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Before the introduction of a modern coinage in 1882, Morocco issued copper coins denominated in falus, silver coins denominated in dirham, and gold coins denominated in benduqi. From 1882, the dirham became a subdivision of the Moroccan rial, with 500 Mazunas = 10 dirham = 1 rial.

1 Dirham Marocain En Euro

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When most of Morocco became a French protectorate in 1912 it switched to the Moroccan franc. The dirham was reintroduced on 16 October 1960.[3] It replaced the franc as the major unit of currency but, until 1974, the franc continued to circulate, with 1 dirham = 100 francs. In 1974, the centime replaced the franc.[4]

The first notes denominated in dirham were overprints on earlier franc notes, in denominations of 50 dirhams (on 5,000 francs) and 100 dirhams (on 10,000 francs). In 1965, new notes were issued for 5, 10 and 50 dirhams. 100 dirham notes were introduced in 1970, followed by 200 dirham notes in 1991 and 20 dirham notes in 1996. 5 dirham notes were replaced by coins in 1980, with the same happening to 10 dirham notes in 1995. In mid-October 2009, Bank Al-Maghrib issued four million 50-dirham banknotes to commemorate the bank's 50th anniversary. The commemorative note measures 147Ā  70 mm and features the portraits of Kings Mohammed VI, Hassan II, and Mohammed V. The back of the notes features the headquarters of Bank Al-Maghrib in Rabat. The speech delivered in 1959 by Mohammed V at the opening of Bank Al-Maghrib is microprinted on the back.[7]

In December 2012, Bank Al-Maghrib issued a 25-dirham banknote to commemorate the 25th anniversary of banknote production at the Moroccan State Printing Works, Dar As-Sikkah. It is the first banknote in the world to be printed on Durasafe, a paper-polymer-paper composite substrate produced by Fortress Paper. The front of the commemorative note features an intaglio vignette and a watermark of King Mohammed VI, and a magenta-green color shift security thread. The thread, like the watermark, is embedded inside the banknote yet visible behind a one-sided Viewsafe polymer window. It also has a fully transparent polymer window embossed with the King's royal crest. The back of the note carries a print vignette commemorating 25 years of banknote printing at the Moroccan State Printing Works, Dar As-Sikkah. The windows in Durasafe are formed by die cutting each side of the three layer composite substrate separately. One-sided Viewsafe windows give a clear view inside the substrate where the thread and the watermark of King Mohammed VI are protected, but fully visible behind the polymer core. The transparent Thrusafe window is created by die-cutting both the outer paperlayers to reveal only the transparent polymer core.[8]

Popular denominations are words widely used in Morocco to refer to different values of the currency; they are not considered official by the state. Those include the rial (.mw-parser-output .IPA-label-small{font-size:85%}.mw-parser-output .references .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .infobox .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .navbox .IPA-label-small{font-size:100%}Arabic pronunciation: [rjal]), equivalent to 5 santimat, and the franc [frnk], equivalent to 1 santim. Usually, when dealing with goods with a value lower than a dirham, it is common to use the rial or santim. For very high priced goods, such as cars, it is normal to refer to the price in santimat. However, rial is used when speaking in Arabic and centime when speaking in French.

Though not used by the young generation, the denomination 1,000, 2,000, up to 100,000 francs will be used by people who lived during the French colonial period when referring to 10, 20 and 1,000 dirham.[citation needed] Likewise, the rial is also used for higher value goods than portions of the dirham, reaching 5,000 dhs (100,000 rial). This denomination is used in a Moroccan Arabic speaking context.

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On considre que l'histoire montaire marocaine commence au Ier sicle av. J.-C. quand Juba II et son fils Ptolme frapprent leur propre monnaie, des deniers et aureus inspirs du systme montaire de l'Empire romain.

Entrez le montantĀ  convertir dans la boteĀ  gauche de Euro. Cliquez sur "Intervertir les monnaies" pour faire de l'Dirham marocain la devise par dfaut. Cliquez sur Dirhams Marocains ou Euros pour convertir entre cette monnaie et toutes les autres monnaies.

La situation est encore plus complique si vous cherchezĀ  convertir vos dirhams en euros. Pour toutes ces raisons, pensezĀ  avoir les dirhams dont vous avez suffisamment besoin avant de vous envoler pour le Maroc.

The state has completely removed subsidies on energy materials (gasoline, diesel and fuel oil) in late 2015. This led to a doubling of the price of a liter of diesel, which currently hovers between 15 and 16 dirhams (about 1.45 euros and 1.55 euros). Petroleum distribution companies have accumulated profits of more than 45 billion dirhams (about 4.4 billion euros) since the liberalization of energy prices until the end of 2021. The bill for these profits is paid by consumers, either directly at the pump or indirectly through general price increases.

As a reminder, the share of private creditors in the external public debt has increased from 9% in 2011 to 28% in 2021. Total public debt payments (debt service) amounted to 172 billion dirhams at the end of 2021, equivalent to 9 times the health budget.

When the euro was introduced, the fact that some coins contain nickel, which is known to be an allergen, gave rise to controversy. More generally, this raises the question of metal transfer from coins to skin. Morocco has used for decades one-dirham coins made of pure or alloyed nickel. Studying their wear, the labile metal on their surface and the transfer to fingers in handling may therefore be especially instructive. Weighing statistics for a sample of 401 coins confirm that cupronickel coins wear out more quickly than pure nickel coins and reveal that the dirham suffers a much stronger wear than other currencies for which wear statistics are available. SEM studies supplemented by ICP quantitative analyses show that the labile metal is mainly made up of chips, even after many handlings. These chips are often cupronickel, even on pure nickel coins, which shows that they are produced by the friction of coins against one another. Secondly, the surface of coins presents sweat residue with an important proportion of copper and a little nickel, which confirms that sweat dissolves surface copper. Depending on the alloy and date, coins have between 20 and 140 g of labile copper and nickel, with a content of one quarter of nickel on cupronickel coins and about one half on pure nickel coins. The most worn cupronickel coins are the coins that present the largest amount of labile metal, and even labile nickel. In our experiments, the metal transfer to fingers when a cupronickel coin is handled for the first time represents between 4 and 9% of the labile metal and 0.05% of the annual wear. A simple and reliable test of nickel contamination consists in measuring the labile nickel.

Le Maroc utilise depuis des dcennies des pices d'un dirham en nickel pur ou en cupronickel. Les rsultats de peses sur un chantillon de 401 pices confirment que le cupronickel s'use plus vite et rvlent l'importance particulire du frai du dirham. Des tudes au microscope lectroniqueĀ  balayage et des analyses quantitatives par ICP montrent que le mtal labile est principalement form de copeaux, le plus souvent en cupronickel, produits par le frottement des monnaies entre elles. Secondairement les pices prsentent des rsidus de sueur avec du cuivre dissout. La quantit de nickel labile sur une pice, entre 4,8 et 33 g, tout comme la quantit de nickel transfre aux doigts par la manipulation d'une pice, entre 1,7Ā  5,4 g, est fortement corrle au degr d'usure. On montre que la mesure du nickel labile est un test simple et fiable de la contamination par les monnaies. 2351a5e196

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