Laravel includes the ability to seed your database with data using seed classes. All seed classes are stored in the database/seeders directory. By default, a DatabaseSeeder class is defined for you. From this class, you may use the call method to run other seed classes, allowing you to control the seeding order.

Some seeding operations may cause you to alter or lose data. In order to protect you from running seeding commands against your production database, you will be prompted for confirmation before the seeders are executed in the production environment. To force the seeders to run without a prompt, use the --force flag:

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Prior to using Sonarr, when I would go to manually download a new show. I would search for the episode and download the one with the most seeders as long as it met my quality standards (i.e. 720p or 1080p and not a massive file).

It would be awesome if Sonarr could have a setting to prefer popularity of a torrent over the quality. When this setting is enabled, Sonar would find the torrent with the most seeders that matches the chosen quality profile. So if you chose 720p/1080p as your desired quality and a 720p torrent was available

that had more seeders than another available 1080p torrent, the 720p option would be downloaded.

So, for example a brand new TV show may be added, with 100+ seeders downloading, but they list it as 0 seeders/leechers. Sonarr seems to have a built in restriction to not download w/ 0 seeders (makes sense normally means a dead torrent).

When sonarr is automatically downloading torrents eg for missing episodes or new shows, it always seems to get stale torrents that only have a couple seeders or eventually none at all (I understand that it has to have at least 1 to start downloading). I haven't found any sort of minimum seeder filter in the settings and I don't want to have to search manually for every episode/season I want to get. Is there any way to get sonarr to prioritize torrents by number of seeders after quality and size filters? Or any other work around to achieve this? Cheers in advance.

I would prefer to download the ISO via torrent, but in KTorrent I barely ever see a seeder (or leecher, for that matter).

If a torrent is provided I would expect at least a few of the mirrors to automatically act as initial seeders. In the long term this could easily balance the load of the mirrors.

Otherwise we have a hen-egg problem where leechers do not find seeders and thus rarely become seeders themselves.

Downburst seeders has figured it out! The precision seed rate and even spread from this unit is outstanding. Easy to handle and setup. I can't even imagine going back to a broadcast spreader for any small seed.

The Down Burst Seeder is a brilliantly designed and engineered precision seeder perfect for small food plots. It fits a niche between cheap broadcast spreaders you can buy at box stores that have essentially no seed control and large commercial / farm seeders that only farmers need. It's lightweight yet build very rugged and stout.

One-third of manzanita species are facultative seeders. These are species that regenerate post-fire by both seed and burl resprouting. The remainder are obligate seeders that lose their entire adult population in a fire and depend on a seed bank for regeneration. Obligate seeding is the current model in manzanita evolution.

To understand why, consider the climatic dynamics over thousands, or tens of thousands of years or more. In the case of the resprouting species, particular individuals can live for centuries, resprouting over and over, cloning new individuals as the burls expand with each fire cycle. But in that population, the rate of genetic change is limited, because most individuals live a long time by way of asexual reproduction. This suggests that populations may be unable to respond to rapid climatic changes that might occur in only hundreds of years. The obligate seeders, on the other hand, lose all adults in stand-replacing fires and new post-fire generations have to establish from more genetically diverse seeds. Those populations consequently have greater flexibility to shift and adjust as circumstances require; traits that might have been rare and less important in older generations can emerge through natural selection and become critical in the newer generations within the lifetime of resprouting manzanitas.

We plant between 60 to 100 acres/year of onions with planet jr(s) on a 3pt toolbar with a tractor. My question is, are the jang seeders as durable as the planet jr could they possibly standup to the wear and tear of 100ac farm? A

I would use the big hopper. Small one is for small seed like alfalfa. If all else fails, take the spinners off and calibrate it the old fashioned way. Those old IH endgate seeders work well. We still use one to sow a 40 of alfalfa every other spring, along with an antique Brillion packer.

Air seeders and planters are both designed for seeding. While either will get the job done, there are some differences in how they function and what seeds work best for each. Continue reading to learn more about the differences between John Deere air seeders and planters.

Air seeders volumetrically meter seed right below each tank. The meters turn as the fans blow air into the primary tubes. Seed is then dropped into the airflow and taken down to the tool. The seed makes its way to the tower through the primary hoses, and from the towers, is distributed to the secondary hoses. Secondary hoses carry the seed to the openers to be put into the ground.

Producers looking to make seeding more efficient and quicker will get that and more from a John Deere air seeder. Air seeders are heavy-duty and designed to eliminate tilling the soil before seeding. These pieces of equipment are built to handle the toughest terrain, while requiring low maintenance and upkeep. Using an air seeder offers reduced manual labor and easy operation.

Koenig Equipment offers John Deere air seeders and planters at 5 locations in Indiana and 4 in Ohio. Call or visit your local Koenig Equipment to learn more about the new and used air seeder and planter options available today.

Most seeds can be planted by our seeders, some are easier to plant than others for the simple reason that seeds come in different shapes and sizes! Sticky seeds will be nearly impossible to plant. Coated and uncoated seeds must be kept dry at all times for obvious reasons. Keeping these basic principles in mind, very good to excellent results can be obtained. In all cases the performances of our seeders are exceptional with regard to their price.

Seeders in RocFall are the means by which you specify the initial conditions of falling rocks. Point seeders are used when you want to specify that all rocks fall from a single starting location. For more information on point seeders, see Overview of Seeders in RocFall and Seeder Properties in RocFall. To add a line seeder, see Adding a Line Seeder in RocFall.

A point seeder series can also be added by selecting Seeder > Add Point Seeder Series. A series of point seeders can be added by defining the starting point, projection angle, and the quantity of seeders. Default properties are assigned to the generated point seeders. Once you add the series, you can edit the properties of each individual seeder in the series. For help, see Editing Seeders in RocFall. ff782bc1db

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