It could be that everyone is singing. I know you say you all song every day but that's just you two with maybe a brother and sister or other parent. Even though 8-10 people doesn't seem like a lot to us to babies it can be overwhelming. Just a thought.

My first son cried if anyone ever sang the song about the meatball rolling off the table. Anyway I figured it was just an emotional song for him ;). But he would cry if he heard it on the radio or if I sang it to him.

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Try singing the happy birthday song with just the 2 of you and if she cries it is probably just the song. But if she is fine I would say that it is probably all of the attention or loudness (8-10 people can get loud when excited).

Wow! Thank you everyone. I agree, I figured she felt so comfortable with the people she is always surrounded by. But now that I think about it... I can be overwhelming the loudness of all of us at once singing and staring at her. I guess we just wont sign for her party and just serve the cake. It does hurt me to see her cry like that. Thanks again!!

I cried for my first few birthdays during the song, the next few I spent under the table and still hate it as an adult but just deal with it, I hate to be in positions like that I even eloped lol. I'm shy and introverted so being the center of attention just freaks me out.

So second time she cries non stop and she get so sentimental. My LO hardly ever cries. She is a very happy baby. Last month for my birthday she totally balled out when everyone 8-10 ppl began to sign the happy birthday song. Well her bday was yesterday and although we have a big party for her next Sunday, I bought her a cake to cut at home with grandparents and siblings. And again.... She cried nonstop with the birthday song. Both English and Spanish one. I dont get it.... We sing together everyday throughout the day since she was born. She heard music in the car and at home and she starts dancing. She is a social butterfly!! So she loves having people's attention. So why is it that she cries so much? And she looks very sad and scared too! I feel so bummed that we wont be signing to her for her big birthday party. What do you think its causing it or anything I should do different?? Thanks! Im just shocked!

My daughter always hides when it's time to sing happy birthday at a party bc shes afraid of the \"fire\" (candles) and shes super shy and doesnt like the attention. We tried this year to sing for her bday and she hid her face in her dads chest the whole time..shes 4. This just started though..was fine the first few years. We can sing the song on a normal day though so it's not the song itself, just the whole experience.

My 2 year old is terrified if the happy birthday song for the last few months... Everytime we go to a party and people start singing it he freaks out, it's the most upset we have ever seen him. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this, our best guess is he was scared by the singing at a party in the past? The weird things are that he is fine with groups of people singing other songs (goes to music classes etc), HE can sing the birthday song by himself and it's ok, but if even one other person like me sings it he immediately starts crying and gets soooo upset! Any ideas? We usually take him out of the room lately to avoid the meltdown, we tried to sing it at home and make it fun for him so he had a positive association, 

but that didn't work, just hoping he outgrows it soon :(

My family goes a bit overboard with the Happy Birthday song. For starters, there are a lot of us so that means anywhere from 4 to about 20 voices depending on who's present. Also, everyone can sing to some degree so no one is shy about loudly belting out the lyrics or taking license with the harmonies.

At the end of the song, without fail, everyone sings... "and many more"...which is a family tradition that has been around for as long as I can remember (I think some other people might sing it this way but I've never met them)

Your loved one's impending birthday may be looming heavy for their friends and family, but without a celebration to gather for it seems like the only alternative is to suffer alone. The idea of celebrating a deceased loved ones birthday might seem odd to some, which is one reason why those who want to recognize the day might be hesitant to speak up. But if you feel like spending the day with people, do something about it!

Instead of presents, you could also tell guests to bring an object that reminds them of your loved one. During the gathering, you can take a few moments for each person to tell the story of their item (yes, like show and tell!)

My daughter always did something crazy on her birthday, she passed 3 yrs ago but now i do something crazy for her last year i went parasailing, the year before ziplining, & this year bungee jumping. I feel her spirit with me everytime.

Our oldest son passed away 22 years ago, every year on his birthday we have our youngest son over with his four children and now their husbands and wives we have a family favorite meal with cake, and each one of us release a balloon with a written message, 22 years and it seems like yesterday.

My 23 yr old son passed away in May 2018. His favorite place to eat was Taco Bell. If he got to pick, no matter what the occasion was, it was always Taco Bell. Every year we invite his friends and family to dinner at Taco Bell for his birthday. We know that we will all continue to share a special bond with each other and with our sweet boy. Loved forever, gone too soon.

For the first birthday after my son passed last year he would have been celebrating his sweet 16. It was just a few month after his tragic passing from Covid and the world was still amidst the height of the pandemic. For his sweet 16th birthday, the first where we were apart we built a LittleFreeLibrary in his memory and honor and opened it with a ribbon cutting on his birthday.

This is a beautiful way not only to honor and remember your dad, but also to prepare your child for the ultimate facing of loss. I hope this makes sense, but for your child to grow up witnessing you dealing with such a painful sad experience in such a positive way and showing that as long as we remember our loved ones are never completely gone. I think that you should consider how you celebrated his birthday when he was alive. Recreate some of your favorite birthday traditions and share your favorite memories of him.

Some popular ideas are making her favorite foods, wearing her favorite color, going somewhere that she loved, sharing favorite photos and memories, playing her favorite music, sharing the lessons she taught you that you still carry on.

Hello Kim I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my son October 25, 2020 at the age of 22 and I will be celebrating his birthday by buying a cake, making wishes to see him in heaven one day, and just throwing a small party. We can always cherish the good times!

I lost my father January, 2020. His birthday is April 21. I asked my friend why do people celebrate birthdays after their deceased. Iim glad i read this because it answered and cleared alot for me. I thank you for this. I will be celebrating my dads birthday because he did exist and he was a loving, caring, humble man. He deserves to be remembered.

My son was murdered by his blood cousin in 2017. The cousin has not been charged even though everyone know who did it. The detective keeps saying they need an eye witness to testify even though several people have called crime stoppers.

My sons birthday is December 23rd and he will be 24. I agree with you, birthdays are the hardest, his as well as mine. I am trying to figure out what I am going to do for him this year. I think planning his birthday parties help keep me busy. I will never stop celebrating his birthday. As long as I am able to, I will with no regret, excuses or apologies.

My maternal grandfather died unexpectedly of cancer at the age of 79. Obviously death is a difficult time for anyone, but to lose someone in the year right before a milestone birthday should have been celebrated makes it feel even worse.

Hi K!

I can relate I lost my mom in Feb.2018 and today 1/15 is her birthday. The holidays were not horrible but I felt a big empty hole with out her here. However birthdays were very important and special for us both and this one is a hard one.

I am the same my mom passed away within 1 week of having pneumonia diagnosed on Friday 26 the Jan 2018 died Friday 2nd Feb 2018 so fast this year will be her second birthday without her 30th July I had just gone 50 years old when she died I thought we would have lots more years left yet I lived with mom nearly all my life apart from about a year and half when I was married but then I divorced and came back home .on moms birthday I will be at the crem on my own with all the memories of all the years but I wish I was giving her cards and presents at home and saying happy birthday mom it is totally heartbreaking also knowing you have to live the rest of your life without her

My brother died when I was 12, my sister was 8, my brother was 5, and my other brother was 2. He was the youngest, and just 33 days old when he died. No one knew why. We think it was SIDS. I miss his sweet face like crazy, his birthday is coming up and this really helps.

I lost my son almost 6 years ago. The first year I spent crying, curled up in a ball wanting to die. The second and every year after, we party! I came to realize that 10/19 was a special day for 19 years and why should it be any different now. After all, that was the day I gave birth to the most beautiful boy on earth! We usually start by meeting at the grave sight releasing balloons. Some bring flowers to lay out. We go to lunch at his favorite restaurant and then back to my house for drinks. We listen to music, sing, dance and enjoy each other. Keeping this day a happy one as well as keeping his memory alive.

What a wonderful way to help recognize a very special person even in passing. We pretty much honor the president with their birthdays even after they passed. The same should be applied to honoring a very special person, not as a memorial remembrance, but with their birthdays as a very positive way for us to cope with our grief. What could be more than remembering a very special woman, man, or even a child or a pooch in their lives by honoring them on their birthdays? How about visiting their burial site on the date of their passing or better yet, visit them on their birthday and to reminisces of all the past lives spent together so they may never be forgotten. 152ee80cbc

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