JOIN THE VHJ ONLINE GROUP on FACEBOOK - Join the network - enter the platform - help to create the change ... inform people fast and factual

Writing as a journalist is one of the things to learn. Online Journalism is fast, effective and can make people aware of issues and stories untold.

Help us to find new facts, Together we can do research and investigate global issues. Online Journalism by VHJ Online is a shared experience.

This video has a Dutch voice-over..

more about the cities ..

Rotterdam, The Hague , Amsterdam , Utrecht

by : Stijn Gabeler (Online Journalist)

Writing about your daily activities can be a wonderful thing,..

As an online journalist i wish to provide news, actual information, resources and facts, links to contacts and projects, educational tools and possibilities to get to know about things.

As a podcaster i try to connect to many people .. people who are influencers, people who are involved in a project to support and help others and make the world better, Humanistic issues or Social Projects, People with political interest or people who are willing and able to launch a project, create a product or make a production bigger and better. Focussing on real journalism this means asking questions and trying to get the answers we all need to get. Because humanity is facing many problems.

Peacekeepers and Peacemakers are always in a discussion about enforcement and law and justice.

People from different religions are always talking about the forces,spiritual well being and the possibilities people can achieve.

Being a person with the highest intensions of integrity and openess for a conversation can lead to a great online production.

Weekly i hope to provide the world a podcast, vlog or blog text and some photo's ... Hoping this can help to find solutions and solve issues but also hoping to entertain and inform people with a positive mindset to get us all facing the truth and knowing what we need to know to make the world a great place for anyone anywhere.

Hope you can get connected, .. try to join me in my journalistic goals and mission and let's try to work together to make it all happen.

Thanks for reading, listening and watching.

Greatings ...

Stijn Gabeler / GODOGOOD initiator since 1999.