I know there were some complaints surrounding white noise earlier this year and it was apparently fixed. However, my Mini is on the latest firmware (I checked) and after 1 hour, white noise stops playing. Am I setting it up wrong? How can I get it to continue looping for the 12 hours it's supposed to?

Just as litter degrades the landscape of the community, noise degrades the soundscape. The U.S. Census Bureau's "Surveys of Neighborhood Problems," conducted over the past three decades, has consistently placed noise among the top four issues of concern.

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Noise events may occur at random -- on occasions when a code enforcement officer with a sound level meter is not available. For those occasions, County law has a provision establishing a noise disturbance violation. The noise disturbance criteria are more subjective, and dependent upon the observations and testimony of witnesses and/or a code enforcement officer.

A noise disturbance, as defined by the Montgomery County Noise Law (56KB, PDF), is any sound that is:

Under the law, it is unlawful to create a noise disturbance anywhere during quiet hours, including multi-family buildings and townhouses. The nuisance provision prohibits some noise disturbances anywhere at any time.

It is also helpful to be mindful of noise throughout the day. Our community is changing because smart growth and land use planning is clustering development into multiple-use areas. Traditional residential areas now share space with a variety of commercial uses. There is a greater opportunity for business noise to be a disturbance to those living nearby. Further, an increasing number of people now run businesses from their homes or telecommute - a midweek afternoon lawn service might now interrupt an at-home teleconference.

Loudness is a subjective measure because different people have different levels of hearing and don't experience sound in the same way. Someone who is hard of hearing, for example, might not perceive a jackhammer as loud while someone with excellent hearing could be disturbed by the same noise. Both people, however, would experience the same level of sound intensity.

During business hours, Code Enforcement personnel from the Department of Environmental Protection investigate complaints by using sound level meters to measure dBA levels at property lines. After regular business hours, the Noise Law allows police officers to issue citations for noise disturbances on their own judgment and with the testimony of witnesses.

Measurements shall not be conducted in the presence of wind speeds greater than 12 miles per hour, nor in the presence of precipitation or fog. No measurement shall be made closer than 3 feet to any large reflecting surface.

Outdoor amplified sound can be a pleasurable experience at a restaurant, music event, or party, but it can create noise problems for surrounding neighbors if not adequately controlled. Other forms of amplified sound, such as an outdoor PA system used at a place of business or sporting event, can be another source of unwanted noise, which can sometimes carry a considerable distance from the source.

In July 1989, after extensive discussion, testimony, and public hearings, the Montgomery County Council amended the County Noise Law (Chapter 31B, Section 31B-11, Montgomery County Code) to specifically regulate noise from leaf blowers. The amendment became effective July 1, 1990. It was reconfirmed and included in the comprehensive revision of the Noise Control Law that became effective March 13, 1996. On September 27, 2023, the County Noise Law was amended to ban the sale and use of combustion engine-powered leaf blowers and vacuums.

A person must not sell, buy, offer for sale, or use a leaf blower at any time that has an average sound level exceeding 70 dBA (A-weighted decibels) at a distance of 50 feet. This requirement is in addition to any other noise level or noise disturbance standard that applies under the Noise Law. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) must apply the current leaf blower testing standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to determine the noise level at 50 feet.

Commercial buildings are required to have emergency standby generators to operate emergency lights, elevators, fire alarms and fire pumps during power outages. Also, in recent years it has become increasingly popular for homeowners to install emergency standby generators. Consequently, the number of noise complaints related to emergency standby generators has been steadily increasing.

Problems may be avoided through careful planning, design, equipment selection and installation. Almost all manufactured products, including generators, have noise performance specifications. Potential noise sources that can operate on a 24-hour basis, such as  standby generators, are required to meet Montgomery County's more restrictive nighttime standard of 55 dBA (A-weighted decibels) at the nearest receiving residential property line.

Trash companies and their employees are not allowed to collect solid wastes and recyclables in Montgomery County before 7 a.m. (9 a.m. on federal holidays and Sundays) or to collect after 9 p.m. on any day (Monday through Sunday, including federal holidays). However, collections may be made at any time from business establishments such as commercial, industrial, institutional, or other nonresidential use structures provided that there is no residential structure within 500 feet of the collection point.

The Solid Waste Ordinance allows trash collection to begin at 7 a.m. on Saturday, however please be aware the Quiet Hours mandated by the Montgomery County Noise Control Ordinance are in effect until 9 a.m. on Saturday. Therefore, trash collection between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. on Saturday can result in creation of a noise disturbance, which can be a noise violation. Therefore, it is highly recommended that commercial trash collection be delayed until 9 a.m. when there are residences located within 500 feet of the collection point.

Commercial parking lot cleaning activities employ vacuum trucks and leaf blowers to collect and remove debris. Owners and property managers of commercial buildings and retail establishments generally prefer lot cleaning activities be performed after their business hours. This often times means that lot cleaning activities are occurring after 9 p.m. during quiet hours, and sometimes within close proximity to residences.

While it is understandable that lot cleaning contractors may have to service a particular location during nighttime hours, there are things that can be done to minimize the impact of noise on nearby residences, which includes:

Construction and development projects are by their nature not quiet. However, with careful planning and operation, it's possible to minimize potential noise disturbances from construction activities. Construction workers, contractors and engineers, should be aware of how activities are regulated under the Montgomery County Noise Control Law.

NIOSH established a recommended exposure limit (REL) of 85 A-weighted decibels (dBA) averaged over an eight-hour workday. Workers who are exposed to noise at or above the NIOSH REL are at risk of developing significant hearing loss over their working lifetime. Although the NIOSH REL is based on exposure for eight hours, everyone differs in their susceptibility to noise. You can check the noise level using a sound level meter.

This figure shows the relationship between exposure level and exposure duration under the NIOSH REL. As sounds become louder than 85 dBA, the length of a daily exposure must be reduced. For each 3 dBA increase in noise level, NIOSH recommends reducing the exposure duration by half. This is called the exchange rate. Similarly, if the daily exposure is longer than 8 hours, the allowable noise level is lower. To learn more, see Table 1-1 of the Occupational noise exposure; criteria for a recommended standard (cdc.gov).

Although hazardous noise most commonly occurs in industries such as mining, manufacturing, and construction, every industry has workers who are exposed to hazardous noise. For example, people working as janitors or administrative staff at noisy workplaces are also at risk for hearing loss.

The hierarchy of controls groups preventive actions by how well they may reduce or remove a workplace hazard. A summary of different prevention strategies based on the hierarchy of controls is provided below. You might need to use a combination of actions to maximize worker protection. Keep in mind all potential exposures should be considered. For example, isolating the noise does not reduce ototoxic chemical exposures in the area.

A summary of different prevention strategies based on the hierarchy of controls is provided below. The hierarchy of controls groups preventative actions by how well they may reduce or remove a workplace hazard. You might need to use a combination of actions to maximize worker protection. Keep in mind all potential exposures should be considered. For example, isolating the noise does not reduce ototoxic chemical exposures in the area.

For elimination and substitution, consider using Prevention through Design strategies to reduce noise exposures. Prevention through Design is an approach to proactively include prevention when designing work equipment, tools, operations, and spaces.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Provide workers with hearing protection devices when other approaches cannot reduce noise to a safe level. NIOSH recommends wearing hearing protection whenever noise levels exceed 85 dBA, regardless of how long the sound lasts. Hearing protection can be quite effective when chosen correctly and used consistently.

I noticed a change in volume over the past week or few. Honestly, my Minis have been behaving poorly since mid December it's hard to track. In any case, I used to listen at 25% max most of the time. Now I can barely hear music at the same level. I've also noticed that my ocean sleep sounds sometimes are still playing up to my alarm going off in the morning, where the waves used to stop after about an hour. 2351a5e196

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