text displayed next to incorrect answers. Clear this setting if you don't want to display correct and incorrect information next to each quiz question.

This information sheet, Bottled Water: Questions and Answers (PDF), answers common questions about bottled water. Bottled water is water sealed in a bottle or other container. Note that bottled water is different from vended water, which comes from a machine that dispenses water into a container.

There are so many ways to use true and false questions. They are perfect for long car rides or in group settings. Divide into teams and take turns choosing the topic or have one person ask the questions and see who comes out victorious with the highest number of correct answers.

The New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services' Alternative Filing Branch is responsible for returns that are electronically filed using commercial software such as TurboTax. For answers to questions about the e-file program, including questions on document control numbers (DCNs), contact the Revenue and Enterprise Services at 609-292-9292 and select the option for "electronic filing and payment services."

GK questions are a great way for students to learn about various topics quickly. The one-word or short answers to these questions keep students engaged and pique their interest in learning more about a particular topic.

For class 6 students, suitable subjects for general knowledge questions include current affairs, geography, biology, chemistry, history, technology, sports, politics, literature, English grammar and vocabulary, and environmental sciences.

These GK for class 6 questions cover different subjects, including math, science, current affairs, and social science. Share these informative questions with your child to keep their minds stimulated and engaged. Let your child practice these questions daily to help them retain the information and increase their knowledge. You could also use these questions to organize a fun trivia game night with your child for a gathering with their friends. Arrange prizes for the winners to motivate them to do their best.

To evaluate how well LLMs encode clinical knowledge and assess their potential in medicine, we consider the answering of medical questions. This task is challenging: providing high-quality answers to medical questions requires comprehension of medical context, recall of appropriate medical knowledge, and reasoning with expert information. Existing medical question-answering benchmarks3 are often limited to assessing classification accuracy or automated natural language generation metrics (for example, BLEU12) and do not enable the detailed analysis required for real-world clinical applications. This creates an unmet need for a broad medical question-answering benchmark to assess LLMs for their response factuality, use of expert knowledge in reasoning, helpfulness, precision, health equity and potential harm.

Despite the strong performance of Flan-PaLM on multiple-choice questions, its answers to consumer medical questions reveal key gaps. To resolve this, we propose instruction prompt tuning, a data- and parameter-efficient alignment technique, to further adapt Flan-PaLM to the medical domain. The resulting model, Med-PaLM, performs encouragingly on the axes of our pilot human evaluation framework. For example, a panel of clinicians judged only 61.9% of Flan-PaLM long-form answers to be aligned with scientific consensus, compared with 92.6% for Med-PaLM answers, on par with clinician-generated answers (92.9%). Similarly, 29.7% of Flan-PaLM answers were rated as potentially leading to harmful outcomes, in contrast to 5.9% for Med-PaLM, which was similar to the result for clinician-generated answers (5.7%).

a,b, Lay user assessment of answers, addressing relevance to the intent of the query (a) and helpfulness (b). Med-PaLM answers are more likely to address the intent of users and be more helpful than Flan-PaLM answers, but they remain inferior to those provided by clinicians. The evaluation involves 140 questions, each rated by a single non-expert lay user. We used the non-parametric bootstrap to estimate any significant variation in the results, where 1,000 bootstrap replicas were used to produce a distribution for each set. We used the 95% bootstrap percentile interval to assess variations.

Answers generated by experts were again superior to those of Flan-PaLM, although performance was improved by instruction prompt tuning for Med-PaLM (Fig. 5). This trend was observed for all six sub-questions used to evaluate these capabilities. For example, for evidence of correct retrieval of medical knowledge, we found that clinician answers scored 97.8%, whereas Flan-PaLM scored 76.3%. However, the instruction prompt-tuned Med-PaLM model scored 95.4%, reducing the performance gap with clinicians.

To assess the potential of LLMs in medicine, we focused on answering medical questions. Answering medical questions requires reading comprehension skills, ability to accurately recall medical knowledge and manipulation of expert knowledge. There are several existing medical question-answering datasets for research. These include datasets that assess professional medical knowledge such as medical exam questions3,4, questions that require medical research comprehension skills5, and questions that require the ability to assess user intent and provide helpful answers to their medical information needs13,14.

MMLU6 includes exam questions from 57 domains. We selected the subtasks most relevant to medical knowledge: anatomy, clinical knowledge, college medicine, medical genetics, professional medicine and college biology. Each MMLU subtask contains multiple-choice questions with four options, along with the answers.

The LiveQA dataset13 was curated as part of the Text Retrieval Challenge (TREC) 2017. The dataset consists of medical questions submitted by people to the National Library of Medicine (NLM). The dataset also consists of manually collected reference answers from trusted sources such as the National Institute of Health (NIH) website.

Although objective accuracy metrics on multiple-choice questions are a robust measure of model performance, they omit several important details. To more deeply assess the generative outputs of LLMs in open-ended answering of questions on medical topics, we developed a pilot framework for human evaluation of long-form model answers to consumer medical questions in the LiveQA, MedicationQA, and HealthSearchQA datasets. 17dc91bb1f

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