Common core principles and competences for social care and health workers working with people at the end of life - 2nd edition

Published by Skills for Care, West Gate, 6 Grace Street, Leeds LS1 2RPSkills for Care, West Gate, 6 Grace Street, Leeds LS1 2RP
Skills for Health, 1st Floor, Goldsmiths House, Broad Plain, Bristol BS2 0JP
© Skills for Care & Skills for Health 2014

The principles

  1. Care and support is planned and delivered in a person-centred way, with the person’s priorities, including spiritual, emotional and cultural needs, guiding all decisions and actions.

  2. Communication is straightforward, appropriate and timely, and is delivered sensitively, taking account of the circumstances, needs and abilities of the person and their carers2. Communication reflects an understanding of, and respect for, the person’s cultural and spiritual needs.

  3. End of life care is provided through integrated working, with practitioners collaborating to ensure seamless care and support at the point of delivery. Needs are met in ways that are appropriate to the person, rather than being service-led. Workers maintain ongoing communication so that care and support is properly co-ordinated and responsive to changing circumstances and priorities.

  4. Good, clear and straightforward information is provided to the person and their carers.

  5. Regular reviews and effective communication ensure that care and support is responsive to the needs and changing circumstances of people at the end of life, and their carers. Forward planning, including advance care planning, facilitates well-coordinated, planned and organised care and support.

  6. The needs and rights of carers are recognised and acted upon. Carers are offered support both while caring, and during bereavement. Employers recognise the ways in which workers are affected while caring for someone who is dying, and provide appropriate guidance and support.

  7. Employers provide appropriate learning and development opportunities for workers to ensure that they are properly equipped to work with people at the end of life. Workers are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning.