But this investigation has raised a concern. I have a large menu with many items. Using the 2017 theme, it loads quickly and downloads 3.78MB. When using the PRO theme, it loads VERY slowly and downloads 48.2MB to display the same menu.

The X menu settings were coded built in within Cornerstone. Regretfully there is no way you can switch it off. I could recommend that if you are working remotely, temporarily deactivate Cornerstone and work on your menus. Once you are done, you can reactivate it again to display the pages correctly.

1 Resource For Ps3 Themes Currently With 12 020 Themes For Free Download Menu

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Thanks, Leo, for the response. However, it looks like it doesn't have the same effect from 12.9 to 12.10 - note the menu bars across the top in the two screenshots. I've set the same three settings between the two versions the same, and I've fiddled with the other settings in 12.10 - what am I missing?

All -

We are slowly wandering a similar path to customize Omeka-S themes. Context: a couple of historians with just enough tech knowledge to be dangerous, are building an omeka-s based platform to hold sharable teaching resources for our campus faculty.

The Theme section of each Site menu allows you to select the theme for your site, and to set theme-specific settings. Each site on your Omeka S installation can have a separate theme and numerous customizations. A fresh Omeka S install comes with one theme, called Default.

The folder that appears in the /themes folder should show the name of the theme, without any version numbers. If you are having issues installing a theme, check that you have unzipped the theme correctly, without creating extra folder levels.

To uninstall a theme, simply delete the folder from the /themes directory in your Omeka S installation. All settings on that theme, from all sites, are saved elsewhere and will not be deleted. This means you can reinstall the theme again at a later date and recover your settings.

Currently installed themes will be available for selection in the process of adding a new site. Click to the "Theme" tab before saving to select one, then save your site. If you do not select a theme, your new site will use the Default theme.

Note that your settings for a specific theme on a site will be saved when you change themes. For example, if you customized the footer for the default theme, then switched to using The Daily for a while, then switched back to the default theme, your custom footer will still be there.

This asset is not associated with any of the items, and will be stored separately; once uploaded to a site you will be able to select it again without re-uploading even if you change themes for a while. Any asset uploaded to one site will be available for all sites on the installation.

Foundation is a theme that comes with a few default stylesheets for fast prototyping or getting started with modifying themes. As a result, it has some unique settings. For more information on using Foundation, including working with Sass, see the theme ReadMe file.

When on the Theme page of a Site, your current theme will appear at the top, with two buttons on the right: "Edit theme settings" and "Configure resource pages." Select the "Configure resource pages" button to modify how these pages will display in this theme.

Note that your settings for a specific theme on a site will be saved if you change themes. For example, if you customized the item page for the Default theme, then switched to using Foundation for a while, then switched back to the Default theme, your item page settings would be retained.

The image below shows the "Configure resource pages" screen with the "Item page" tab selected. The right sidebar includes a dropdown menu to select a region and a list of the remaining possible blocks to be added to the page. The Foundation theme is being used and there are four regions: Full-width main, Main with sidebar, Right sidebar, and Left sidebar.

The image below displays the public item page in the Foundation theme, with the blocks set as in the screenshot above: Lightbox gallery in the Full-width main region; Values and Linked resources in the Main region; Media list in the Right sidebar region; Resource class and Item sets in the Left sidebar region.

When you first set up your U.OSU account, your site has default settings for title, comments, privacy, and theme. You can change themes, create new menus and add widgets as a way to customize your site.

When you're viewing a template, you can preview how it looks with any compatible resource in your store. For example, if you're viewing a product template, then you can test it with any product in your store.

The first part of this tutorial focuses on setting up your WordPress menu items with the proper CSS classes. To do that, navigate to your WordPress dashboard > Menus > Create a new menu or open an existing one.


How i can putt the same drop down menu and with the same css class put on icon or image.

I mean i want make a basket icon on my woocommerce, so when you hower on basket icon it should come drop down menu like Apple store.

i tried to putt same css class first-level first-level-1 on image and icon but not working at all.

thanks for answer

For example, from your menu, you can tag a post with Python. Then, all posts with Python will appear at yoursite.com/tag/python. You can also use that link in your navigation to create a link to that collection.

@denvergeeks Is there a way to make the submenu item that has children toggle rather than hover? For example, I would like the Dealing with Data, Machine Learning, and Visualize section (shown below) to toggle rather than hover when you select the mentioned topics. Is there a way to do that with the ghost-dynamic-dropdown?

WordPress Themes live in subdirectories of the WordPress themes directory (wp-content/themes/ by default) which cannot be directly moved using the wp-config.php file. The Theme's subdirectory holds all of the Theme's stylesheet files, template files, and optional functions file (functions.php), JavaScript files, and images. For example, a Theme named "test" would reside in the directory wp-content/themes/test/. Avoid using numbers for the theme name, as this prevents it from being displayed in the available themes list.

When enabling the availability of the Theme Customize Screen for a user role, use the "edit_theme_options" user capability instead of the "switch_themes" capability unless the user role actually should also be able to switch the themes. See more at Roles and Capabilities and Adding Administration Menus.

If you are using the "edit_themes" capability anywhere in your Theme to gain the Administrator role access to the Theme Customize Screen (or maybe some custom screens), be aware that since Version 3.0, this capability has not been assigned to the Administrator role by default in the case of WordPress Multisite installation. See the explanation. In such a case, use the "edit_theme_options" capability instead if you want the Administrator to see the "Theme Options" menu. See the additional capabilities of Administrator role when using WordPress Multisite.

Static theme resources include the theme.html file, layout templates, skins, JavaScript, CSS, and image files. The resources are stored by default within WebDAV, which is accessible with any WebDAV client.

Use the Theme Manager portlet to create new themes with one click. To access the Theme Manager, click Applications menu > Theme Development in your portal. The Theme Manager opens. You can quickly create a new theme that is based on a template when you click the Create Theme icon. To create a new theme, you enter a new theme title and an optional theme description. A theme template is selected for you, or you can select another template.

You can modify the properties of a theme and its available skins in the Manage Theme Properties dialog. In the dialog, you can modify the properties of both WAR-based and WebDAV-based themes, but not all modification options are available for WAR-based themes. When you select a theme in the Theme Manager and open the Manage Theme Properties dialog, all of the properties for that theme and its available skins display. The dialog includes five panes: General, Skins, Localization, Metadata, and Advanced. An easy first step toward customizing your theme is changing your theme logo to reflect your brand and business. You can modify an existing image or add a new image as your theme logo.

After you create a new theme, you can edit the static resources that are associated with the theme. Static theme resources include the theme.html file, layout templates, skins, JavaScript, CSS, and image files.

If you want to manually delete the content of the themes cache, you can do so by deleting the data/tmp/kc-gzip-cache directory of the server distribution.It can be useful for instance if you redeployed custom providers or custom themes without disabling themes caching in the previous server executions.

There are a list of properties that can be used to change the css class used for certain element types. For a list of these properties look at the theme.propertiesfile in the corresponding type of the keycloak theme (themes/keycloak//theme.properties).

Add the same for the account and email theme types. To do this create themes/mytheme/account/messages/messages_no.properties andthemes/mytheme/email/messages/messages_no.properties. Leaving these files empty will result in the English messages being used.

Add a translation for the language selector. This is done by adding a message to the English translation. To do this add the following tothemes/mytheme/account/messages/messages_en.properties and themes/mytheme/login/messages/messages_en.properties:

All icons are available on the official website of PatternFly4.Icons for social providers are already defined in base login theme properties (themes/keycloak/login/theme.properties), where you can inspire yourself. e24fc04721

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